Bradley Roberts to announce his intentions on Parliament Street today!


8922_101887106496740_100000263529192_45489_7403357_n<<< Bradley Roberts, former Chairman of the PLP.

Nassau Bahamas — Is he coming back? Well, late tonight Bahamas Press received confirmation that former Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party, Bradley Roberts, will file papers on Nomination Day at the PLP convention. Roberts we now know will nominate for the post of Chairman of the PLP.

BP asked Mr. Roberts via facebook late Saturday night about his intentions. Roberts responded to our question and said, BP should turn to the radio talkshow Parliament Street at 4PM this Sunday and listen to what he has to say.

Bahamas Press confirmed some months back that Roberts will throw his hat into the race for the Chairmanship post at the upcoming Convention now only three days away. To us this is very good news.

Why? Well since 2008 BP has exposed the CORRUPT Tactics now being deployed by WICKED FORCES IN THE PARTY, particularly by its current Chairlady, Glenys Hanna-Martin. We believe her leadership has become the most ‘VICKED’ we’ve seen in the 56 year history of the PLP!

Her BLATANT corrupt methods of voter intimidation against PLPs in the Party will be her sole record; which has left the PLP weak, disjointed, without unity and soft on the FNM! When the people FIRE her this week, BP will hold no sympathy for the woman who has allowed a fellow MP to BREAK UP HER MARRIAGE! [FREE BP ANNIVERSARY PHONE CARD PIN: 7859 7365 5571]

WHY IN THE HELL IS OBIE ‘SNITCH’ WILCHCOME SOO DAMN ‘VICKED’!?glenys-hanna-martin-engleston.jpg

All over the Bahamas she and her Convention Chairman lap lover has decided to trick family island Stalwarts and Delegates, telling them they cannot VOTE in the upcoming convention. Why would this couple trick or treat scores of seniors in their own Party in this way? THIS BLOWS OUR MIND!

Amazingly, the Chair has not met with some family islands in years and now that these same persons will be ready to VOTE HER OUT, Hanna-Martin has informed many of them that they cannot vote. Some island she has refused to fly into and conduct elections. AND she has refused to call for the removal of the Convention Chair, the same man on her divorce petition!

Bahamas Press also has information, which suggests a senior PLP has walked into several printing companies here in Nassau requesting the printing of PLP election ballots. WHAT KIND OF FRAUD COULD BE UNDERWAY THIS THURSDAY? We could only guess!

However, despite all this, Bahamas Press would welcome a strong voice such as Bradley Roberts into the PLP Chairmanship race. We wish him well and Bahamas Press will BACK HIS NOMINATION!


  1. I don’t know if the allegation that was made against Bradley in the past were true. Sometimes, when I am working out on Goodman’s Bay in the morning, I have had several opportunities to actually speak with him and he seems as a very nice and down to earth person. I hope he is elected as the new chairman of the PLP.

  2. @naomi

    Re-read my post I didnt say they didn’t have bad politicians I said there is more accountabilty and transpareny if a politician is caught doing illegal deeds he or she will go to jail…does that happen here a politician caught cheating on his wife will be exposed…if a politician is gay he is exposed …but not here not in this town…not in this so called christian nation…we cover up all our dirt now the country is spiralling out of control the chickens have come home to roost

  3. @Big P
    You might be right but don’t fool yourself into believing that first world nations are transparent or accountable, most of them at least the politicians are all the same. It is only when they get caught do they confess!!

  4. @Russell Johnson

    Typical of the small minded Bahmaian who doesnt want his gravy train stopped the sad story behind Bradley Roberts coming back is he never created a leadship succession and groomed someone to follow him wo could raise the same hell fire. The guys are megelomaniacs they have to be in the spot light and to hell with the rest of the bright young minds who are so jaded about this country they dont even care who wins and who loses as they don’t believe that anything will ever change. Copying first world nations who are transparent in what they do is not a bad thing, they are accountable for their action because no stone is left unturned…unlike over here where we have men who are married and are sleeping with men and there wife knows and turns a blind eye because she gets the credit cards and monies to shop till she drops…..welcome to a nation of a lot of hypocrites who don’t like being compared to other first world nations because we don’t want transparency and accountability from elected officials…sic

  5. Change does not necessarily mean that older and matured persons should be put to pasture.It simply indicates that business as usual is a thing of the past.Unfortunately for us in the Bahamas we love to copy other countries methods but want things given to us on a silver platter.Young persons should study,work hard and then they should see success.Remember that change does not mean throwing out the baby with the dirty water.

