Marco Archer - 11-year-old found dead in Yorkshire Drive in Western New Providence.


Bahamas Press is now calling for an Amber Alert System to be implemented right away across the Bahamas to give immediate public notices on all missing children immediately!

We also call for a sexual offenses registry, which will notify the public on persons charged with sexual offenses, who resides in a community. We also ask for such persons to report to a police desk on a weekly basis as a condition of their release before conclusions in the courts.

Children should not be subjected to such evil clandestine pedophile mindsets. We also ask for heavy multiple doses of Saltpeter to be prepared in prison food for persons convicted of sexual offences.


BP can confirm the suspect now in custody lived in a complex near the crime scene own by his brother.

His brother is a high-ranking person in uniform at the National Security Ministry. Bahamas Press has learnt the suspect in custody was convicted for the murders of two young boys previously.

We have also learnt the suspect was released from prison in December last year.

6:30 PM UPDATE: BREAKING NEWS <<< Bahamas Press understand murderer released just last December is now a suspect in the discovery of an 11-year-old boy early this morning. Bahamas Press can confirm the victim was found in the back of an apartment complex occupied by the suspect. We have also uncovered the complex is owned by the brother of the suspect, who is a high-ranking man of uniform in the ministry of national security. BP HAS MORE STANDBY in this developing story….


5PM: UPDATE: Police Commissioner Greenslade have confirmed to reporters three persons have been taken into custody following the discovery of 11-year-old Marco Archer. The lifeless body of the child was found in the back of an apartment building on Yorkshire Drive in western New Providence. Family members feared the worst when Marco went missing over the weekend. His mother at this hour is outside the morgue at PMH.

A caravan from Cedar Crest carried the body to PMH.



Bahamas Press is right now at the scene of Yorkshire Drive in Western New Providence where the lifeless body of a young boy, believed to be that of the one missing, was found dead.

Sources tell us a man is also in custody. Young 11 year-old Marco Archer found dead in Western New Providence!! Murder #104…

Mother hold your head and cry, they have MURDERED YOUR SON IN THE STREET and left him to die!


The body of 11-year old Marco Archer carted away from the crime scene on Yorkshire Drive. The victim's body was found just behind a complex where a suspect now held by police lived. - Supplied by the Nassau Guardian


  1. my condolences goes out the family of marco archer my the lord give youll the strenght to face each day that youll have to be greaving but all i could say the answer for what happen is with the lord just be strong and may the lord keep u and strengthen u

  2. As a former resident of The Bahamas, i believe the country can learn lots from surrounding countries (canada) with their procedures for missing kids. The MOMENT a child is reported missing its an amber alert across the country. they stop tv programs, radio stations, everything!!!! I cannot believe 104 in this year and only oct! This country needs to tighten up their laws and police need to take missing children seriously, they are our future. If we dont take them seriously when they have appeared to go missing, we wont have a future. i hope the police put this man infront of hundreds of angry bahamians, including Marco’s family and let the public decide what is best for a repeated convicted murder of children! just sickening! Stay strong Bahamas, you will make it thru this!

  3. What amazes me about this scenerio is that when persons are suspects there photos are published. Why hasn’t this sick azz mudda pucker or sick azz mudda puckers face or faces have not been published is it because he is a brother of an Inspector or family member of some supposed to be respected invidual?

    Bahamas let us watch and see if this sick dog is going to be hung or brought before a firing squad, he is beyond conseling and only death can cure his illness..

    The bible that me and other have read indicated that we must abide by the rules of the land.

    Bringing his sick creature of his kind would only lead into the lost of more of our future of tomorrow, I am still wondering how is it he was given such short time in prison after the rape and slaying of two other children….

    This Country is beyond comming back to what it use to be. We have more blood on our hand than Christ shed for us.

