Brother of Police Inspector A Suspect In Murder of 11-year-old Marco Archer


Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade moves on the ground to show his sworn commitment to be protector of law and order in the country. COP takes over investigation of murdered 11-year-old Marco Archer. Nassau Guardian Photo.

BP calls for Bahamian version of AMBER ALERT SYSTEM

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press was not the first on the scene of the gruesome discovery yesterday, however, we assure our over 300,000 global readers this morning, that we are the ONLY media with deep revelations into the death of 11-year-old, Marco Archer.

Young Marco described as a timid six-grade student of Columbus Primary, left his home on Brougham and Blue Hill Road Friday afternoon to buy candy from a local gas station nearby. However, according to CCTV footage, he never made it to the store.

Yesterday, after being reported missing since the beginning of the weekend, his lifeless body was discovered behind an apartment complex on Yorkshire Drive in Cable Beach shortly after 10AM. Almost immediately following the discovery, police nabbed a suspect known to them for a similar crime, and here’s where our story begins.

Murdered six-grade student of Columbas Primary, Marco Archer.

We can tell you the suspect, who we shall not name, is in his thirties and was released back into the society from Fox Hill Prison along with a gang of hardened criminals in late December 2010. Only Bahamas Press can tell you, the suspect was convicted for the 2003 murder of a young boy discovered in a dumpster badly decomposed on Claridge Road.

Though the victim was committed to prison for murdering that child, the suspect we know only served a 7 year sentence before being paroled. We are advised by sources in the position to know, that during that trial because of the decomposition of the body in that crime scene in 2003, no mention of the sexual acts committed on the victim was ever leaked to the media, and that’s not all.

We can tell readers in this recent incident, the suspect lived in a complex nearby where Marco’s lifeless body was discovered. That complex we can confirm, is owned by the brother of the suspect; an inspector on the Royal Bahamas Police Force, who also served as an official bodyguard to a senior Cabinet Minister.

Because of the sensitive nature of the case and to avoid evidence going missing, police chief, Ellison Greenslade, took charge of the investigation, as he ordered members of his RBPF not to speak or relay information [like the released photos in the Nellie Brown-Cox Murder] on the developments. He called on the public to trust the police as they close another heinous act of violence against the vulnerable in our society.

Bahamas Press has obtained information, which reveals the suspect could face additional charges on a second pedophile incident, which occurred just weeks ago but was never mentioned in the WUTLESS MEDIA!

Sandra Dean-Patterson the said CZAR on sexual crimes throughout the country. Patterson we believe has lost her steam. She could organize walks and fairs, but when a child goes missing or is found murdered she makes a Houdini move; can't be found like Jerry Roker.

We have information where another schoolboy was picked up in the Chippingham area, but lucky for him, he escaped his abductor. The young boy was shaken up following the ordeal forcing his parents to report the matter to the police.

The suspect, according to our investigations, lived in an apartment complex along with many of his family members. The real question is this, why did none of them warn police of the foul odor in the area or about the young child who some say, was seen with the victim near the apartments? Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm!

Bahamas Press is now calling for an Amber Alert System [MARCO ALERT SYSTEM] to be implemented right away across the Bahamas to give public notice on all missing children immediately!

We also call for a sexual offenses registry, which will notify the public on persons charged with a sexual incident involving children. We also ask for all pedophiles listed to report to a police desk weekly as a condition of their release.

Children should not be subjected to such evil clandestine pedophile mindsets. When it isn’t a teacher its some preacher. We also call for heavy multiple doses of Saltpeter to be prepared in prison food.

Additionally, following this despicable crime we wonder why, almost 24-hours since the discovery of young Marco, we have not heard a lick from the Prime Minister of the Bahamas? Not a word from Tommy Turnquest. Not even lip service from the DNA [The official GREEN Drag Queen Party of the Bahamas] or a whisper from Sandra Dean-Patterson the said CZAR on sexual violence here in the country.

We were comforted to see the man who led a Parliamentary Commission on Crime, the PLP MP for Bain and Grants Town, Dr. B. J. Nottage, at the crime scene yesterday where he addressed members of the press on his distaste of the many crimes against children all over the Bahamas.

