BTC Brings Holiday Hope & Heart to the Less Fortunate

BRINGING HOLIDAY CHEER: BTC recently announced that three charitable organizations - Great Commission Ministries, The Salvation Army and the Nazareth Home - would benefit with $20,000 of donations specifically for food, clothing and shelter-related needs during the holidays. BTC will also give gifts to children at the Ranfurly Home for Children, the Children's Emergency Hostel and the Grand Bahama Children's Home. Pictured left to right: Ruth Strachan, Nazareth Centre Administrator; Delano Knowles, Ranfurly Home Assistant to the Administrator; Geoff Houston, BTC CEO; Minalee Hanchell, Great Commission Ministries Executive Director and Maxine Bethel, inspired and inspiring volunteer.

By Diane Phillips & Associates

Nassau, Bahamas – They are not the typical customers and their profile doesn’t fit the savvy mobile or internet user seeking fast speeds and quick solutions. But yesterday, hundreds who may never have owned a cell phone or downloaded a tune learned they would be remembered during the holidays, thanks to the generosity of BTC.

At a press conference held in the company’s board room on JFK Boulevard, executives said three charities devoted to feeding the hungry, clothing the poor and housing the needy would benefit from thousands of dollars in donations for food, clothing, blankets and gifts. And another three children’s homes would receive mountains of toys.

“As we look forward to enjoying the holidays with our loved ones, we remember those among us who are less fortunate,” said BTC CEO Geoff Houston. “Perhaps they are elderly and alone, or they have fallen on hard times or like many of the children, through no fault of their own, have no home the way we think of a home to go to on Christmas. We at BTC are all about connecting and there is no better time than the holidays to connect with those around us.”

BTC said three charities — Great Commission Ministries, The Salvation Army and the Nazareth Home would benefit with $20,000 of donations specifically for food, clothing and shelter-related needs during the holidays. BTC will also give gifts to children at the Ranfurly Home for Children, the Children’s Emergency Hostel and the Grand Bahama Children’s Home. Representatives of the organisations were present.

“Once we started to look into what the needs were, we were overwhelmed by how many powerful emotions arose. The Salvation Army alone served provided more than 6,000 meals and food packages last year with what was collected by the Kettle Drive so that gives you an idea of how great the needs are. When needs are great, response must be equally great,” said Houston.

The donations followed BTC’s announcement two weeks earlier of donations totaling$206,000 for Junkanoo — both junior and senior parades in New Providence — and yesterday, the telecoms leader deepened that with another $20,000 commitment to Junkanoo in Grand Bahama. The company is known for its commitment to community and regularly supports athletic endeavours as well as its annual major blood drive.