  4. My heart goes out to the family of Marco Archer. Their are ALLOT of DEMONS lurking around this BAHAMA LAND and we need to pray for the protection for our LOVE ones and this country of ours. It was hard for me to wrap my mind on what had occur. I had heard the disappearance of Marco on Saturday or Sunday news after being last seen on Friday. I said to myself why wasn’t this publicize as it should of been during this segment it only lasted for 2-3 minutes. Why was this not made BREAKING NEWS in the beginning? In the words of Baby Face & Steve Wonder “How Come and How Long”

  5. My heart goes out to the family of Marco Archer. Their are ALLOT of DEMONS lurking around this BAHAMA LAND and we need to pray for the protection for our LOVE ones and this country of ours. It was hard for me to wrap my mind on what had occur. I had heard the disappearance of Marco on Saturday or Sunday news after being last seen on Friday. I said to myself why wasn’t this publicize as it should of been during this segment it only lasted for 2-3 minutes. Why was this not made BREAKING NEWS in the beginning? In the words of Baby Face & Steve Wonder “How Come and How Long”

  6. My heart goes out to the families of the late Marco Archer. i have two boys and to think there’s a pervert out in our community just waiting for an opportunity to snatch our kids….you shall reap what you sow bastard…

  7. Did anyone read today’s tribune? Prominent leaders have indicted that a sex offender registry, will allienate persons and that it will be like adding a life sentence on to the years already served. I find it really amazing that our leaders seem more concern about the rights of sadistic criminals than protecting our young innocent children. I don’t understand WHAT this country has come too!!!!

  8. Dear Marco Archer’s Mom,
    From across the waters,the state of Georgia, one mother to another. My heart and my prayers are with you and the family. Even death cannot separate us from the love we have for our children. Your precious, precious baby boy is free. Don’t let his death be in vain. Mobilize Bahamian people, the government works for you and to that end they must be squeezed and pushed to change the archaic law that takes ALLOWS an animal to walk the streets after committing such a heinous act only to do it again…5 YEARS for 2 LIVES!!! What a slap in the face of the previous victims. Get rid of the judges that signed the order to release that PIG!!! It’s time for a change and now seems as good a time as any.

  9. I am absolutely saddened by this tragedy!!!! The people of the Bahamas must come together to fight for the children, our children!!!! It takes a village to raise a child. We can’t be afraid to report things, to educate our children about people, even family. Trust no one and keep no secrets. I am a mom of two boys and two girls. I dont care how crude and rude I need to be to educate my children, I will. We can comment as much as we want, but everyone here blogging should stand up, find a way to change the laws. YOu can, you have rights and united we stand, divided we fall. I do not live in the Bahamas, it is my home and I frequent it, but I am willing to fight and stand with you. Marco’s death should not be in vain. Let’s figure out how we can fight and talk less. Marco and all the other little angels taken cruely deserve this. My heart is broken today for this angel. Lets fight!!!!

  10. I think they start a Macro alert not an amber alert, to show the respect to the family of that young boy amber was never missing in the Bahamas but Macro was do a Macro Alert.

    • Yes I agree, but why should the police dept go unpunnish, that young boy could have been alive today, why should the big brass come out to take photo’s after the boy is found dead, if that was their child where do you think they would be after day 1 , after dark?????? POOR

  11. dear god plz help our country, where there’s no vision the people will perish. my heart are with the family. i don’t know if i could stand this happening to my son if it was my son god forbid i will be before the court for this sick scum. just think about the rest of sick dogs out there just waiting to strike. just put me and him in a cell for 15mins that’s all i need…….

  12. I cry shame on our government,past and present because they really dont seem to care about our children and grand children who no doubt has to walk the streets to go to school or wherever it is that they need to go,who is protecting the rights of these young children?It is a disgrace how we treat child molestation in this country,nothing really happens and if something does happen,criminals are out of prison in a short ,very short time.this child has been molested and then murdered now what?fnm’s,plp;s,dna,s and whoever else get up and take a stand for these children enough is enough,this family is in pain,this entire nation is hurting for this family.We need some serious people to find justice for this grieving family especially the mother,my heart is with you mom always,may you find peace in the midst of this storm.This judicial system also needs a serious wake up call because they are failing the bahamian people terribly.

  13. Nassau is now a NASTYSORE how u could have a hard on fa a child… 2 dead other kids dead and this scum still out.. sending him back to jail ain’t ga change nothing… this have to stop man.. lets hang him please

  14. Mark my words, this country gonna pay a serious phukin price for this young boys death. His blood is on the hands of the government and the court system that allowed his murderer to be released after serving only five (5) gadddammmm years for murdering 2 other boys to continue maiming and slaughtering innocent children.

