BTC clarifies reports on Whatsapp



Do not mind the noise in the market. BTC likes Whatapp…they are our friends. We wont be charging you to chat with your friends and family. Here are a few answers to some of your questions:

1. What does this new partnership mean for BTC and its customers?

Given that BTC is the only commercial mobile operator, this new partnership does not change the way we treat or charge for the Whatsapp application, its business as usual. Customers will still require an active mobile data plan to allow them the connectivity needed to use Whatsapp. However, any new mobile operator providing cellular service in the Bahamas will not be able to provide the same type of Whatsapp service and benefits to its customers since BTC will be the only operator to exclusively provide this service.

2. What is in this deal for the customer, what will be the benefits for them?

Customers will continue to have unrestricted access to WhatsApp as they always have. However in the near future, as a result of this partnership and as our suite of products and services evolve, we will be developing and offering our customers new and different types of WhatsApp data packages that give customers more value for money.

3. What are the obvious changes that we will see from the customers’ point of view?

For BTC customers there will be no change to their use WhatsApp. Customers will still require a working internet connection to access Whatsapp either by subscribing to a mobile data plan, or by accessing to a WIFI connection.