BTC’s SHARE YOUR SOLE PROJECT A SUCCESS – Over 300 pairs of shoes donated from this initiative

Farreno Ferguson|BTC Public Relations Department
BTC iVolunteers donate shoes for those in need for back to school! Left to Right: Sonya, Nikia, Francita, Darleen, Vanessa, Michelle and Mark.

Nassau, The Bahamas. September 14, 2017. This year, seventy children in need went back to school with proper shoes courtesy of BTC’s iVolunteer Team.

Organizer, Cherolyn Moss said, “A few years ago I attended a Teachers’ Appreciation assembly that BTC supported at the Gambier Primary School. The program that day featured students from grades 1 and 2. While we were there, a colleague of mine noticed the state of the children’s shoes. I didn’t notice until she brought it to my attention, but some of the children’s shoes were really in poor condition. Some of their toes were hanging out. You could tell that the shoes were very old.”

Out of that recognition of a need, the “Share your Sole” program was born three years ago. Indira Collie, BTC’s Public Relations Manager said, “iVolunteer is a group of dedicated team members that go above and beyond to assist with the company’s various CSR initiatives. Cherolyn Moss, has been working with this program for three years now. When we initially started, the thinking was what can we do personally to help those in need?”

Since then, BTC has provided shoes to Gambier Primary for two years. This year the company has branched out and will be reaching Acklins and Andros. “We all remember the devastation that Hurricane Matthew left behind. One of the communities severely hit was Lowe Sound, Andros. We will be providing shoes for some of the students there. We will also be providing shoes for those in need in Acklins. In addition to providing shoes for Lowe Sound, the iVolunteer Team will also donate two laptops to the school. The entire iVolunteer team is hopeful that this small gesture will have a big impact in the lives of our little ones.”

With the “Share your Sole” project, BTC’s team members donated funds to purchase shoes. The company then matched the team’s donations to stretch the reach of the program. The BTC iVolunteer team was formed in 2012. Some of its projects include the refurbishment of the study hall and computer lab at Elizabeth Estates Primary, the adoption of the Cat Island Children’s Home. Numerous back to school initiatives, grocery distribution for those in need, the Healthy Breakfast school initiative reaching over 5,000 students and its annual Thanksgiving Drive where the company delivers thanksgiving lunch to its elderly retirees.