    When the Lord finish dealing with this blood-thirsty evil country we would not have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out.

    Because of the slackness of the Prime Minister, the Minister of National Security and the Head of the Judiciary for allowing the butchering of Bahamians, every gaddammmm one of us gonnna eat sand-sandwich and drink sea-water soda.

    Our days of suffering soon come. Since we acting like animals and can’t deal with our own affairs we gonna end up eating each other like hog in pit. This country is cursed from head to toe.

    • When Mr. Farrington walked into the Police Station in Grand Bahama and admitted to killing the five (5) missing boys, the police drove him away and dismissed him as a lunatic…… Mr. Farrington was found guilty of these murders and is still being housed in prison supported by our hard earned money, even after admitting to murdering the boys. Why? We have a law against gambling, why are there so many gambling houses in the Bahamas? You would not be surprised who are supporting these gambling houses! I started collecting signatures for a petition to have laws amended to have sexual offenders of all descriptions registered after being convicted of these crimes. One young lady promised me that she would ask her boss who is a lawyer to assist me in this venture; when I presented the petition, she said he was a Constitutional Attorney and could not assist me….. Let’s get this petition going again to have these sexual offenders register and exposed, even these bishops, preasts and pastors! Let’s save The Bahamas from being extinct, as a result of the murder of our young! I can’t tell the differences of the men from the women these days…. Let’s report all sexual abuse (men and women) and let’s get busses to buss our children to and from school, “SAVE OUR YOUTH” and KILL the SEX OFFENDERS!!. LET’S ELECT A GOVERNMENT THAT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE….NOW!!!!

  15. I am in full agreement. We do need a registry of sex offenders as well as a proper notification system. Additionally we need to agitate for stricter penalties for sexual offenders particularly when the victims are children and senior citizens. Let’s not politicize it, but we need to take a stand and petition for tangible changes. BP please can I trust you to initiate a petition, after which we need to present this to the govt to agitate for change for a better country for our children, our nephews, our nieces, our little cousins, our godchildren, our friend’s children. Let the masses speak!

  16. On the brink of tears, as i read this tragic story. It saddens my heart to know, that these predators are allowed to roam free in our midst; while we remain in the dark as to their presence. May God have mercy on our souls.

  17. My heart and prayers goes out to the family of lil archer. I asked that God provide you with strength And send his comforting spirit to provide you With comforting spirit and word that he will never leave you nor forsake you that he asures you at some point that he took lil archers soul And mind to be with him before any pain or suffering was inflicted
    d. I have 3beautiful kids that I stood over And plead the blood OVer My kids And thanked Him For Full filling His Promise Of protection and putting His hedge around us each day I cAnnot Tell you I understand what You Are Going through I can Only Imagine and It is something that I cannot Fathom! The cries I Heard Of Pleading and then Sorrow Was A reminder Of The Cries of The 5 boys in grand bahama a Few years Ago The bible States That becAuse Judgment is not executed speedily the crime goes unpunished God is a GOD of Mercy And love he himself Slaughtered Sodom and Gomorah He Himself Pass Judgment On. Those that did not obey the law when the pharisees came to trick Jesus about the law. He. Replied give onto. Caesar WhaT Is Caesar and Unto God what iS God! This. Is. For human rights Activist to the Prime Minister And All Those persons that don’t believe In Death penalty hanging Or The chair The Criminals are like kids that does wrong But The punishment is A break in the corner so they Continue Mr prime minister you As our Leader Have The Role of our fAther,the role of A Shepherd To A FlocK! Implement The Laws To Protect our Kids To Protect our LaW abiding Citizens Something Has to be Done And it Begins with you! Again my condolences to the family I am so sorry thAt you Are going through this great lost. Rest in peace lil archer rest in peace


  19. I’m a mother of two kids and I grieve with the family at this time. Only who feels it know it, but I know one thing this epidemic is not going to stop until these people mess with the wrong family and individuals take matters into there own hands. If the PM cannot take control I recommend that they clean house from the head in the high chair to the feet of these low lives. Something needs to be done. A pastor one time cried that he had a vision and saw a birds eye view of the blood running from one end of The Bahamas to the next end. Stop turning a blind eye to this reality, both parents and the government can assist in taking our country back from these cold hearted killer. STOP CLOAKING YOUR KIDS IN IDELINESS AND THE GOVERNMENT NEED TO STICK TO THE SCRIPT AND ENFORCE WHAT IS IN THE BOOKS!!!! DEAD BEAT GOVERNMENT HANG THESE COLD HEARTED KILLERS EVEN IF IT’S YOUR BROTHER…CAUSE HAD IT BEEN ONE OF MY DAUGHTERS…. YOUR FOUR WALL CELL AT HMP WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO HOLD ME….


