Breaking the Law by way of the Law



Bahamas Press is never surprise with lawbreaking actions of members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Today whilst riding in the downtown area near the VIP Restaurant we came across this police vehicle parked in the roadway. A portion of the vehicle sat on Deveaux Street whilst the other was on Bay Street. For a moment we thought an investigation was taking place and so we sat behind the vehicle waiting to get out of the corner. Some 20 minutes later exiting the restaurant was an officer holding three plate of food and walking that a snails pace.

Now this is a problem. How could this officer be an example to the general public by parkung a vehicle in the middle of the road to pick up food on Bay Street? We wondered how can this LAWBREAKER be charged with UPHOLDING THE LAW, when it is clear their actions today show NO REGARD FOR THE LAW? The vehicle was attached to the Central Police Station.


  1. Joe I realize blaming is not a solution to any problem and it does more harm than good. It is not about pointing fingers, it about allowing people the freedom to express their selves the way they view what is going on around them. Keep in mind not everybody is looking through the same window, some people when they look out the window all they see is dark clouds, for others all they see is a beautiful day. Life is all about trying to relate to each other and their circumstances. We would like to sit here and say everything is perfect, but the reality is that is not the truth.

  2. Let us acknowledge that in the “game” of politics, each side is going to get as much political mileage from anything that happens to catch the eye. One murder, whoever holds the power at the time, is one too many. Why waste our energy on recriminations? There are good human beings on each side of the “divide”. I am sure they are just as overwhelmed by the murder rate as the rest of us. Our task is not to lay blame but to help find the solution to this problem. I believe it comes from the attitudes that we have adopted from TV and from a lack of discipline as well as a materialism that pervades our society. We lost our way and now must struggle back to the path. It will not be easy and it will only happen if we all pull together in spite of our differences. Thank you Kim for the encouraging sentiment. “What we see watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look.”

  3. To all my BP family, I wanted to take this moment to let you know, that I love all of you. May God protect all of you and may you have a beautiful day.

  4. When the murder rate was 68 under the PLP in 2005 or 2006, the FNM complained daily that crime was out of control… The then COP said in a report that crime was out of control..

    Now this “FNM COP” is saying that crime is not out of control…

    Let’s see what the NEW COP will say next year about this previous year!!! I can’t wait!!

  5. Kim it is not your post, its Omar Archer Sr. who has decided to use this blog as a platform to launch his personal political agenda.

  6. I assure you Kim, it has nothing to do with you. You keep on being you, that’s what makes you so special.

  7. WOW! It’s good to hear from you, I agree a lot of straying from the topic have been going on. Please forgive me, because I know I am most famous for doing that, it just that sometimes there are things that effects me personally or I have something that I really want to share with the other bloggers so desperately, sometimes I don’t acknowledge the topic, while the thought is there I just want to type it out. Now that you have brought this to my attention, I would have to be more considerate to the other bloggers.

  8. I didn’t get the sense from the report that there would be no hanging but that the caning and such were to be abolished. Could be wrong though. While they say hangng is not a deterant it sure would take out those in this country who seem to get away with multiple murders. More to the point would be to stop giving bail to those accused of murder and waiting for trial.

  9. Kim it’s good to be missed. I’ve been right here spectating though. It seems that over the last couple of days this site has taken a different turn and it is hard to get a word in edgewise. By the time you post a response, there are so many off-topic post in between that it seems all out of context.

  10. “Nobody can really guarantee the future. The best we can do is size up the chances, calculate the risks involved estimate our ability to deal with them and make our plans with confidence.

    Henry Ford II

    How do you all feel about the future, doubtful or hopeful?

  11. Hang who? The only thing hanging on Hubert Ingraham is his prune sack! FNM has no idea what to do in terms of running this country. Crime is out of control and Tommy has already given up. Tomorrow I will post a topic for today or maybe I’ll do i right now. Love ya kim

  12. Bestman I should easy up and let somebody else get a chance aye?….lol…That will be hard, because I always have so much to say. Anybody who knows me would tell you I am never lost for words. I am not making any promises that I can’t keep, but I will see what I could do….lol….

