BTC Sends Former Prince Hall Lodge Grand Master, Carl Culmer, Packing


The Tyrant joins the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE – last seen at NIB!

Sacked Carl Culmer!

Nassau, Bahamas — If our followers remember, it was BP who first broke the news that Carl Culmer was FIRED from BTC. Deep in the passage ways of BTC, BP unearthed this information months ago and told you, our loyal followers. that the Prince Hall TYRANT would soon be joining the unemployment line.

The sad news evolving from this story is that no one seems to be perturbed about the dismissal of this man who has worked at BTC for over thirty years. BP investigated and learned that ALL departments in BTC have banned together and are having a MAJOR SEND OFF PARTY for Culmer this weekend. But here’s the thing, Culmer is NOT invited to the party. The party is a celebration of his dismissal from the Corporation. BP received an invitation and will be in attendance.

BP explored the reasons why the masses are not sympathetic towards the former Prince Hall Grand Master and was told that Carl was a thorn in the buttocks to work with at BTC because he sought to evoke the presence of living hell in the lives of his co-workers for no apparent reason other than to make their work day miserable.

“We are glad that fool is gone,” said a BTC worker. “He was like a cancerous sore to us. We will all be dead drunk in his honor at the party this weekend. He is a wicked, cruel and malicious man. He got his just reward. No one here feels sorry for him and as for me, I hope I never see his stupid @%& again.

“We have our sources in NIB who are on high alert for when he shows up to apply for unemployment benefits. We will call the press and have his picture taken for he is an evil man.”

Leon Williams, current CEO at BTC was undermine by WUTLESS CULMER!

That was just one in a million hateful comments towards Carl Culmer, who seems to be the most hated man in the country at this time. After talking with a few of the brothers who are members of Prince Hall Lodge, it seems as though they share the same sentiments.

“Carl Culmer single-handedly destroyed Prince Hall,” the Prince Hall Lodge source said. “We had a beautiful and productive organization until Carl Culmer became Grand Master. He put the brothers in fear with his tyrant-like tactics and enjoys giving out degrees to undeserving brothers so they can fill him in on what people are saying about him after which he punishes those people with foolish rules that he makes up.

“Membership is at an all time low, because brothers do not want to be around Carl. He has destroyed our order. If you oppose his foolishness you are automatically expelled for no real reason. Look what he did to Geno Nairn who was a first class Mason. He did the same to Everette Mackey, another pillar in our community. Another one to feel Carl’s spite was popular musician, Fred Ferguson. All these men kicked out for foolish and unlawful reasons. Meanwhile the order is being dragged to the dogs.”

Well from the looks of things BP has concluded that Prince Hall members will be celebrating with the BTC workers at the party this weekend.

The Bahamas waits to see the next move for this troublesome former Grand Master who might very well take out his BTC anguish on the Prince Hall members.

BP went back to BTC to further investigate the happenings and was told that Carl Culmer was the main instrument in the previous sacking of CEO, Leon Williams, under the FNM’s regime. Carl held the blade behind his back and revealed it when Leon Williams was not looking, then lowered it in his spinal column. WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS??

This is a prime example of the saying, “What goes around, comes around”.

We Drink! So Mote it Be!