Branville Set to Visit Hubert Ingraham Constituents


Press Release – 10th April, 2011


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Right Honorable Prime Minister for his support and assistance over the years, particularly in support of me as the representative for Bamboo Town in 2007, as well as the Junior Minister of Tourism and Aviation and the Minister of State for Immigration. During my term, I represented the government and the Bahamian people to the best of my ability. I did those things that I believed were agreed upon by the present government. I know that I did my best. I have no regrets, and may have further comments in the future. 

However, for now, I am humbled and honored by the overwhelming show of love and support that I have received from Bahamians of all walks of life, at home and abroad, particularly those in the great constituency of Bamboo Town, since my resignation from the Free National Movement. 

In recent days, I have also been overcome with humility by the growing number of people who have come forward to express their interest in working along with me to move this, our beloved country, forward toward the future of empowerment that has been promised to us for almost 40 years.

I do want the public to know, as I noted in my address to the House of Assembly on the 23rd March 2011, that when I entered public life, I did so because I saw Bahamian families who were beginning to feel trapped and powerless in a society that appeared to be imploding all around them. I did so because I recognized a force of complacency in our youth, brought on by years of neglect and disrespect, which was draining them of all self-respect to the point that they were, and still are, failing out of society in larger numbers than ever before.  I said that I was motivated by the idea that I could possibly be one of a new generation of public servants who could offer a clear vision of meaningful change and be that difference when it came to shaping the future direction of what is, potentially, the greatest nation in the world. I want the Bahamian public to know that my intentions remain the same and I remain steadfast and committed to that purpose. 

As I also noted in the House of Assembly on that day, I remain steadfast to ensuring that our society, from Grand Bahama to Inagua, Long Island to Rum Cay, from Bain Town to my beloved constituency of Bamboo Town, will continue, on an even greater scale, to be a society free from the forces of complacency, oppression, insensitivity, bitterness, and self-doubt – a society where people will feel safe and secure both in and out of their homes; a place where people will feel like people again.   As I continue my work in this vein, I again wish to thank the many people of our great country for their encouragement.

To the people of Bamboo Town and The Bahamas, when you next hear from me publicly, I will not be alone in presenting a real vision and mission plan for our country that will speak to your desires, your dreams, and your possibilities. 

Like America, who against all odds elected its first Black President; like Trinidad, with its first female Prime Minister; and like Haiti, electing “underdog” musician Michel Martelly as President, it is my utmost belief that together, as a people united, Bahamians and The Bahamas, will join other countries around the world in redefining what is possible. 

I ask all to remain encouraged and know that I am using my time away wisely and creatively to ensure that the next government of The Bahamas will be prepared to represent them well, by putting together a plan that will once again put people first.

I close with a paraphrased version of 2 Corinthians 4:16-18:

Therefore, do not lose heart. Although, as a country, outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. These momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal greatness that will far out-weigh all the troubles we are experiencing now.  So fix your eyes not on what you see, but on what is yet to be seen.

Continue to keep me, my family, and our beloved country in your prayers.


  1. You guys never seem to learn from History; Bran will flip-flop just like all the others who attempted this third party nonsense before. It won’t work. Bran, like those who’ve tried it before him, will not get his deposit back. If, by a stroke of genius, his proposed organization is able to find forty (40)more fools to offer on that ticket, the Public Treasury will be $16,400.00 the richer.

  2. Just waiting to see the members of Bran’s team. I hope he’s bring forth some men and women of impeccable characters and not a bunch of opportunists who are just look out for their own interest. Something tells me that Gram Weatherford might be on board.

  3. I know that the people of The Bahamas is ready for change and this is the time to make that change. Branville to date has made very good moves that show a a wisdom not seen in all of the others who wished to take this country in a positive direction.I do not think its is right to say Branville will be starting his own party. He will be instrumental in bring together a force that will form the next Government of The Bahamas.
    The old boys club will no longer be and fee at last,free at last will be the the song of the people of The Bahamas.
    Come one come all join and vote for a new direction for The Bahamas.

  4. Branville you’ve made a great move and I hope that MT Moriah have the good fortune of having you as a representative. We have not had proper representation in fifteen years…Tommy Turnquest did not worth getting our thumbs dirty for. Both men proved to be lousy reps…Tommy is just lousy period…dumb/lousy -VVW ran Tourism from is DG chair…Tommy was worst than Neko…National Security – he has not a clue…ZNS – he is allowing Cable 12 to become the front runners fast…the boy is just arrogantly dumb..

  5. Although I dont think forming his own party is a good move, I wish Branville all the best in his efforts.

    Now that Cassius Staurt, who spent the last 10+ years harshly criticizing the FNM and now is about to join them. All i have to say is, do you want to get into the House of Assembly that bad that you are willing to join the man you was dissing all this time? lol! Good luck explaining that to whatever constituency Papa puts you!

    But it doesnt matter because wherever Papa put you, you will get beat, lol.

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