Brian Adderley failed to have elections and so the group fired him from leading them – THIS IS SIMPLE!


Culture Minister should find seed money for Brian Adderley Grand Bahama/Nassau group!

Valley Boys Leader Trevor Davis and new B Group Leader Brian Adderley.

NASSAU| There is really only one Valley Boys registered with the Bahamas Government. That registered group, headed by Trevor Davis, is “The Valley Boys – THE WAY FORWARD!”

On Sunday a meeting, with powerful minds in the room, attempted to resolve funding for the Government Registered Group. 

The other group, registered by Moon Archer and fronted by Brian Adderley, has no legit licence as the Registrar has advised that they will be stricken from the records. 

Amazingly, though, The JCNP, through its Chairman and even the Govermnment Minister, wants to take a look at Adderley’s 15% faction membership and accept them as being legit. 

1) Brian Adderley / Moon Archer group has no registered license

2) They refused to host elections for years

3) They failed to account to the membership about the funds collected over the years.

What does this say about our people? WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS! To have an unregistered group  failing to account for collected funds is to have an UNLAWFUL, UNREGULATED, UNACCOUNTABLE GROUP who could be in the MONEY LAUNDERING BUSINESS! This cannot be allowed or accepted and this is why 85% of the VALLEY BOYS ORGANIZED INTO A WAY FORWARD FOR THE GROUP!

And what does this say about us when we accept lawless people who cannot account for public funds?

Brian Adderley needs to go find his new group a new name and, if the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture supports that kind of accounting, then FIND MONEY FOR ADDELERY’s New group! SIMPLE!

BUT THE PEOPLE OF THE VALLEY BOYS (THE WAY FORWARD) are getting ready for Bay Street!

We report yinner decide!