By-election Looms…Bethel seeks new seat…Public awaits Earl Deveaux’s resignation


Hubert Ingraham and defeated Elizabeth Candidate Duane Sands. {file Photo

South Abaco, Bahamas –– Members of the Free National Movement are possibly gearing up from another by-election we are told and that battle could come before the year is out.

Bahamas Press has learnt Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham is making frequent trips into South Abaco canvassing the ground and testing his chances in a bid that can be his final test before the general elections.

Bahamas Press reported an FNM Conclave is being set for Wednesday 3rd November 2010, at the Wyndham on Cable Beach. We know, Ingraham will deliever some major announcements during that gathering of the party faithful, and with two more years to go, a by-election win for the FNM – strategists believe – can take the PLP off its game and into chaos.

Bahamas Press has learnt South Abaco Member of Parliament, Edison Key, who underwent a triple bypass surgery, is contemplating vacating his seat in the Parliament. We are told by sources in the FNM, “If Key decides to resign from the House, he will give us the keys to a by-election, which we know we can win. It will offset our defeat in Elizabeth and will send the PLP into mass confusion.”

Hon. Edison Key

But will such a move be successful? With the Scandals emanating out of the environment ministry, namely, Earl Deveaux’s knitted conflicting relationships with “QUESTIONABLE” investors, who have ventured to rape the protected land spaces of the Bahamas. Added with the economic hardship Bahamians now battle; will a by-election help or destroy the FNM?

We are told FNMs are running scared and are taking to flight from their constituencies. BP has confirmed defeated former minister of education; Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel is running from his Sea breeze constituency like ‘cat scared a water’. We are told by sources deep in the FNM, “Carl is the Bahamas’ most unwanted man. First the children in the schools ran him out of his ministry, then Hubert ran him out the Cabinet, soon FNM will run him out of his position as Chairman and now he himself is running from his own seat in an attempt to avoid the pending cut_you_know_what.

Bethel we are told is lurking around the constituency of St. Thomas More like a ‘jonser’ just off the begging streets of Calcutta looking for quarter. “He’s gone MAD! He has been most neglectful to the people of his former Holy Cross and now Sea Breeze. He has no shame BP!

“We in St. Thomas More want no clown face bozo representing us,” an officer in the constituency said.

PLP CDR leadership in Long Island over the weekend. Chairman Bradley Roberts address the gathering.

Meanwhile members of the CDR has accelerated their island hop throughout the country preaching the message of help and hope sponsored by the PLP.

Christie led a delegation into Long Island as he opened a branch in Deadman’s Cay. Christie, in his attempts to wash himself clean from the ‘late again’ stigma, was seen cutting ribbon and planting candidates and generals in that community. We are told PLP deputy Chairman, Alex Storr, is one of the possible candidates who could be fielded in Long Island as Christie strategy is to run a 41 member election slate.

Echoes of Christie’s voice could be heard telling the residents in that district he challenges the current leadership for the FNM to find the courage and pull the string to “ring the bell”.

Boy, we wonder if the PLP leader didn’t bite his tongue on that one.


  1. My people in Long Island might as well vote PLP!The FNM is doing nothing for Long Island because they know at the end of the day a donkey will win in Long Island on the FNM ticket. They are being taken for granted. If they vote PLP & the PLP win they will get something.For the amount of time Long Island has been represented by the FNM, Long Island should be much further ahead than it is.

  2. What can we say? The FNM has run out of steam. If there is a by-election in south Abaco and they hold onto the seat, it will prove nothing other that give them(FNM) false comfort. The PLP would hardly ever, realistically, put South Abaco, St Annes and indeed Long Island( although all the seats seem up for grabs by us this time)on their winning side of the tally sheet. So I say to the FNM, it means nothing and it says nothing if you retain South Abaco; St Annes and Long Island in your column. Watch Long Island; that’s my home Island and I see and hear of some very positive things happening for the PLP. The PLP heard it too; why do you think we would open a plush campaign headquarters in the heart of FNM terrritory? Take it from me, right smack in the center of FNM territory. The FNM doesn’t even have a headquarters there or anywhere else on the Island that I know of.

    • truth or consequences & big c, what is the population of Long Island, what is it that Long Island don’t have that the other islands of similiar size in population has.

      you guys are being most unreasonable in these tough economic times, when the government is literally struggling to meet it’s commitments.

      I recall, during the early days of the first FNM government, they went to great lenghts to do right by long islanders, who, for the most part were being deprived of basic infrastructure,

      now, hear me good! I’m not saying, Long Islanders should be eternally grateful to the FNM, but they must be reasonable in their expectations.

      The choice at the polls is theirs!

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