BREAKING NEWS>Andre Birbal Captured by US Marshals and Arrested!


birbalClick to listen to Love97FM Newscast today…..

New York, USA: Students at the Eight Mile Rock High School can rest tonight as the man who terrorized them for many years has been captured by US marshals. The breaking news was confirmed to Bahamas Press around 6AM this morning and also confirmed by the EMRH School’s PTA president, Troy Garvey.

It is confirmed that Birbal entered a train in the US without a ticket and was stopped. Following a run of his information, US officials discovered that he was wanted in the Bahamas for his crimes of SEXUAL SLAUGHTER at the EMRH school, but was allowed to flee the country.

It most likely Birbal would be returned to the Bahamas to face charges of Child Molestation, which he was charge after he flea to the US. Mr. Glen Roy Bethel and Troy Garvey should be making an announcement around 2 PM today.

Chief Superintendent of Police Emrick Seymour during a press briefing on April 15 said the search for Birbal has been intensified to include not only national territories but international boundaries as well.

“All of our law enforcement partners in those areas are definitely helping with the search and we hope that we would be able to bring him to justice soon,” Seymour said.


  1. See check this post and see the roll call. JR in particular silent to the issue. like the Jamaican Louise Bennett would say, “NAT A WORRRRRRRRD DEM Sey!”



  2. Concerno Bravo :Please note, also, that far too many innocent teachers have been but through the embarrassment of humiliating interviews, gossips, suspecions, name-callong, to name a few, all because the principals and Ministry official played with the matter for far too long. The guidence counselors are also at fault and should bear a lot of the blame. They knew what was going on all along. As regards the list, the group who put together that list are also persons who need to be properly/thoroughly investigated. They were just out to ’smare’ innocent, law-abiding, christian-minded people who might just have been doing a good deed. In doing so, they ought to have remembered that regardless of how many evil people are out there, there are still a whole lot good ones who do good because it is good to do good, and they are not doing good with an ulterior motive – in the case of the Eight Mile Rock High School situation, to have sex with with the students.

  3. The PTA president of Eight Mile Rock High School ought to insist that his own brother (former PE teacher) be brought back, questioned and charged for sexual misconduct at the school. This would br fair.

  4. Please note, also, that far too many innocent teachers have been but through the embarrassment of humiliating interviews, gossips, suspecions, name-callong, to name a few, all because the principals and Ministry official played with the matter for far too long. The guidence counselors are also at fault and should bear a lot of the blame. They knew what was going on all along. As regards the list, the group who put together that list are also persons who need to be properly/thoroughly investigated. They were just out to ‘smare’ innocent, law-abiding, christian-minded people who might just have been doing a good deed. In doing so, they ought to have remembered that regardless of how many evil people are out there, there are still a whole lot good ones who do good because it is good to do good, and they are not doing good with an ulterior motive – in the case of the Eight Mile Rock Hogh School situation, to have sex with with the students.

  5. Drama King :@Dibbles Dibbles THE NERVE OF “Confused” aka Poitier to respond to this blog. THE NERVE!!He should be captured just like this pedophile. He thinks this man is bad because he molested little boys, but he is JUST AS BAD having sex with underaged girls.

    My friend Drama King lol that clown Confused aka Poitier.

  6. @Dibbles
    Dibbles THE NERVE OF “Confused” aka Poitier to respond to this blog. THE NERVE!!He should be captured just like this pedophile. He thinks this man is bad because he molested little boys, but he is JUST AS BAD having sex with underaged girls.

  7. Now that Birbal has been captured we must allow Justice to charter the correct course. This case cannot be tried in the media nor should we create the kind of sesationalism to cause every name Birbal mentions with involvement to be accepted as gospel.

    There must be a perponderence of evidence and it should have substantiality.
    Now, there are certian counts on which Birbal himself cannot evade and that is Child Molestation, and infecting an individual with a harmful disease. The evidence is there to support this; however, out of a caution of abundance, the public should not be sensationalized by names Birbal may call unless phone records, or emails can link the persons in question to Birbal.