We call on international agencies, particularly the United Nations, to take a second look at the Bahamas and its skyrocketing violence and heinous acts against children!

We report, yinner decide.


  1. people please keep ya children away from the mentally insane people in dis Bahamas, ecspecially gay niggas,we all know what many of them are capable of

  2. BP attacked Turnquest for his comments about our judges, but here is an example. How does one get a 7 year sentence for MURDER ?? NO COUNTY in the work will let a killer of a child out in 7 years. NO country. We are the only country in the world that give 18 month sentences for criminals that smuggle millions of dollars in drugs that kill our young people in this nation. We have to get serious. Life for Murder….25 years minimum for serious drug offences and we should implement a 3 strikes and you out law like California to stop repeat offenders for good. If we need more space in the jails…lets add it. This has to stop NOW !!!!! This is not a PLP or FNM thing. Our laws to are lenient, our judges are not tough enough and our jails need upgrading to get these people off of our streets !!!

  3. The Justice System

    Judges and Lawyers have just about ruined OUR COUNTRY. When murderers are not put to death it adds to the innocent blood that cannot be cleansed except by God’s judgment. When anyone willfully or negligently causes the death of another person, true justice in the sight of God requires the death of the person to take away the innocent blood. Unless this is done, God remembers and keeps an account and one day will require it of the general population by judgment of war, drought, famine, pestilence, tornado, earthquake, etc.

    Here are some scriptures that draws reference:-

    Jeremiah 4:31

    Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.

    Nahum 3:3

    There is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses:

  4. Shelly– I think that may be the same crime THIS suspect was convicted of. The boy was found in a dumpster on Claridge Road. Was in 2003 and he spent 7 years in jail and was released in Dec. Now he is the main suspect in Marco’s death! Marco’s body was found behind his apartment complex! If he turns out to really be Marco’s killer than there is a lot of explaining that needs to happen:
    Why was he paroled? Why is the sentence so lenient for the murder of a child?
    What sort of ‘rehabilitation’ do they get in jail? ( none I suspect) why is there no sexual offenders registry? Why did the police wait until Monday to look at the cervailence tape at the gas station?
    If there had been a registry then his neighbors (who probably also have children) would have paid better attention if he was seen with a child and the police would have gone to his house immediately when Marco was reported missing.

    • I think that was him too, I was deeply sadden when I heard about the other young boy in 2003 and I am equally hurt by what I heard happened to this next innocent child. No way in Hell this monster should have been set free. God will deal with him! RIP Marco

  5. Shelly– I think that may be the same crime THIS suspect was convicted of. The boy was found in a dumpster on Claridge Road. Was in 2003 and he spent 7 years in jail and was released in Dec. Now he is the main suspect in Marco’s death! Marco’s body was found behind his apartment complex! If he turns out to really be Marco’s killer than there is a lot of explaining that needs to happen:
    Why was he paroled? Why is the sentence so lenient for the murder of a child?
    What sort of ‘rehabilitation’ do they get in jail? ( none I suspect) why is there no sexual offenders registry? Why did the police wait until Monday to look at the cervailence tape at the gas station?
    If there had been a registry then his neighbors (who probably also have children) would have paid better attention if he was seen with a child and the police would have gone to his house immediately when Marco was reported missing.


  7. What ever happened to stoning these sick bastards! if i wasn’t away to school I would be right in front of the courts with my bag of rocks, just waiting for them to walk his sorry backside up to the courtroom.

    • I agee with school abroad. stone that m***f*** if his a** was IN Jamicia or one of the other caribbean countries, he would be stone to death. The policemen would have to take cover. IT time we take our contry back from these criminals. sick M***f***

  8. Like u said the question is “Are We Our Brothers Keeper” I’m forty an out of respect if an elder folk would pass n I had alcohol in my hand I would not let them see it…. Also it is common in our country to see young girls one dress like a man n the other dress like a girl walking holding hands in public, that is there choice but we act like this is acceptable behavior in our country…… The crimes that rare happening in our country will continue ti increase because the power that be are condoning it by making that call or accepting …………….,let’s really face Nassau is 21 by 7……an if they need help why don’t they call in the FBI I’m sure if they did that by early next year our crime problem would decrease by more than 50 percent….

