C.O.B. administrators remain at the negotiating table

Campus of the College of the Bahamas

Nassau, Bahamas – The following is a press statement by College of The Bahamas (COB):

On Wednesday, January 9th, 2013, some non-faculty staff did not report for duty, indicating that they were ill. Today, some employees remain on sick leave. College policy allows each member of staff to take two consecutive sick days without being required to produce a valid certificate from a physician. Senior administration immediately activated contingencies to ensure that College operations were not compromised and critical services including the registration of new students and the late registration of returning students continued.

College administrators remain at the negotiating table and are committed to an amicable process that produces a new industrial contract with the BPSU for non-faculty staff. The financial commitments, related to the proposed industrial agreement, must take effect through a supplementary appropriations bill approved by Parliament. This matter must first be considered by Cabinet.

The College community is advised that operations are continuing, registration is underway and classes for spring 2013 are scheduled to begin on Monday, January 14th, 2013.