  13. Omar it good to see you have a good sense of humour. I am a little disappointed to hear that you will not be bringing up anymore topics; I really hope you would change your mind. The topics you were bringing up were very important. Yes, I believe if somebody knowingly gives someone aids, they should be charge with murder. What I find disturbing is that the government is planning to take capital punishment of the books. The way things are in the country today, I had hoped they would have soon started hanging any day now. If they take capital punishment off the book, there will be no justice for the victims and their families. It really hurt to see how these killers who have ruined people lives have so many rights. When my father was killed I was just a child, so I know all to well how these ruthless killers can damage people lives. Thank God for my loving grandparents who step in and helped my mother and made sure we had everything we needed for school, because when my father died he did not have any insurance and his income was a major lost to our household. My heart still goes out to that shop owner in Abaco, who went to drop a customer home and returned back to his shop to learn that is son was murder. I own a clothing store, I am praying everyday that somebody don’t come in there and take my life for a couple of dollars. The decision to take capital punishment of the book is very troubling.

  14. I would like to hear from some other readers. This website is becoming like the talk shows. You only get to hear from the brave few. . Omar posts the most. Kim I thihk is second. Where did Llyod go? Can the PM chime in again? LOL. I’m new!

  15. I took a tour at “Tiamo” at the back of south Andros. It’s in a place all by itself. People pay a lot to stay there… They run on 100% solar power… They recycle the waste for their gardens.. They only removed enough trees to build each little hut where the guests stay..

    It was a very interesting visit!!

  16. Joe Blow; Why waste that site with building a one floor building???

    You need to think that over..

    The other levels would pull people into the market at all hours… That building will be the main center on Bay Street!!

    I agree with you on the European tourist. When I lived in Andros, I met a few who camped out on the beach.. They stayed there for a week…

    My only point is that the mega resorts will market the island and bring the tourists in.. Those tourist will in turn find out about the other smaller resorts… They will then tell their friends and they along with their friends will most likely return and stay in the smaller resorts… Marketing will cost those smaller resorts practically NOTHING!!!

  17. Joe Blow you said it like no other can. Okay Kim no more topics from me. I promise. LOL

  18. WISDOM it was the real GREEN MUPPET, MR. Kermit D. Frog himself, dressed down in a Santa Claus suit hosting a show. I am just waiting on the 7PM show to see if we will have an encore by the news team.


  19. Leave Omar alone! – He is a good guy – He makes for good fun and always has an opinion – that makes him ‘uniquely bahamian’

  20. Most European tourists prefer small and intimate resorts. They tend to return year after year if the place is clean, has a good restaurant and a friendly, communicative staff. They like the local flavour too but don’t want to wander too far afield. Mega resorts are not the ideal for most family islands. The tourists that Atlantis gets are mostly American. They like the excitement that that resort offers and the fact that it is family oriented in the daytime and has adult entertainment at night.
    There were several effective Bahamian ads runnng in the newspapers and on TV in Canada while I was there. Unfortunately, most persons still see the Bahamas as only Nassau.
    While things are in a slow phase we really must spend our time and resources cleaning up the environment, improving the infrastructure and re-educating our tourist industry workers so we will be ready for when the tourists return to enjoy what we have to offer.
    As to the Straw Market, it must be kept to one floor, with only authentic Bahamian crafts offered and less congested if it is to be successful. While the Government should build the Market, only those who are willing to buy shares in it should be allowed to sell in it. They should organize and be solely responsible for its policies,cleanliness and upkeep. Bahamian owners only!

  21. Omar; Small projects are all well and good but the only time that they will get visitors is when there is a Regatta or Home coming!! For the rest of the year they will only have a visitor here and there!! That’s useless!!

