Prime Minister – Dr. The Hon. Hubert A. Minnis, M.P., Project Sponsors, and other Government Officials gather for a group photo at the Willard Patton Presentation. BTC CEO, Dexter Cartwright and Chief Commercial Officer, Andre Knowles are pictured.

Nassau, The Bahamas. December 5, 2017. As BTC continues on its journey to connect communities and transform lives, the organization worked hand in hand with the Government of The Bahamas on its latest initiatives. The Ministry of Education introduced its e-Learning project at the Willard Patton Pre-School. Through this initiative, toddlers will be able to use smart technology as a part of the learning process. BTC provided a WIFI solution for the pre-school.

BTC CEO, Dexter Cartwright said, “This is a true example of what public/private partnerships look like. We were happy to work along with the Government on this latest program. The students at Willard Patton Pre-School now have access to a safe and secure broadband connection with BTC. We are certain this will enhance their learning experience.

Studies have shown that between birth and the age of five, a child’s brain develops more than any other time in life and that the use of technology in the classroom at an early age motivates children to learn and boosts creativity. Programs like these remain near and dear to my heart, because at BTC as we strive to ensure that every single citizen from as young as our pre-schoolers, has access to the latest and best communications solutions.”

The Willard Patton Pre-School initiative was a pilot of a broader project to provide internet access to all schools throughout the country. Prime Minister, Dr. The Hon. Hubert A. Minnis, M.P. attended this momentous occasion. Dr. Minnis and other Government officials toured the school’s grounds and watched the toddlers in action on their tablets. Excitement filled the air as students yelled out “I did it!” after completing their tasks.

Last month, BTC provided over one hundred tablets to Eva Hilton Primary School as a part of the school’s e-Learning initiative as well. Additionally during the summer months, BTC donated twenty computers to Doris Johnson Senior High School.

Willard Patton Pre School Students on their tablets

Willard Patton Pre School Students and Teachers taking full advantage of their eLearning tools.

Willard Patton Pre School Students and Teachers using their tablets.