  6. These men do not want change becasue, even with all their millions, they are still afraid of being marginalised, and not invited to partys anymore. Al Jarret must be out of his mind supporting Roberts for Chairman. This is not 2002, and nobody scared of Roberts, other than victims of his lust…..

  7. I don’t have a problem with BP being up in these MPs personal life, once it is the truth and not fiction. That’s what they signed up for, when they decided to run for public office and they need to be good role models by setting fine examples.

  8. I am not surprised that many who support the FNM are not making their views known lolo.Even little children know that when big bad Brad speaks the bullys run for cover.Thank you Paul Moss for causing all of this avtivity inside the PLP.You are a breath of fresh air.I heard HAI and Tommy R were riding together in the western area listening to the show and trembling lolo.

  9. @JR
    You mean you looking out for BP now! Remember that the defense to libel is truth or justification. BP would just have to prove that there is/was a relationship.

  10. LOL BP. I’m simply saying that whether Obie is in that woman’s business or not as far as the petition is concerned, BP wrote about it as if that was a fact or conclusion when the matter is ongoing. The intent is what makes a statement libelous and BP certainly crossed the line far enough that they could get a judge to hear the case. Remember, Mona Vie Liang didn’t need as much as BP gave Glenis. If I were you BP, I would delete this post immediately and then hide under the desk praying that Glenis ain’t smart enough to save the pages and the comments. What we are saying here could come back to bite BP because she can argue that proof of her character being impugned is in the fact that we discuss it as if it were in fact true or proven to be so. Lawyer up BP and cross those fingers. I doubt the political threat will matter at this point, especially if Glenis loses the chairmanship. She has nothing to lose and thats not a good thing for you.

  11. Bradley has obviously come back at the behest of Christie in an attempt to stop BJ. They do not want change, or anything that will threaten their gravy. Roberts and Christie have nothing new to say, and will carry on as business as usual. We will reject the status quo, and both the FNM and PLP will get the shock of their lives!

  12. @naomi

    I must have missed that portion to which you reference. Please expand or paraphrase his remarks in that regard.

    This is certainly heating up.

    The prayer breakfast this morning was NO JOKE.

  13. Altec :
    BR is on Island FM right now dropping it like its hot. PC and Bradly is unbeatable.
    Glenys, please step aside.

    Even though I am throwing my support behind BJ at convention, I will support whoever wins between BJ and PC. I still believe that BJ should have waited just a little while longer seeing that Paul was already contesting PC because that will force PC to perform over the next year or be voted out!!! I know that Paul does not have a chance…. Please step down Glenys to avoid shame!! Be wise like Rigby!!

    But I don’t get mixed up in people’ s personal affairs… BP really pushing it….There was absolutely NO need for the personal attacks… What does that have to do with Gleny’s job as a chairlady???

  14. Boy Bradley must have eaten plenrty wasp bcos he is very contentious and am sure that HAI will campaign against him being Chairman.HAI Bradley coming so duck lolo lolo.Metal meet metal when Bradley and HAI meet.PLPs are sharpening their knives and the depot will shudder in his boots.

  15. Bradley Roberts: “Perry Christie will be reelected as leader by a wide majority…”

    Bradley Roberts chewing this woman right up. lone jokes! My stomach hurting where i laughing so much!

  16. The female co-host of this show on Island FM obviously has issues with Bradly Roberts running. She obviously came to this show with an agenda but she messing with the wrong man.

    i predict Bradly will blow her out before this show is over. lol.

  17. Boy it’s a good thing I was n church today. Someone needs to be praying in the midst of this website. That’s really deep with those marriage rumors. BP, you cutting people deep – with a dull knife.

  18. BR is on Island FM right now dropping it like its hot. PC and Bradly is unbeatable.

    Glenys, please step aside.

