BTC rocks Inagua with Carnival and FLOW TV…
Nassau, Bahamas – With scores of revelers, the BTC sponsored “Avvy Brings Carnival to Inagua”was nothing short of spectacular. The second annual event was a weekend of activities where Inagua residents were able to celebrate Bahamian culture.
BTCCEO, Leon Williams said “It is important that we continue to invest in events like this all over The Bahamas. Culture is one of the things that make us uniquely Bahamian and it is important that we continue to do our part as a corporate citizen to advance Bahamian culture. When we were approached by Avvy, we had no reservations and we immediately jumped on board as a sponsor.”
During the event, BTC launched officially launched its FLOW TV services to the island. The event was attended by The Rt. Hon Perry Christie, Prime Minister, The Hon. V. Alfred Gray, and M.P. for Inagua and The Hon. Daniel Johnson, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture.
BTC was the title sponsor of the second annual Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival event which was held earlier this month.