  9. This came from a post I wrote in 2003″I remember a few years ago in Nassau, a child who worked part time for some shop (can’t remember exact details) went missing and was found decomposed in some type of container in the Claridge Rd area. There was some mention of sexual assult also. I think some mentally challenged person was blamed for that crime. Makes you wonder hey ?”

  10. This came from a post I wrote in 2003″I remember a few years ago in Nassau, a child who worked part time for some shop (can’t remember exact details) went missing and was found decomposed in some type of container in the Claridge Rd area. There was some mention of sexual assult also. I think some mentally challenged person was blamed for that crime. Makes you wonder hey ?”

  11. This incident will expose the corruption in our society that is abound. The accused may have molested other little boys, but because of who he know or should I say related to, it was swept under the rug.

  12. My heart goes out to the family of this young innocent child. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    @media: Please dont use this as a platform to attack Dr.Sandra Dean Patterson. A woman who has devoted so much of her life towards making the Bahamas a better place. How many other persons have developed an ran a crisis center, provided free counselling and support for victims of domestic violence and child abuse, organized countless community efforts to raise awareness. One person cannot do it all. It takes a village. We are ALL responsible.

    • I certainly agree with Bahamian…, let not make this about Dr. Sandra Dean Patterson, this lone woman stands as giant in society supporting these issues. She is generally concern for the HURT, DOWN TRODDED, WEARY, AND ABUSE for years. I’m 50+ and remember when she first started out I was in High School; Dr. Dean-Patterson always displayed empathy for that child or student who were experiencing hardship or home problems. I can safely say this because she was instrumental in my young cousin life at that time. We started to fall short in the early 70’s when young mothers having children out of wedlock decided to not raise their children the way they grandparents or parents raised theirs. “The old folks were too strict,” discipline never killed a child. One of the reasons societies is the way, because the parents or mother’s I should say seeing that so many thousands of homes are fatherless want to be friends with their children to be accepted by them; that’s the problem. Some of these homes stand guilty of their children bringing home drug money , and aware they have weapons in their possession, but when they are caught for a heinous crime , the weeping starts my good child, the WORD say’s bring up a child in the way they should go and when they become old they would not depart from it. There’s no more Sunday school, and family times in the Bahamas any more now its fish fry and beach parties and sport events rather than good old fashion family time. STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR MISTAKES, YES IT TAKES A VILLAGE, BUT THE VILLAGE SHOULD START IN EVERYHOME FIRST THEN THE NEIGHBOUR , COMMUNITY , SOCIERY AT LARGE AND THE ENTIRE BAHAMAS ESPECIALLY THE ISLAND WHICH HAVE JUMPED ON THE WAGON FOLLOWING NASSAU WHICH IS RIDICULUS. THANK GOD FOR DR.DEAN PATTERSON and pray that God would provide many more like her thanks.

  13. Commissioner I really applaud what you doing but you facing a dam uphill battle with the court and judicial system.

    I don’t want tell you how to do your job, but the judicial system seems to be out to slaughter Bahamians by unleashing vicious sick animals back in the general population to finish what they started.

    I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t know how effective you are going to be at your job, when one day you lock up these animals and the next day they out on bail doing the same chit.

    Anyhow, God be with you because, hope you find comfort in the thanks of a few ppl when are waste deep in the blood and guts of innocent murdered Bahamians.

  14. To add to what is stated above…the brother is a police officer but not an Inspector.

    The suspect has been to jail but NOT FOR MURDER and yes he does have a history of sex offences.

    The police officer brother does not live in the same complex and when his brother was arrested his family ATTACKED HIM, because he said wrong was wrong.

    At this point there is nothing any politician can say that will make a difference so why we need comments from them? What needs to happen is that people should let the police do their jobs and advocate to the politicians (all a dem, not just your party) for changes to the law. NO BAIL and make the sentences for those conviced LONGER and HARDER. Thats what we need from them now,is that not what we elected them to do? Take action, not issue statements and visit crime sceenes.