  19. If Obie name is in the divorce petition, BP didn’t lie. If I was Hanna-Martin I would let sleeping dogs lie. As Chairwoman she has a busy week ahead. If she was smart, she’d let this be. Focus on her political career or lack thereof, she faces some stiff competition in Englerston next election.

  20. Bahamasyouth :
    Freedom of Speech!!!! This is EXACTLY the same reason why I align myself with the FNM. The PLP is filled with LIARS and CROOKS. Its a serious SERIOUS thing for HUBERT ALEXANDER INGRAHAM to run a CAMPAIGN on ‘TRUST’ and to win it… THATS A SERIOUS THING!….. All my life The PLP used to be categorized as THE PEOPLE’s PARTY…. People like Obie, Glenys, PERRY, un-Pleaseant, Shame Gibson and others are DESTROYING THE PLP.

    Freedom of speech does not give one the right to libel and slander people. BP did cross the line because in making his statement about the marriage of Glenys Hanna-Martin, he is making an allegation that has not been tested in court and goes to impugning her character. BP, you put your foot right in your big fat mouth on this one because win, lose or draw, one thing is for certain, the woman you called giant killer is coming for you. Now can you imagine what is going to happen if she finds enough of the other people you have slandered in the past and got them on board to go after you? You think Michael Barnett is going to get in her way? Nope. Enjoy this time BP, these may be the last days of this blog and when it blows up, it won’t have anything to do with freedom of speech.

    Everyone knows I am no supporter of Mrs. Hanna Martin but Objective and Altec, her marital issues, if there are any, has nothing to do with our opinion of her job as chairman. BP crossed that line one time too many and despite all the hard mouth, BP is shaking in his boots like a little coward. BP, I hope the Travolta case is making you comfortable with court because knowing GLenis, you will be spending some time in there and you won’t be able to hide behind fake names. I told you the PLP has a lot of people who talk and the same way they talking to you about other people, they are talking about you. Your secret is out and soon, you will be too.

  21. @Examiner

    Altec and Jr are OBVIOUSLY STRONG PLP’s. I feel no one should be a “die hard PLP” or a “die hard FNM”…. TO ME thats stupid! We are all BAHAMIANS, PLP do bad ans so does the FNM. Mr. Ingraham might be a drunkard, he might be a wicked man BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY… HE IS KEEPING his ADMINISTRATION TOGETHER. You cant say the same with Perry Christie… BECAUSE HE IS W-E-A-K!

    The PLP TASK is to try to understand and correct the reasons why they lost the ELECTIONS. POINT BLANK. But people who are so DIE-HARD PLP’s dont want to See their FLAWS. They Think they are FLAWLESS, Well let them continue to think that because at THE END OF THE DAY. FNM will be in power.

    ARROGANCE Will hurt the PLP!

  22. As a woman who just recently got married, I would feel bad if these rumors about Glennis are not the truth, because I wouldn‘t want anyone making up such lies on me. If there is no evidence to back up what is being said, then an apology should be in order. It is very vicious to spread malicious rumors and scandalize a person good name and reputation. If Glennis cheated on her husband with Obie and they are now going through a divorce, then I agreed she should be ashamed. What I find interesting in our society it is okay for men to cheat on their wives or be accused of raping someone and still be able to hold their heads up and have a successful political career, but when a woman does the same, it’s a problem. That is just ridiculous,nobody suppose to be cheating. They need to make a law against cheating, because it is damaging families. Right now, I am looking at all these candidates who are running for these top positions and it is hard to make a decision, because all of these dirty laundries are now coming out. Politics is a very dirty game and there is no end to the limits these people would go to backstab and damage each other’s reputation. They don’t make it easy for the voters to make a decision.

  23. @Examiner
    not obie.
    and i can do whatever the hell i please (as long as I am not libellous).
    and you may also continue with your anal sycophantism (as long as you are not libellous).
    BP, on the other hand, has most likely broken the law.

  24. shine :As someone who knows the truth, boy BP you in trouble. Remember our libel laws are very stringent and you have certainly breached the truth or received inaccurate information that you have sought to subsequently disseminate. Therefore, you will probably be buying Mrs Hanna Martin new car. Enjoy.
    Regardless of your views of her as a politician, your personal attacks are well below the belt. If this were a man, would you have the same slant?
    You have revealed yourself in this tirade to be a low and nasty dog.

