BREAKING NEWS….Something is going on in Royal Bank of Canada [Bah]


dsc_1431-large<<<Officials of the Royal Bank of Canada called on Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham at the office of the Prime Minister, Cable Beach. Pictured from left are: Mr. Ross McDonald, Head of Caribbean Banking, Mr. Gord Nixon, President & Chief Executive Offficer, RBC Canada, Prime Minister Ingraham, Mr. Jim Westlake, Group Head, International Banking & Insurance, RBC and Mr. Nathaniel Beneby, Vice President and Country Head, Bahamas & Turks and Caicos.

Bahamas Press has information that something SERIOUS is brewing in the Royal Bank of Canada Bahamas Branch. We’ve received information that bank decisions here will soon force Canada to make some serious decisions here in Nassau. Your Bahamas Press now has all the details and will update you, the thousands of clients of RBC, to this developing story….STAY TUNED!


  1. kevin mckenzie :I would guess that these men were discussing the terms and conditions and rate of interest in the Bahamas government obtaining a two hundred million American dollar loan.Our government is seeking to borrow foreign currency like a jonser in search of their next hit.Bahamians better prepare themselves for massive tax increases to be introduce in the up coming budget and we are going to be shocked at the bargain basement price that 51% of BTC will be sold for.The government must realize privatization does not mean state assets must be sold to foreigners.Why can’t Bahamians be allowed to buy BTC?Bahamian taxes,fees and labour have made BTC so attractive that these so call foreign investors now want it and our government now think it is too lucrative for us to have possession of.It is my opinion that BTC must be 100% sold to Bahamians and one year after it is sold competition by fellow Bahamians can be allowed.Look at the other nations that sold state asset to foreigners none of the outcome benefitted the natives.I believe in privatization to Bahamians not foreigners.Bahamians need to be empower.Bahamian tax payers and parents have spent billons of dollars to educate ourselves and our children so please do not tell me that Bahamians can’t successfully run and further develop our telecommunication sector.I ask the government was it Bahamians who ran AIG,CITIGROUP,LLOYDS BANK,GENERAL MOTORS and numerous other businesses into the ground? No,it was the same persons who were not smart enough to manage their own American and British companies but they are regarded by our goverment to be better suited to own and manage BTC.Boy if this does not display lack of confidence in Bahamians then i don’t know what to call it.

    If you want to see a total lack of confidence by the Government in its own people,look no further than The Bahamas Maritime Authority (London Offfice) where successive governments have concluded thta no Bahamian is sufficiently qualified to run the Authority.

    Bahamians are victimized, alienated and marginalized in their own organiazation by white expats while the decision makers sit by and ignore the cries of its employed citizens.

    So dont be surprised by the decision making of this government or any other government as they all think the same, Bahamian is just not as good as Foreign.

  2. KM You can’t pull off allowing Cable Bahamas and Digicell to own the entire Communications industry in The Bahamas if Bahamians own BTC!

    BTC will be sold to Cable Bahamas which already owns Indigo and which is all owned by Digicel.

    Bahamians have successfully managed small and large businesses in The Bahamas for many years, Bank Of The Bahamas a stellar example. Meanwhile the Harvard, Yale and MIT grads have brought the world to its knees.

  3. Damn…enough here to chew on for hours!!!!

    The RBC situation is not that complicated…you put a dumby in place to do your bidding and promise him a shaving of the pie. Forgetting that he is a dumby; and when he screws up what should be a straight forward scam, he brings down the whole gang, exposing things no one ever dreamt…and the beat goes on.

  4. Bahamas Press please get a copy of today channel 12 news-23.4.09 .Mr. Morris,a former Clico manager made some interesting statements which are a clear contradiction to the statements made by prime minister Ingraham. Mr.Morris and the prime minister time table of when these monies disappear differ greatly.The difference in this time table can only be resolve by a proper CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION!Either mr.Morris,a Clico insider is mistaken or lying in his interview with channel 12 news or the prime minister was mislead or he too is lying.In either case an investigation needs to be launched.

  5. media :
    Wow some stories gets RAPID FIRE ech? Sounds like you know something we know Canesfins? Tell us, because we have the goods on this one. TRUST US!
    Bahamas Press/Editor
    PS: Your noticeably reading us attentively, despite an attempt to diss us. Keep reading you will soon find out.

    See BP, you doing it again. Man ease up. Errybody reading you but that doesn’t mean we can’t challenge you to back up what you write. Despite the millions of readers, LOL, you are not God Almighty.

  6. @Thomas Finley
    All we will say NOW to this post Finley is this. Our post today is the introduction of a series of articles. They will involve individuals at the bank now involved in ATTEMPTED MURDER, CONFLICT, EXTORTION, WARRANTS OF ARREST AND MUCH MUCH MORE!



  7. I think that the Government wants hard currency for Batelco which is why foreigners are involved.

  8. @kevin mckenzie
    I agree with you! Privitization also means that they can set the rates at whatever they like because telecommunication is a necessity. Businesses and homes cannot function without it. Investor confidence in the Bahamas for the most part has meant foreign investment. We have to move away from this ideology.

  9. I would guess that these men were discussing the terms and conditions and rate of interest in the Bahamas government obtaining a two hundred million American dollar loan.Our government is seeking to borrow foreign currency like a jonser in search of their next hit.Bahamians better prepare themselves for massive tax increases to be introduce in the up coming budget and we are going to be shocked at the bargain basement price that 51% of BTC will be sold for.The government must realize privatization does not mean state assets must be sold to foreigners.Why can’t Bahamians be allowed to buy BTC?Bahamian taxes,fees and labour have made BTC so attractive that these so call foreign investors now want it and our government now think it is too lucrative for us to have possession of.It is my opinion that BTC must be 100% sold to Bahamians and one year after it is sold competition by fellow Bahamians can be allowed.Look at the other nations that sold state asset to foreigners none of the outcome benefitted the natives.I believe in privatization to Bahamians not foreigners.Bahamians need to be empower.Bahamian tax payers and parents have spent billons of dollars to educate ourselves and our children so please do not tell me that Bahamians can’t successfully run and further develop our telecommunication sector.I ask the government was it Bahamians who ran AIG,CITIGROUP,LLOYDS BANK,GENERAL MOTORS and numerous other businesses into the ground? No,it was the same persons who were not smart enough to manage their own American and British companies but they are regarded by our goverment to be better suited to own and manage BTC.Boy if this does not display lack of confidence in Bahamians then i don’t know what to call it.

  10. I check i with what you have to say, but the sensationalism is getting thick. You have the goods on Ed Fields being fired? Even though he is still on the job?

  11. @canesfins
    Wow some stories gets RAPID FIRE ech? Sounds like you know something we know Canesfins? Tell us, because we have the goods on this one. TRUST US!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: Your noticeably reading us attentively, despite an attempt to diss us. Keep reading you will soon find out.

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