

  1. @ Kim sands
    Yeah they take our slogan forgranted. It better in the BAHAMAS. I guess for them and not for us.

  2. You know I kinda like Christie, he can be a good leader its the other Members of his Party that don’t want to rule. There seems to be to many people within the party that want to be a leader. He needs to be a bit firmer like Ingraham and get his house in order.

    What are there motives?

  3. Cool PC,I think it’s time for me to go to the convention.This way is out,to get to the convention for me to win the leader race.

  4. Is that the DARK Horse behind Fmr PM Christie? Hope he don’t kick him.
    Christie is too smart to get beat. He planned for this moment, had numerous poolside strategy meetings and has his croonies at work.
    At the end of the day whether we like, love or desire it; Christie, Ingraham, Davis and Co. will be in control. ‘Delbern House’ run things.
    B J needs to sit down and be grateful for having his political life resurrected and himself as a result, RELEVANT. Just the thought of him challenging Fmr P M Christie is Sickening and all the evidence of what an Ingrate really is.

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