Butler-Turner almost thrown out of the Association event in North Abaco over the weekend…


Dr. Hubert Minnis had to calm supporters down from turning on Butler-Turner….

Loretta Butler-Turner

Abaco, Bahamas —  Dr. Hubert Minnis’ calm and peaceful spirit helped save Loretta and crew from being thrown out of planned evening event on Abaco over the weekend.

Dr. Minnis and wife was invited to a special dinner meeting hosted by the North Abaco Association on that island, but by the time the Leader of the Opposition arrived something terribly went wrong in the head of the deputy leader.

When Dr. Minnis’ car pulled up a supporter in Abaco began dancing with another woman and like Laura Williams in the PLP shouted aloud, “Looka my leader reach!”

The shout and applause for Dr. Minnis made Loretta red in the face and shaken to her nerve. She has planned to use the event as a launch for her bid to challenge Dr. Minnis for the FNM leadership at the upcoming convention.

As Dr. Minnis and his entourage entered the building, Big Sexy stopped the leader saying, “This is a private event?” but by this time the crowd was already chanting “Minnis…Minnis….Minnis…Minnis…”

Dr. Minnis in his calm demeanor cautioned the deputy leader – “let there be no war. I am the leader of the FNM. I am invited to be with my people. They have invited me here and I have come to them.”

By this time a woman in the crowd shouted, “What you mean my leader cannnnnn come in here? This is an association event? Dis our leader you want us throw your fat…F#@$ A$$ out of Abaco eh?” Big Sexy and her losing team looked rejected as the mood turned against them. But the mood was quickly dispelled as Dr. Minnis like in the spirit of Mahatma Gandi quickly calmed the crowd already to throw the deputy leader and her team out.

As one Association member told BP, “Ya see, this is why Dr. Minnis is my Leader. He does not go around slapping people and creating war. He is a Peacemaker! And the bible tells us blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of the God.”