  15. I certainly agree with disgusted, we need to take our country back from the criminals that continue to wreck havoc on what is left of The Bahamas. It so sad when the life of children whether in the inner city or outskirts mean nothing to these characters masking themselves in society as human being. When in actuality they are SATAN REPRESENATIVE’S, reason being no one who ever had or have the heart of God in them can harm an innocent child, or children whom God said suffer the little children to come unto me. We as a so call Christ following nation have turn back to GOD. We have gotten our priorities all wrong following Harlot America where evil and despicable practices has become a norm and things that are an abomination to God has become socially acceptable. We have become Uncle Toms amongst ourselves, not caring for the needy and down trodden because we are too busy drawing attention to our earthy accomplishment’s; where my child attend school the name brand things I can put on them and the area where we live. “Stereotypical TOM CHRISTIAN SELF.” Where is God in your heart? I have seen a mother waiting for her child sitting in her car a fight broke out the mother got out of her car and told the kids move away from my car. In my day that mother could correct those kids fighting ,take them to the parents where they would be chastised all she cared about was them fighting close to her precious car ,that child life could have been taken this lady did not care it wasn’t her kid. Is this what our society has come to Bahamas??? Yet probably on any given Sunday or Wednesday midweek service this person is in church praising the Lord, What Lord are you serving?? Yes I agree with all the child missing alerts and posting these sick person pictures all over the place, especially reinforced in the schools and homes about strangers and sometimes person who the children know. We need to have dialogue with our children from the time they can hold a conversation with us about life and yes this is a very evil world in which we live; not to frighten them, but to make them aware of SATAN and HIS EMPS. and PIMPS. We need to be more involved with our communities and the neighbourhood after all, aren’t we suppose to be our brothers keeper whatever happen to that? my heartfelt condolence to the family of this wonderful young man , and to the parents of all who have lost their children to such violent crimes that blew out that precious candle, May God continue to have his presence amidst our people and shed his grace and mercy in a land where we have strayed.

  16. Whatever happened to the saying “It takes a village to raise a child” if someone took the time to notice that an adult was talking to a child , or when he was called to the car, things may have been a little different.
    Yes we are our brothers keeper, this includes kids too,
    so people lets take time out to be more vigilant and aware of the things going on around us, we need to educate children about talking to strangers, accepting rides, and sweets, and the classic, can you help me to look for my lost puppie.
    It may be to late for young Marco,but we must become guardians to the children of the Nation.
    Stop turning a blind eye away from abuse, and molestation ,one day God forbid, it could be you or me
    who has to suffer the loss of a child in this way.
    SO look out for mine ,as I in turn will look out for yours.

    To the family and friends of young Marco, I am sorry for your loss, and cannot begin to imagine how hurt you must feel, but I know it must great.

    “Suffer little children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of God”

    R.I.P MARCO.

  17. @ Mr. K. Roberts, it’s not political, it is just showing who really cares about the Bahamian people…3 Thumbs up to Mr. Nottage (PLP) for showing his support to the family of Marco and the Bahamas. Prays going out to the family. R.I.P MARCO..

  18. If you chemically castrate sex offenders then you would not have to worry about them when they are let out of prison.

    I say the gubman needs to bring law which mandates chemical castration and bring it fast….

  19. It is a Spiritual problem that requires a spiritual supernatural intervention. The healing of the land was never promised to the politician. The word of God still speaks to the church. “If My People..” The problem is, we are not prepared do do ALL that we were commanded. He didn’t just say PRAY. There must be A humbling, A Seeking, A Turning and A Praying. If we are not prepared to do it all then we are not serious and might as well close shop and go home. It’s time for the saints to weep between the porch and the altar. Then, he says, I will hear from heaven, will forgive sins and heal the land. SELAH!!