    Shine, I take it that you support Glenys and is new to this site. You cannot call the moderator names. Go back to your shell or in the hay Obie.

  25. shine :
    As someone who knows the truth, boy BP you in trouble. Remember our libel laws are very stringent and you have certainly breached the truth or received inaccurate information that you have sought to subsequently disseminate. Therefore, you will probably be buying Mrs Hanna Martin new car. Enjoy.
    Regardless of your views of her as a politician, your personal attacks are well below the belt. If this were a man, would you have the same slant?
    You have revealed yourself in this tirade to be a low and nasty dog.

    Since Shine you since you know so much about defamation laws in the country, you would also know that the defense to libel is TRUTH!

    And you know what they say about Truth ech SHINE; it will set you FREE! Perhaps she wants a car, but if she proceed with what she claims, BP could be moving behind the gates of Lyford Cay!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  26. Freedom of Speech!!!! This is EXACTLY the same reason why I align myself with the FNM. The PLP is filled with LIARS and CROOKS. Its a serious SERIOUS thing for HUBERT ALEXANDER INGRAHAM to run a CAMPAIGN on ‘TRUST’ and to win it… THATS A SERIOUS THING!….. All my life The PLP used to be categorized as THE PEOPLE’s PARTY…. People like Obie, Glenys, PERRY, un-Pleaseant, Shame Gibson and others are DESTROYING THE PLP.

  27. As someone who knows the truth, boy BP you in trouble. Remember our libel laws are very stringent and you have certainly breached the truth or received inaccurate information that you have sought to subsequently disseminate. Therefore, you will probably be buying Mrs Hanna Martin new car. Enjoy.

    Regardless of your views of her as a politician, your personal attacks are well below the belt. If this were a man, would you have the same slant?

    You have revealed yourself in this tirade to be a low and nasty dog.

  28. Well BP, She is calling the Police, I call on all the delegates to vote her out. I am ashamed to be related to her. She is bringing shame on the great Hanna name, she is bringing disgrace to the great Pompey Bay Settlement. You have no Shame Glenys, In the Name of God, Please Go.

  29. Russell Johnson :
    These are some very serious allegations against the Chairman who all of you on this site know that I support.Unless there is a papertrail BP you should apologise and withdraw.Rumours abouit infidelity are just that.I have been accused on a few occasions of having affairs bcos I might have been friendly with members of the opposite sex and I was quite successful by admitting to them even though that was not the case.The accusers then backed off as they knew they were wrong.In a mans world women will have many male friends so to insinuate that the Chairman is having an affair with her male colleague who she attended QC without proof must be withdrawn.

    You haven’t heard me in my earlier post ech Russell? Let her bring her YOU KNOW WHAT on this site again and watch the paper trail hit the GLOBE. Don’t fool with us ya know, when you hear what we say, take it to Royal Bank on Bay Street!

    We warned her some weeks ago to STOP HER MESS! We forewarned her and anyone who reads BP knows, we don’t withdraw comments. So call the COP, Call the CJ too! Bring the AGO and when ya do all the BRING MUGABE AS WELL! We will advise here where to deliver her legal writs the minute she tells us who her lawyer are.

    When Bahamas Press told the public that Carl Bethel son raped a 13 year old girl at the once prestigious QUEEN’s College some said we ran off the cliff, but we don’t play and she knows it.

  30. Glenys Hanna Martin :
    This is to inform that you have maliciously libelled me on this site and I shall be instructing my attorneys immediately.Because I believe that your blatant lies also amount to criminal libel, I shall be making a complaint to the Commissioner of Police.
    [Reply]media Reply:October 18th, 2009 at 4:35 amAren’t you a lawyer Glenys? Aren’t you? ‘Vell’ Call DA POLICE’! Don’t just call the Commissioner, call the AG as well! You are all over the PLACE bullying Stalwarts and Delegates and can’t take a cup of your own medicine? And now Bahamas Press will show people like you what it is to be bullied around! STOP YA YOU KNOW WHAT! or YOU and OBIE will face the papers FACTS FROM THIS BLOG!
    STOP YA S*** NOW!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    What is this i wake up to this morning?

