BREAKING: RBC JFK Branch 'Cookie Jar' Raided?


rbc-arrestNassau, Bahamas — We have information coming into us at this hour that a recently retired employee of RBC JFK Branch may have been involved with giving herself loans in the names of people who do not exist or cannot be found.

Information coming into our breaking news Department at this time confirms that the lady retired from the bank on Dec 31, 2009 after been employed with the bank for more than 30 years. Our multiple sources are all confirming that the potential losses for the bank may be over $ 100,000 and can go up to $ 500,000.

“We have only begun to find out some of these loans, and we cannot find the individuals who the loans were purportedly granted to. We are checking and cross referencing as much as we can at this time,” our source said.

The retired employee is said to be missing and her family cannot seem to be able to locate her. another source confirmed that the Country Head Nat Beneby and the Manager Personal Financial Services, Joyce Coleby- Reviere, have called in the authorities and want the lady in question to be picked up and charged.

However, they have not been successful in their pursuit.

We have a lot of concerns coming out of RBC particularly staff say they are being badly treated by the powers that be, we will do a story on this and other concerns at Finco in short order.

WE implore Nat Beneby and Joyce Reviere to treat their direct reports in a civil and Humane manner or they will be left in that Bank by themselves.

It was late last year when tellers at the Palmdale Branch found themselves on the wrong side of the law. With light hands and sticky glue like fingers police took into custody members of that branch for ‘thiefin’ people money! It looks as if another former employee has stepped up the game.

We say to our readers and to RBC STAY TUNED.


  1. Well Paul im glad you was the one to start this off because I to am pissed with RBC and the crooked style in which they operate. I am hoping they NEVER find that woman and she gets away with stealing from them because they to VICKED! I wanna know why in the hell they dont do more to be of convenience to their customers. I work in the lyord cay area and i have been getting checks from a tennant drawn on their P.I. branch and RBC has this VERY STUPID AND EVIL VIKKED Policy whereas in order for me to cash that check id have to go all the way to the P.I. branch HOWEVER I can deposit the check at any one of their branch. HOW SCREWED UP IS THIS? What i wanna know is are these branches owned by different persons under an umbrella company etc. because i see no damn sense in this stupid rule other than them just being effed  up. Im not so sure if this same policy is done at other banks as i only do biznis with rbc which i been meaning to change because they aint convenient at all. they operate like loan sharks and common hustlers. so once again DAS GOOD FOR THEM! The time and money they can take to WASTE in “”RENTING”” that big damn bulding on carmichael road is money they can use to pay they staff a decent damn salary so they dont have to resort to teeeefin.

  2. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) : Corporate Bully
    $100,000 – MISTAKE (FISHERMEN’S LOAN)                                                                                               
    I’m a commercial fisherman fighting the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) over a $100,000 loan mistake. I lost my home, fishing vessel and equipment.
    There was no monthly interest payment date or amount of interest payable per month on my loan agreement. Date of first installment payment (Principal + interest) is approximately 1 year from the signing of my contract.Demand loan agreements signed by other fishermen around the same time disclosed monthly interest payment dates and interest amounts payable per month.The lending policy for fishermen did change at RBC from one payment (principal + interest) per year for fishing loans to principal paid yearly with interest paid monthly. This lending practice was in place when I approached RBC.Only problem is the loans officer was a replacement who wasn’t familiar with these type of loans. She never informed me verbally or in writing about this new criteria.
    Help me fight the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) by closing your account.

    “Fighting the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) one customer at a time” 


  3. LOL@media.. you see that ay. sexy t is a real problem. she couldnt wait for the scoop. freakin herself out.

    and sexyT please dont talk to me about beatin no one with no stick cuz i dont get in that type mix up because all you gon do is provoke me into tellin you what you can do with that stick.

  4. Patience is truly a virtue Sexy T and we know you were on life support waiting for the update. But you know when we have updates they will come. Even if they are late again!

    We apologize for you having have to sit in the couch biting your nails and wondering what is this coming out. And as always you would not be disappointed.

    Again we apologize.

    BP will also complete our Keisha Thurston story tonight and make certain we make up for the time lost.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  5. futureleader, this have nothing to do with PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!. I said if Perry the pussycat claim to have a breaking news at 3 pm and it nont 4:42 pm everyone including you, BP and PAPA would be saying late agian. The same stick we as a country are going to beat Perry or PAPA or anyone with, should be the same stick we beat everyone with. It is call fairness. So you future leader want to be are the stupid one.

  6. sexy t stop showin the public how stupid u are or can be. no one is forcing you to click on this site. yawl like to jump on everyone flaws but when its done to yawl its a major problem. the only person who need to go and go now is that gad damn ogly gorilla lookin man yawl call papa. one of them big casurina trees need to fall on him. he makes me sick to my stomach.

  7. If it were Perry the Pussycat, BP would be saiding late again, Perry must go!!. Now you want us to give him some time, BP is late and BP must go and go now!!!!!!!!

  8. LMAO so ine da only one waitin on this hot scoop ay. lol lol. give BP some time ay. this one may be so hot they have to chose their words very carefully.
    Be Patient.

  9. It is now 3:40pm… you are 40 minutes late… please advise or delete the headline..

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