BREAKING NEWS <<< BP is Reporting a Second Murder in less than 48-hours


Bahamas Press is reporting a second murder in the capital in less than 48-hours.

We can tell you the incident occurred shortly after 7PM last evening in the Bishop Way area, just of Soldier Road shortly after 7pm.

We are told the victim, who is in his early 30s, was discovered with multiple gunshot wounds about the body.

The victim becomes the 188th homicide victim in the Bahamas since 2009.


  1. This blood bath has to stop if we as a country want a better life for ourselves and children. We need to adopt the strategies of the Miami Police Department and allow the Police Department headed by Mr Greenslade to run the department without any political interference and have a zero tolerance attitude with those criminals in the Bahamas. That is put more Police on the streets where it is necessary.

  2. BP, i hope that this is not the start of another bloody year for the Bahamas. There is so much anger and animus out there and,we do not seem to have the life skills to control ourselves and our anger. On top of this, we have a highly politicised RBPF. The leaders are hand picked by the FNM. In the end,the failure to control crime lies at the feet of the FNM.RBPF is helpless when politicians promote their buddies and ignore the failures and faults of their chosen officers.

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