  20. This government is unequipped, theirs nothing further to say. Without the leadership of this country being hooked in to God, things like this will continue to happen. To hear something like this sickened me. You can see the innocence in Marco’s face when you look at his picture, can you imagine what his family is going through right now. We can blame the government and the decisions they make all we want, but until the remnant that is seeking God to make a touch down in this Bahamas gets on our face and truly cry out to God we will not see change. We have to understand that this is a spirit we have allowed to enter this country, we can’t fight this thing carnally. Only the word of God could tear down the strong holds of these spirits that we allowed to subtly take root in our land. To the family of Marco, know that he is in a better place.

  21. This government is unequipped, theirs nothing further to say. Without the leadership of this country being hooked in to God, things like this will continue to happen. To hear something like this sickened me. You can see the innocence in Marco’s face when you look at his picture, can you imagine what his family is going through right now. We can blame the government and the decisions they make all we want, but until the remnant that is seeking God to make a touch down in this Bahamas gets on our face and truly cry out to God we will not see change. We have to understand that this is a spirit we have allowed to enter this country, we can’t fight this thing carnally. Only the word of God could tear down the strong holds of these spirits that we allowed to subtly take root in our land. To the family of Marco, know that he is in a better place.

  22. This is so sad. Bahamians please remember that we control the government; we choose the leaders we think is best to represent us and make decisions based on our needs. Today this is not happening; the voices of Bahamians are not being heard, they have forgotten us; they are focusing mainly on roads, sharks, dogs and the Chinese. Bahamians please connect the dots before the general election. My question to you is WHAT WILL YOU DO? The ball is on our court; we can break this country more or mend the cracks before your child becomes the next victim. (DO BAHAMIANS EAT SHARKs AND DOGS AND WHO WILL USES THESE ROADS IF THE MURDER RATE KEEP RISING…PUT YOU’LL THINKING CAPS ON BAHAMIANS) R.I.P little Marco justice will be served.

  23. How is it possible that a fellow convicted of murdering 2 boys previously was released from prison? Did he serve out his full sentence? Media, do not hold back on us, please….

  24. I am so upset with this government, they could put legislation in place to protect sharks, dogs and everything else and pass it quickly in the house, but they can’t do nothing to protect these children. That’s just wicked man! You could tell me, why are they putting these slimy bastards back on the street to prey on these little children and nobody knows who and where they are? What do they expect to happen? They playing games and they need to carry their azzes, because it is obvious they are not serious . Another thing, these people who did this could be connected to the Queen of England, I don’t care who they people are, they need to get a hammer and hit them one b*tch blow on their penises, then get a dull saw and take their time cutting their balls off and then shove it down their throats and whip their azzes with the cat o nine tail until they almost bleed to death and then throw gasoline on them and set their azzes a fire. Let them die a very painful death so they could experience just how it feels, just like how they killed that woman’s child. Trust me, that would send a strong message to the rest of them who is thinking about doing the same thing. I am just sick and tired of these people doing shid and getting a slap on the wrist.

  25. This story is sad, disturbing and painful! It is sad that a family have lost a child. It is disturbing to know that children can no longer play or walk on our streets safely; and it is painful to know that nothing was done to prevent such act from happening. We must learn from this and seek to protect the children.

  26. Could yall people plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz put these people on roson square and linge them in public the kids r afraid to go to school now,wat r we going to do now? y man y they had to kill dat boy?yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  27. Evil is among us! When are we going to change the laws that protect the criminals in this country? It should not take crimes such as these to bring us to the point of realization. Another mother has to mourn her child. Another senseless murder. What have we come to as a nation?

  28. Evil is among us! When are we going to change the laws that protect the criminals in this country? It should not take crimes such as these to bring us to the point of realization. Another mother has to mourn her child. Another senseless murder. What have we come to as a nation?