    Finally, his horrific acts are ones where I would’ve have like to have seen the administering of swift justice…..

  8. The law needs to be amended to allow for the provision of death by hanging in cases as extreme as this one. I think someone in Fox Hill Prison is going to kill this monstrosity of creation. Birbal killed those boys youthful innocence by allegedly infecting them with HIV and destroying their trust in authority. If I’m not mistaken, one of the youngsters has commited suicide. Please KILL Berbal should be the cry of all Bahamians and residents of these islands so that future monsters will know that we don’t and will not tolerate these inhumane acts.

  9. Well Bp I broke the news yesterday afternoon because like you I have sources inside the security forces.When I speak I do so as responsible citizen.Now we must ensure that the AG office send this matter to the Supreme Court by voluntary bill of indictment.No tardiness will or should be tolerated.The Govts resolve to tackle tough criminal matters will be tested and they better not fail.Move the matter to Nassau quickly or we might find that the accuse is killed in GB.No matter our disgust every accuse person is entitled to a fair trial under our Constitution.No more excuses in having this matter resolved will b e accepted.

    • Yes “Child of the 60s’ you did and cause us to be the first in the country to break the story. It was not easy getting confirmation out of Manhattan police but it eventually came back in confirmation. Hats off you you ‘A BP A TEAM’ player! We actually are penning some words with your comments as we speak.

      Again you’re a great player of citizen journalism now exploding across this county. As you know we cannot trust these WUTLESS Media people anymore!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. What I am most worried about is that even if tried and convicted, the
    most time in jail he can get is seven (7) years. This country does
    not love our kids. And the gall of Ingraham to say we citizens don’t
    protest enough

  11. It’s a shame that so many people turned a blind eye towards these children who were sexually exploited by this beast. I hope heads will roll and let the chips fall where they may. When we send our children to school be it public or government schools, we expect them to be safe. Not to have this sort of thing happen. Far too many times incidences are covered up. I would like to see not only e.g. teachers, parents, cousellors,police officers etc. terminated but face some sort of diciplinary action. Everyone who supposedly took “hush money” should be brought to justice!

  12. They better put him on suicide watch…
    I wonder how his ex-wife feels right now, they just got divorced recenlty so I know she done drop that last name quick,fast & hurry!

  13. Royal Bahamas police Force now confirm Birbal’s arrest….

    Andre Birbal arrested in New York
    Submitted by ASP Welbourne Bootle, RBPF
    Friday, 08 May 2009 10:47

    The Royal Bahamas Police Force is pleased to announce the arrest and detention of fugitive Andre Bernard Birbal, age 46yrs, former Teacher at the Eight Mile Rock High School.

    He was arrested in New York by a Transit Police Officer on Sunday 3rd May 2009, after committing a traffic violation. The Bahamian Police was immediately notified after his arrest.

    Bahamian authorities are presently going through the necessary procedures to have the subject extradited, through the necessary channel required by the extradition treaty between the Bahamas and the United States.

    As was stated earlier we were working with our International partners through Interpol to have this matter brought to closure.

  14. Breaking News UPDATE >>>> RE: ANDRE BIRBAL’S CAPTURE….

    Members of the Eight Mile Rock PTA Committee will hold a press conference at 2PM today….

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  15. You really should thank the writer on this blog who was first to drop the scoop last night.

  16. BP the Bahamas Government need to indorse this website as the “OFFICIAL NEWS and INFORMATION SERVICE for the BAHAMAS! Your site covers the entire Bahamas for REAL NEWS that brings change.
    BP you and your 100 plus staff through out the country should be given a government grant annually, for bringing justice in this country. I would see to it that the families of those boys in EMR contribute some of that money they would get from MY government when we issue the funds. Keep up the good work.

  17. I am sure some official in the MOE and on the RBPF are shaking in their boots NO WONDER THEY HAVE YET TO SEND OUT THE ANNOUNCEMENT. I am certain, they telling the U.S., “LET HIM GO!” ….LOL…..BREAKING NEWS AGAIN ONLY ON BP! REAL NEWS…..

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  18. THANK GOD! I knew it was just a matter of time. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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