Here we go again!

North Binimi Bahamas — Carlos Salazar, General Manager, Bimini Bay Resorts has suddenly resigned and left the islanders up in arms over payment for a BIG Bahamian Independence BASHMENT organized by Public Relations company, The Counsellors Ltd. Bimini Bay who recently partnered with Resort World Bahamas to run a casino at the resort in Bimini, is the main employer for the island of Bimini. Resorts World decided to throw a big bash of a 40th Anniversary Party for Biminites. The Counsellors came on board to organize two events for Independence Day and Salazar “hired” the Biminites to cook loads of food, provide entertainment for kids and to provide liquor.
At sunset when the Biminites were in the heights of their revelry and drunk from the all the liquor, Salazar pushed his written resignation under the door of the chiefs of Bimini Bay, skipped town on a private yacht faster than a rattle snake can strike. He has left the vendors UNPAID to date!! The vendors are lining up daily at the government office in town to be paid and no one seems to know what’s happening with their money. It seems as though Salazar approved everything that they proposed as prices for their services just to get the event off the ground, telling the islanders they would be paid the day after the event. The vendors did not get deposits but went ahead and did the service on good faith that they would be paid on the day after the event.
“I am so damn mad right now,” said a vendor who supplied entertainment for the children of Bimini. “This is ridiculous! I want my money and no one can seem to answer me on where it coming from or when I getting it. This man hurried us to do this work and used the people of Bimini and now we cant get our money. He said we would get it right away! I want my money. Its my only income for July!”
What in the HELL is going on in Bimini? Now once again the Counsellors is involved in an incident with these Resorts World/Bimini Bay people. You would recall our story week before last of their EPIC FAILURE at launching this cruise ship that suppose to take Americans to Bimini daily to gamble in the casino. Is the government now allowing people to come in this country and HOOD WINK family islanders?? As you can remember BP has reported on Bimini Bay and its cruel practices before. So now they hiring The Counsellors to further carry out their cruelty on island people?
PAY the people their money and stop leading the BAD PAY CATEGORY!! Someone need to answer the Biminites on where their money is and FAST like their FERRY.