    With one or 2 major projects on an island, the smaller projects will have something to feed off.. First of if there is a major project, it will market its resort causing the smaller projects (which would be 100% Bahamian owned) to get business…

    Atlantis brings many tourists to the Bahamas and many other resorts and other small businesses feed off those tourists that they bring… The same will be the same for any other island or country…. “A brand name is what sells a businesses”…

  22. Media: Did not leave this site. Was in the far north where there was too much snow and cold for my old bones. Canada says hello to the Bahamas and says many will be here in the New Year! Remember,”our outer circumstances are often reflections of our inner thoughts.” Missed you Kim Sands, most of all!!!






  24. People People, NObody, NO SINGLE OR COLLECTIVE INDIVIDUAL is destroying your website! NOT EVEN WE COULD!

    NOT INGRAHAM, NOT CHRISTIE, NOT THAT TOILET PAPER RAG CALLED THE TRIBUNE! Bahamas Press is really and truly controlled by YOU the PEOPLE.

    This is the Voice of the People! The Voice of True, True Democracy! Bahamas Press makes the Bahamas that different place members of the WUTLESS MEDIA are try to not make it out to be.

    So don’t fret about Archer, HE WILL FIND HIMSELF! And we encourage you to help him find himself on this NEWLY FOUND FREEDOM of THOUSANDS of Readers. We saw an email early this morning where C B MOSS was peeping in on BP as well. And boy we chuckled!

    But on another note, we turned on the television around 1PM today and guess what, ZNS TV 13 had Kermit the Frog dressed up as SANTA CLaus. Yall think BP has such level of influence, that ZNS TV newscast is now trying to distinguish itself from the Muppet Show? Or did we give the an idea to better their programming? hmmmmmmmmm!


  25. Omar Archer I enjoy hearing yours views, it just that when you started to post the topic for the day, that when you started to become a little overwhelming. The ideas and suggestion that you brought to site was very meaningful. I hope you continue, but do it in smaller dosage. This is just my opinion.

    Sorry morehand if I just bored you. Morehand you work for the police aye? Why you gone and Google search Omar, must be some kind of detective. I can‘t lie when you say that it was my joke of the day!

  26. Kim how quick you forget me, I am so, so disappointed that I did not even cross you mind to get mentioned in you last post.

  27. Anyway, putting fun and jokes aside I miss the following bloggers: Drama King, WOW!, Joe Blow and the crazy general. We all know where Omar Archer is, he is on Bahamas Press….lol….

  28. Media, Mr. “A” is not only a “single threader,” but he is the only bolgger that QUESTIONS himself, ANSWERS himself, and then JUDGES himself.
    Let us fine out to see if the “CRAZY HOUSE” still gives people $50 for bring people up there (Fox Hill). We could get rich in this little town.

  29. …….Miss S…morehands you could of said Kim Sands, I am not that easily offended, you know. It was interesting to learn that my dialogues with Omar bores you, I am sorry I did not realize, I’ll have to make a note of that…..jokes fa life!!

  30. I am glad to see that you take note of my postings, Media. It shows that you do care (XOXOXO). I’m on my lunch break, outside my office network which blocks sites with streaming videos on them, I have a few minutes to spare before I return, so I figured that I might as pop in to see what’s been going on since my last visit. All through your archives is Archer, Archer, Archer, !@#^ Archer, &(*^* Archer, $#@# Archer. If he is indeed one of your writers/operators, train him to be better at it and to allow the other 202,346 visitors a chance.

    I just did a google search on the wannabe and saw that he did indeed try to start a blog back in December 2007 but not a single person ever posted on his site after his long tirade about the country. That should have been a clear indicator to him. So without a forum of his own, he hopes to grab some mileage off BP. You really do care, Media.

  31. AHHHH HAPPY TO HEAR FROM YOU MOREHANDS. I thought you made infrequent visits on BP, however Archer is your daily nag ech? hmmmmmm LOL!.

    To Archer, as you can see Bahamas Press has become the site of the people and they HATE even when we (THE OPERATORS) inject our opinions too powerfully toward them.

    That being the case tread lightly, as the bloggers on here really quickly get annoyed when there is dominance by a single threader.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  32. 3. The worst part about the police hauling tail in traffic is that they don’t use sirens anymore and just appear out of nowhere. Death by speeding patrol car is my biggest fear in this country.

