Breaking News


A By-Election looms in 2010. Bahamas Press can confirm Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham will force a by-election in 2010. Bahamas Press will reveal tomorrow the constituency which will be made vacant in just a few months from now. Stay Tuned for this Breaking Update…


  1. mike :new poster actually and i have decided that you and i are enemies! i will be watching you and FJ carroll closely!

    lolo lolo I am so happy that they speak of me in council and have sent you to warch me.That is so good to know how important I must be and I thank you for notifying me,All I request from you is some facts to backup your arguments.Firget your party line and bring something to the table as i know I could get a stimulating conversation in a bar but I dont drink.Give it your best shot and dont just use one liners as they bore me.

  2. thank goodness its party agianst party all dis hubert coulde beat christie and vice versa ingrahm number called he did his thing now economy will dictate this along with the crime rate they seem to take solace in the opinion the murders seem to follow a particular trend but yet still no plan

  3. new poster actually and i have decided that you and i are enemies! i will be watching you and FJ carroll closely!

  4. This would be nice as the opportunity for a show of strength is what is needed.Bring it on as the bell rings and now the nerw PLP team of CDR has the chance to show just how battle ready they are.Am going jogging to get in shape for this memorable showdown.Take the money and run Elizabeth as bribery is an offence and this time they will get locked up.
    @T Rolle
    Whats it to you concerning who the PLP candidate is?If you cant fish,cut bait then get the hell off the boat.The PLP convention elected its Leader and now we get the chance to find out just how strong we are.Kenyatta Gibson should also resign and test his strength in Kennedy.

  5. christie will cause them to lose Elizabeth.He wants to put a woman there but there is jocking by supports of Bell to let him have a try since he is a chirstie bootlicker

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