  29. Evil is among us! When are we going to change the laws that protect the criminals in this country? It should not take crimes such as these to bring us to the point of realization. Another mother has to mourn her child. Another senseless murder. What have we come to as a nation?

  30. Will the Privy Council think that this is the “worst of the worst”?
    What a terrible tragedy. A cruel and evil act.
    Let’s be sure to let the family know we stand with them in their unimaginable grief. When the little fella’s body is buried we should all line the streets.


  32. R I P boy,Heaven needed you more,and to these scum bastards with their weird ways and the people who think it’s cool to have friends with odd sexual behaviors hell has a special section for you!

    • i agree with u 100% its these same sissy motherF****** dat they givin laws to protect is be the same ones who is be capable of doin these type in peace lil man

  33. This is so sick. What did this child ever do to deserve death?! Good, swift police work though. Then we will see the killers out on “bail.” Disgusting. The cycle continues.

    • You know I had some tears in my eyes, reading this and seeing the pic of his body being taken away, and then I began to laugh. This whole thing ain’t nothing to laugh about, but I did so when I saw my comment. I said the killer will just be out on bail again, and now BP says….the suspect was out for murdering 2 other kids!!!!!! But it was those sad laughs like when Abraham Lincoln said, I laugh so I must not cry.
      I mean when the people in charge of our land gonna get serious man?! This ish has to stop right NOW! Stop the bail and start the hanging! The country is in reverse. We starting the bail and stopping any type of capital punishment! Where that fathead 
      toad?! You need to address us not October 1st, 2nd, or 3rd but right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you going to do about our out of control crime?!

  34. BP I want to send my condolences to the family. One can only imagine what the family is going through.On another note I am hearing that a young child was knocked down on Cowpen Road at this hour not sure if the child died. Can you follow this up.

  35. i have already told my wife if they touch one of my kids i am going going to jail!!! i am not a violent person but someone will pay!!! this is what it has come to. And to all you bleeding hearts who oppose the death penalty remember God slew thousands in the name of the righteous,Bahamas wake up the Demons are every where now!!!!

  36. This is horrible! You can’t even ask a motive because this child is just A CHILD. Who could be so cruel? God help us is correct.

  37. this country has gone straight to hell!!! i don’t even know what to say. an eleven year old??? my sympathies to the family. God help us all!!

  38. how sickening is this dread… codolences to the family of this young boy in a time like this i really don’t think i could of recieve and explanation for something like this….but you cannot question the lord only good roses he removes from his garden first and he is one of them R.I.P Marco!!!!

  39. It is honestly and truthfully a disgrace to see what this town is evolving into. Lock up your kids and stay home….. is this the mantra that we all should live by now? Condolences to his mother & family I just hope he did not suffer. Man WE gatta do better.

  40. Arrest the whole dam family, that is, the mudda and them sisters and find out what the hell happen. This is a national disgrace. The Commissioner needs to solve this crime by Friday.

    Arrest who the hell live in that house and beat them till they start talking straight. NO MERCY TIME. Interrogate them ppl in Yorkshire, someone see something. WHO IS THIS MAN THAT THEY SUPPOSE TO HAVE IN CUSTODY.


  41. Thats Terrible, People we Need to go back to the days And Hang these Good For nothing suckers. This Bahamaland Is becoming Worst ! Our Country need prayer .. My condolences Goes Out To his Familyy !
    May His Soul Rest In Peace

  42. This is horrible! I hope the person responsible for his death rots in hell! If only we were enforcing capital punishment! Crime is out of control on this small island. Shame on the Government and the judicial system.