  33. Three things:
    1. I may have believed the story about the police blocking the road for food if you had snapped a picture of him walking with the food like. Your camera battery died aye? your memory card out of space? Or you just trying to start propaganda again?

    2. I’m frankly tired of Mr. Archer hogging this site as well. For a man with so much to say and a wannabe future political career, he should start his own blog site – it will cost him less than $100, which I’m willing to contribute if things that bad with him and he unemployed, because clearly he has absolutely nothing to do with his time during the day. His constant monologues (and occasional closed-dialogues with Miss S) are killing this site.

  34. Breaking the Law? It would be interesting to see where Police Patrol cars, as well as Emergency Ambulance ENDS UP, after dashing through traffic, especially during the 3 & 5 o’clock traffic.
    Back in the 1980 it is alleged that an Emergency Ambulance swerved through traffic in haste. Its destination was an order of chicken-in-da-bag from “Dirties” on Nassau Street.
    This was when chasing Emergency Ambulance was entrainment for Bahamians.

  35. As much as Mr. Archer, is trying to abuse this site, I can’t imagine what he would do if we allow him power in government.
    BP, I think Mr. “A”, is hired by the PLP’s, “WUTLESS WEB MASTER”, to bring discredit to this site.

  36. I agree Mr Archer is all over the blog. A word of caution to you Mr. Archer. With your court case pending I think you should be a bit reserved with comments posted here. A skillfull lawyer could use some of what you have said in here against you. You will not be able to retract what you have put in writing. The copy and past tools can be used by everyone. I do wish you all the best.

  37. BP, looks like you now have a new moderator in one Omar Archer Sr. You might as well appoint him to that position as it seems he has nothing better to do and spends more time on here than you do. Hell man you might as well give him the Blog since he is now deciding on the topics for discussion and post 60% or more of the post. This blog is fast becoming boring for those not interested in his political aspirations.

  38. This morning, I just felt like taking a moment to make this toast to all the wutless politicians who have contributed to the state of our economy, because of their poor insight and decision making. I will like to this opportunity to wish them and their loves ones a Merry Christmas, because I am sure they will have one. Unfortunately, There will be many unemployed people that will not be able to do the same for their families, so while you guys are having a blast don’t forget the many hurting people who can’t afford to put food on the table for their family. May you guys have a happy holiday season and enjoy all of your gifts and maybe next year you guys will make better decisions, so more people can have a Merry Christmas.

    No, I am not drunk, unless Sun Delight started adding alcohol to their orange juice….lol…

  39. Yes they should be charged with Murder once it can be proved that the individual knows that he or she had the virus and premeditate the act by giving the other the deadly virus

  40. How do you feel about individuals who knowingly and intentionally give their partners AIDS, should he/she be charged for murder?

  41. Wow!. Okay guys JR won that one. He gave the most logical response. As for Objective thought hmm, I think OT large projects have proven themselves sel serving. By that I mean, only the investors gain from them and not Bahamians. As it relates to family Island mega projects, Exuma and Bimini have proven that it does not worl well. How about small imtimate resorts full owned by Bahamians instead of mega resorts? That to me like JR mentioed is empowerment.

  42. I don’t think any land should be sold to foreign entities that do not include some kind of Bahamian participation and even then, the land holder would have to be the Bahamian and the government can then sell it to them at preferred rates. This is what they are doing in Turks and Caicos with foreign investors. You don’t get to invest with out a TI citizen in the mix and I believe if we had a policy like that, Atlantis, Cable Beach and every major development here would have a degree of Bahamian ownership, making these properties more responsible in times of hardhship. Thats my 5 cents.

  43. If you mean to foreigners, I say yes in New Providence.. But the family islands still have a bit more to sell…

    At least 2 major projects on each island….Then only least lands to foreigners…

  44. They should to secure it for Bahamians, but bahamians need to be encouraged to develop the land that we have…look at Freeport, abaco, andros, Eleuthera etc…What are we goin to do with all the land we have

  45. Topic for discussion today:

    Should the government suspend the selling of undeveloped Bahamian land for the next 15 years?

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