Byron Woodside concedes defeat and is now taking his anger out on workers.


The FNM candidate who misses his sextoy is now taking out his anger on workers.

Outgoing Pinewood MP contributing to UNEMPLOYMENT! Four young workers FIRED!!!

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking News …HALLELUJAH! is coming into Bahamas Press which confirms at least one FNM junior minister in the Cabinet has now conceded defeat.

Our latest breaking story comes from deep in the heartland of the PLP – PINEWOOD GARDENS -where we can confirm Byron ‘remedial student’ Woodside has packed up his ‘GeorgieBundle’, moved out of the Ministry of Local Government and returned to his Texaco Gas Station opposite the Ministry of Education building.

Now you would remember Woodside was a victim of crime back in March when he was robbed of his 42” flat screen TV. Bandits also removed Woodside’s shotgun, surround-sound system, 5 gold watches, 3 gold chains, a sex toy and his entire desktop computer system.

The incident has left the outgoing MP disturbed as some tell us he misses his sex toy more than the TV.

But get this: Woodside is now parked at his gas station every morning and evening in the government car. Just yesterday some four employees, some with ‘lil’ babies, were sacked without pay only days before the election.

Bahamas Press decries this nasty ‘vicked’ attack on young people by a sitting Cabinet Minister in the Ingraham government.

But the likes of Woodside should have never been in the Parliament. Perhaps he did not know we at BP have his long historic record of his spousal abuse including where he beat his ex-wife right in PriceWaterHouse-Coopers some years back.

The EX of Woodside is also the sister of the FNM seatless wonder and Abandoner N’ Chief – Kenyatta Gibson.

We wonder how could that shameless 6-footplus jackass, who left the people of Kennedy stranded, associate himself with an FNM Party filled with such lowlifes.

Putting young Bahamians out of work and Beating Women is the record of the FNM – WE DELIVER!