  20. Whatever happened to the saying “It takes a village to raise a child” if someone took the time to notice that an adult was talking to a child , or when he was called to the car, things may have been a little different.
    Yes we are our brothers keeper, this includes kids too,
    so people lets take time out to be more vigilant and aware of the things going on around us, we need to educate children about talking to strangers, accepting rides, and sweet, and the classic, can you help me to for my lost puppie.
    It may be to late for young Marco,but we must become gaurd

  21. To the Family: Cannot imagine your pain. All I know to say is God God God stay close to God.
    To Bahamians:We as Bahamians hear about these grusome crimes we talk about it amongst ourselves and still carry on.As small a nation we are we did not come together as brothers keepers as every Sunday church going people, as concern citizens to get involved and do a nation wide search for Marco. Not until it is on our door step (God forbid)then we feel alone. A crime as horrific as this should have shut down the nation the hell with businesses and the money they gatta make. Demons are in this country all kind of different spirits cultures backgrounds in the country.

    To government: Do something with the country’s law right away regarding this situationor else believe the party will be voted out.

  22. My heart and prayers goes out to the family of this young boy i couldnt imagine the pain and frustration the family is experiencing. I’m appalled at the state and condition in which our society has disintegrated to, when now we have an innocent child on the murder count list fot this year, we as Bahamians need to get angry and mad now and take action, do not let Marco’s death be in vain we need to 1. Pray 2. Harass the Bahamas government to take action and not allow persons accused of murder to be granted bail. 3.If the government won’t do it let us as Bahamians start the process of creating a Sexual Offenders list. 4. Harass the government again for the courts to now grant longer prison sentences for person convicted of murder. LOOK BAHAMAS stop damn marching and have rallys its not working let us UNIT and get mad so we can change the Bahamas for the better. Also If Ingraham doesn’t make an address about what happened to Marco he has sealed his fate and will not return to power.

  23. SMT!! We can’t carry out the laws that are on the books now, how in the world will they mann this register???….like Rondney Moncur say ” POP DEY NECK”

  24. Each time I hear about something like this my heart sinks. There are unfortunately some very sick people who prey on kids. They watch, wait and plan and probably befriend your kids. Like any predator they go after the kids who seem the least attended to.
    We give them chance! Nowadays a baby is a garnish. We dress them in nice clothing and we talk baby talk and then the baby gets older. We give them less attention, we leave them to “knock about” and in some cases we leave them with other people who keep less than a watchful eye. I know a child cannot be watched every single moment. To leave children witout proper supervision is leaving them open to theses monsters who do not care what they make the children suffer through. What this child and others have suffered is preventable.

  25. Everytime I hear about things like this I cringe inside. A baby has become for lots of people nothing more than a garnish with sweet eyes and tiny clothes. As soon as the child is older then he/she get far less attention and are in some cases simply allowed to “knock about” nowadays. There are unfortunately some very sick people in the world. They watch and see which child would be the perfect prey. Then they plan and probably even befriend your child. Why bear children that will not be sheltered and protected at all costs? I know we cant watch the children every moment of the day, but leaving children unattended to fend for themselves or to stay with someone who isnt paying full attention is leaving them open to being someones prey. What this child must have suffered and what many others suffer daily is preventable. Stop giving these monsters a chance at your children!

  26. Wow! Here we go again with the politics and the reason why the Bahamas is in the position it is in now. This is not about who showed up on the scene first. This is about the fact that an innocent life has been lost. Oh the day when all political parties would take of those lying gloves and come together as one. EVERYTHING RISES AND FALLS ON LEADERSHIP. Stop the vain, tearing down rallies, sit down and rewrite the laws of the land.

  27. “That complex we can confirm is owned by the brother of the victim; an inspector on the Royal Bahamas Police Force, who also served as an official bodyguard to a senior Cabinet Minister.”

    BP in the quote above you have “victim” which should be “suspect”. Thanks

    • not only that, the complex is/was owned by his brother not the inspector but the dead drug dealer who left it all to his mother along with the other apartments off the eastern road. the inspector only lives there cause he’s seperated from his wife. the drug dealer was shot dead while riding his motorbike many years ago

  28. Wow! Here we go again with the politics and the reason why the Bahamas is in the position it is in now. This is not about who showed up on the scene first. This is about the fact that an innocent life has been lost. Oh the day when all political parties would take of those lying gloves and come together as one. EVERYTHING RISES AND FALLS ON LEADERSHIP. Stop the vain, tearing down rallies, sit down and rewrite the laws of the land.