  43. A letter to Little Marco’s Mom and Family. My heart aches for your son, brother and nephew. I can’t imagaine anything has horrible as loosing a little one the way that you have lost Marco. I feel a dull pain all over my body, I stand shaking my head from side to side. I too held my head as my heart cried out for Marco. I don’t have the answers, but there is a God who I am sure is holding your little one now. It must be difficult to accept this but I pary that even at this most difficult time that he holds you and gives you his peace that passes all understanding. May God’s love surround you and your family as you go through this very hard time. Do not ever forget his sweet smile, the sound of his voice, his laughter but in time let go of of the pain and anger that you are feeling so that God can bring about a deep healing in your lives. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.
    To the Police give Little Marco the Justice he deserves. To the Prime Minister and the Polticians. If this crime is not the “Worst of the Worst” then I do not know what is. You must do what it takes to change things in this country. We as a country is calling for Captial Punishment. The Hell with the Previry Council and Human Rights Activist. Is it right for persons responsible for such crimes live off the fat of the land, live off of my hard earned tax payers’ money while innocent lives like little Marco’s are lost. How much more do you want we as a people to sallow. WE can’t for much longer. Justice Must be done for Little Marco and others like him. The blood of the innoence is crying out Oh God. You must intervene on your people’s behalf.

  44. I am very disturbed on the finding of 11 yr. old Marco Archer on hearing the news I myself felt as if I was going through labour pain again I feel for the mother and family of this young man who has not begun to live how can someone hurt an innocent child when the bible itself teaches us to “Suffer The Little Children To Come Us Him And Forbid Them Not For Such Is The Kingdom Of God”.

    We are getting like other Countries where lives don’t have any meaning.

    Public hanging needs to be put in place for acts and such, and this talking shit about inhumane when these acts are done, so when a law can be passed in Parliamentary about public hanging the Christian Council and those persons who run on with shit about inhuamane act themselves should be put before a firing squard.

  45. Oh my goodness I am so sad to read this news. My heart goes out to his family. I can not even imagine what they must be going through. Really what has become of this island. What is going on in peoples minds today and how do we put a stop to it I wonder. It is so very disturbing and scary and sad. God bless little Marco archer…what a precious little boy.

  46. This country needs GOD and needed HIM for awhile now. We are now seeing all kinds of evil walking our islands now, and all we sames to be doing is adapting to new and dark time. R.I.P little one it’s over now and may GOD keep your soul.

    Matthew 22:36-40

  47. Oh my goodness I am so sad to read this news. My heart goes out to his family. I can not even imagine what they must be going through. Really what has become of this island. What is going on in peoples minds today and how do we put a stop to it I wonder. It is so very disturbing and scary and sad.

  48. Lord help us!

    People,let us continue to lift up the nation in prayer.
    and in doing so, lets remember the family and friends of little Marco.

    It’s sad, but it ain hopeless.
    we could turn this around, I know we can!

    May his soul rest in eternal peace.

  49. This country needs GOD and needed HIM for awhile now, we are seeing all kinds of evil walking our land now and all we sames to be doing is adapting. May GOD keep his soul R.I.P little one it’s over now.

    Matthew 22:36-40

  50. This Nassau, has gone to the dogs, what is our streets coming to ? Innocent victims being put down like dogs , and the criminal are the ones that are being looked upon as victims, and receiving all the preferential treatment….lord please let your kingdom come..because humans government are incapable of making a difference ,!My heart goes out to the family of this innocent young boy…may you have comfort from the almighty!

  51. This Nassau, has gone to the dogs, what is our streets coming to ? Innocent victims being put down like dogs , and the criminal are the ones that are being looked upon as victims, and receiving all the preferential treatment….lord please let your kingdom come..because humans government are incapable of making a difference ,!My heart goes out to the family of this innocent young boy…may you have comfort from the almighty!

  52. This Nassau, has gone to the dogs, what is our streets coming to ? Innocent victims being put down like dogs , and the criminal are the ones that are being looked upon as victims, and receiving all the preferential treatment….lord please let your kingdom come..because humans government are incapable of making a difference ,!My heart goes out to the family of this innocent young boy…may you have comfort from the almighty!

  53. This Nassau, has gone to the dogs, what is our streets coming to ? Innocent victims being put down like dogs , and the criminal are the ones that are being looked upon as victims, and receiving all the preferential treatment….lord please let your kingdom come..because humans government are incapable of making a difference ,!My heart goes out to the family of this innocent young boy…may you have comfort from the almighty!

  54. This Nassau, has gone to the dogs, what is our streets coming to ? Innocent victims being put down like dogs , and the criminal are the ones that are being looked upon as victims, and receiving all the preferential treatment….lord please let your kingdom come..because humans government are incapable of making a difference ,!

  55. My GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. What could this lil fella have possibly done to deserve this ? We are in SERIOUS trouble as a country !

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