    Glenys, with all do respect and as someone who supported you, you have done a bad job as party chair. its nothing against you, you just proved what i have always believed: MP’s shouldnt be chair of their parties.

    The chair of the party, because of the duties involved, has to be outside of parliament. the chair is suppose to be the party’s ears and eyes on the ground, keeping the foot soldiers active and engage nation wide. you couldnt do that effectively because of your duties in your constituency and parliament.

    Who was the chairman leading up to the 2002 general election again?

    That person turned the keys of a finely tuned party infrastructure over to someone (Rigby) who wasnt ready for that job and under him, the party infrastructure suffered. The effectiveness of this office is one of the reasons the party wasnt prepared for the 2007 elections.

    The FNM is now realizing the same with John Lee Ferguson and thats why they want him gone!

    Glenys, you took over a party whose infrustuce was already suffereing and i think you didnt think it was that bad until you got in there and saw first hand just how bad a job Rigby did. it required more time and attention that you didnt have.

    I support Bradly and i believe that he will turn this thing around again. he has time and is the perfect compliment to PC. Bradly will bring a mean streak, take no prisoners, buck heads, loud mouth, in your face, straight talking son of a gun personality to the table. This is what PC needs to balance his personality.

    The party needs a street fighter next to PC. this is who Bradly is. Glenys, please dont offer yourself for chair this week. step down for the good of the party.

  31. These are some very serious allegations against the Chairman who all of you on this site know that I support.Unless there is a papertrail BP you should apologise and withdraw.Rumours abouit infidelity are just that.I have been accused on a few occasions of having affairs bcos I might have been friendly with members of the opposite sex and I was quite successful by admitting to them even though that was not the case.The accusers then backed off as they knew they were wrong.In a mans world women will have many male friends so to insinuate that the Chairman is having an affair with her male colleague who she attended QC without proof must be withdrawn.

  32. Well, BP ya know I was calling for the chairlady to be removed from February of this year because I thought then as I do now that she is the WORSE chairperson of the PLP that I have known in my 30+ years on this earth!!!

    When you were supporting her, I was calling for her to be removed!!! In one year in office she did NOTHING but caused CONFUSION in the PLP which is why I started calling for her REMOVAL!!! I am happy to see that you are now on board BP!!!

  33. BP, are you sure that you want an alleged Rapist as Chairman of the once great PLP? He should at least wait for the limitation statute to expire. Hell hath no wrath, etc., so keep the dough coming, or else!

  34. @Glenys Hanna Martin
    Also you should know Hanna-Martin Bahamas Press has taken on Banks, Governments, Insurance Companies and Lawyers before, COME!


    YOU HAVE NO SHAME GLENYS! YOU HAVE NO SHAME! You are about to oversee the most flawed election process in the history of your Party and you have done nothing to protect the people who built the PLP!

    Yes, both you and OBIE have done everything to BLOCK VOTERS and STOP THEM from voting in this upcoming elections, THAT IS FACT LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE! How in the HELL you could tell branches your not going to conduct elections? HOW? How could your Party ask of persons, who only collect pension, to cough up their last to register, when you know depending on the voter’s support, some delegates/stalwarts are being exempted from these conditions? WHAT VICKEDNESS!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  35. From I heard rumors about this little love affair between Obie and Glennis, I said, a roll in the hay with Obie was going to damage Glennis reputation and affect her political career.

  36. This is to inform that you have maliciously libelled me on this site and I shall be instructing my attorneys immediately.Because I believe that your blatant lies also amount to criminal libel, I shall be making a complaint to the Commissioner of Police.

    • Aren’t you a lawyer Glenys? Aren’t you? ‘Vell’ Call DA POLICE’! Don’t just call the Commissioner, call the AG as well! You are all over the PLACE bullying Stalwarts and Delegates and can’t take a cup of your own medicine? And now Bahamas Press will show people like you what it is to be bullied around! STOP YA YOU KNOW WHAT! or YOU and OBIE will face the papers FACTS FROM THIS BLOG!

      STOP YA S*** NOW!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  37. LOL!!!! You all aint easy, what happened to all the love and admiration you all had for Glennis the giant slayer? She gone get mixed up with that wicked Obie aye?

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