  29. BP, I normally don’t agree with your politics but on this subject you’re 100 per cent spot on. A register of sexual offenders is needed. If these perverts are released into society, the public have a right to know where they’re living. And the murderers of innocnt children should be hanged.

  30. Who is safe, no one,
    What has this country gone to?
    We need to take our conuntry back from the criminals that continue to wreck havoc on what is left of The Bahamas,
    No more Sun, Sea and Sand, as it seems this land now belongs to the Bad man.
    Rise up, March on and demand justice for all that lost lives.
    This is a sad day, change the laws please protect the children, they are our future, we need to post every monster that has caused harm to children for all to see, why shelter them.
    We should be ashamed that we let this monster out to reign again, now what, will we take an eye for an eye, hang the you know what, dont waste not time and money locking him up for twenty years, give him what he deserves.

  31. what the hell! who and what couldv’e seen that monster with that lil boy and didn’t say anything? His whole family including his brother need to get lost in jail, he needs to be publicly hang. Governement needs to do something with these monsters. I tell you one thing for my two kids im not going to sit aside and watch you eat of me in Fox Hell Prison only to come out and pratice the same sh*t, you will be one dead dog in the streets

  32. It is apparent that children in the inner city areas are being targeted…maybe due to the fact that there is less parental supervision in these neighborhoods. It was always ok for children to go to the shop on the corner. Everyone knew everyone…but times have changed, the neighbors have changed. PARENTS NEED TO STEP UP THEIR GAME. All parents everywhere now need to make them stay in the the house and put the little things there that they need or go back to ole school go no where without your brother and sister…you all go together, stay together and come back together….leave your children properly supervised….this leaving a 10 or 11 yrs old to mind the younger ones…please stop it….remember evil prevails when good people do nothing…don’t take anything and anyone for granted…teach your children about strangers….there are too many strange people walking the neighborhoods now and no one says anything…get to know who lives on your street…take time….ensure that your children participate in afternoon programs go to church programs ..they will meet people in a safe environment…you take them to the parks and supervise their play there….these may seem like small things but they have been proven to keep our children safe…

    • A few days ago my friend mentioned the same thing she calls it ” Nosey Neighbor” that’s what the people call you when u watch every thing in your neighborhood, I welcome all the Nosey Neighbors it give me free security system and free security officers. We have become mean and selfish all we looking out for is for ourselves. we really need to be our brothers keepers.

    • There is something going on in our society that goes back generations. This thing that goes back generations was passed on from our ancestors through spiritual belief systems.In these spiritual belief systems there were sacrifices that were made.HUMAN SACRIFICES.This sacrificial offering was made in an effort to curb certain behaviors in the then existing culture by giving the gods of that era blood. Blood of young,innocnet children.THESE SACRFICIAL OFFERINGS HAVE NOT STOPPED!!!It has continued on to this day in places where people want power,wealth,and other superficial things that they feel they need to live.YES THIS ALSO HAPPENS IN THE BAHAMAS.Marco and the other child found in the dumpster were sacrifices made by people that hold HIGH positions in the Bahamian society.Hence the dismemberment of the body. (CUT UP BODY) The person that was convicted of the crime was the scapegoat for the murder of the child in the dumpster then and the murder of Marco now.That is why the body of Marco was “DISCOVERED” near his home.The actual people that are responsible knew that the outcry of the Bahamian people would be such that he would get blamed,go to trial and be convicted of the crime.He may even be released again because “THEY”(the persons responsible)know that he is not the actual person responsible for the act.That is why many high memebers of our judicial system stayed clear of it. They know about it and the actual reason why.I feel sorry for the family of the children and I also feel sorry for the poor mentally handicapped person being accused of it knowing that he is just the scapegoat for something that is much bigger and more heinous.His family member is involved but not in the way that the Bahamian people may think.His family member is allowing him to be the scapegoat in order to please “the powers that be” in our society and in order to get another reward from them.He has already received one reward for framing his family member (the mentally handicapped accused) for the first murder.And that is the true crime.

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