Cabinet Boycotts Archbishop's Retirement Banquet



The official retirement banquet for Archbishop Drexel Gomez was held at the Wyndham Resort last month. In this photo along with the Archbishop is Arthur Hanna and Perry Christie.


Information coming to Bahamas Press confirms that Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham made an edict to members of his government to boycott the official retirement banquet of Arbishop Drexel Gomez which was held at the Wyndham Resort last month.

Bahamas Press was informed that not a single member of the FNM government attended the event nor did anyone represented the prime minister. “That was intentional we learned, and in fact members were advised to make a NO SHOW at the event,” a senior member in the FNM told Bahamas Press.

Ingraham’s dissaffection with the church began during the referendum back in 2001, when Archbishop Gomez along with members of the christian community in the weeks leading up to the referendum, roundly criticized the government for rushing nine constitutional amendments through parliament, “without proper, widespread consultation.”

Then Prime Minister Ingraham shot back at the church in a cold attack of disrespect. And from that date, Ingraham ‘cockeyed’ perception of the church in the country grew.

The gala banquet was held on Nov. 14th,  and as we said, NOT A SINGLE MEMBER OF THE INGRAHAM CABINET SHOWED UP. WHAT A NATIONAL DISGRACE! Ingraham should be a shame of perpetrating such a dastard act against a man of the cloth. And if the children in the cabinet could not attend a banquet for a ‘Prince in the Church’, CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT OCCURS WHEN NATIONAL DECISIONS ARE MADE IN THE CABINET ROOM?

A crowd of approximately 800 persons attended the event, which was held at the Wyndham Crystal Palace Resort, Cable Beach, New Providence, Bahamas.  Attendees included:  His Excellency, the Governor General, The Hon. Arthur D. Hanna, former Prime Minister and current leader of the opposition, the Hon. Perry G. Christie and his wife, Mrs. Bernadette Christie, Bishops and Clergy from throughout The Bahamas, The Province of The West Indies and the United States.

The event was co-chaired by The Venerable I. Ranfurly Brown, Rector of St. Agnes Parish, and Mrs. Sandra Collie of Christ Church Cathedral. Mr. Idris Reid was the Master of Ceremony and Mr. Adrian Archer sang the National Anthem.   The Very Rev’d Patrick L. Adderley, The Dean of Nassau gave the invocation and blessing of food.  By special request from the Archbishop, Mrs. Verna Elcock sang “My Tribute”, accompanied by Mr. Preston Ferguson, Director of Music and Organist at St. Agnes Parish.

The Archbishop’s daughter, Mrs. Deborah Shearer, paid tribute to her father and spoke of the values that she and her three brothers were taught by their parents.   The Archbishop’s life-long friend, the Most Rev’d Gilbert A. Thompson also paid tribute.  This was followed by “a light moment” of entertainment provided by comedienne, “Miss Daisy”.   Further tributes and pesentations were made by Mrs. Ruby Nottage, Chancellor of the Anglican Diocese, The Right Rev’d Alfred Reid, Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands and others. Archbishop Gomez responded and The Right Rev’d Laish Boyd, Bishop Co-adjutor gave the vote of thanks.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band provided music for the evening.


Some of the 800 guests from around the Caribbean in attendance at the retirement banquet of Archbishop Drexel Gomez. With an orchestrated BOYCOTT of the event by the Ingraham government, not a single member of the Ingraham Cabinet attended the affair.


  1. Thomas, you are no doubt one of the obeah man followers, so I’ll tell you what, prove BP and the rest of us nuts. Get something, anything from one of those Anglican Cabinet Ministers named saying that they were at the Archbishop’s Retirement Banquet, a photo showing there attendance would really make us all look like nut cases.

  2. T. Finley, according to you every one who comes to BP are nuts.
    That being said, I now pronounce you “CHIEF OF NUTS!”

  3. I have too many of my own issues going on to be concerned with nonsence, much less speculate about staements with no basis in fact.What proof or evidence has been provided other than unnamed sources?

  4. Maybe the Goverment is sending a positive message to Bishop Gomez. The goverment and all those good Anglican MP wanted the GOOD Bishop to stay in office.

  5. Hey Thomas, why don’t you speculate why there was no one from the obeah man’s cabinet there despite the fact so, so many are Anglicans. Just to name a few Tommy Turnquest, Vernae Grant, Ken Russell, Branville McCartney, Phenton Neymour, Loretta Butler-Turner, Charles “the clown” Maynard, Larry Cartwright and Carl “red face” Bethel. Does it not seem odd to you that none of the above were there???????????

  6. Why you’ll don’t stop beleiveing your own speculation? You people are nuts….

  7. just an on looker he seems to be a very coldhearted. I really hope Bishop Gomez understand that the other members may have wanted to come; because of fear of what he might do to them they just couldn’t risk it. Maybe those three ghosts of Christmas might pay him a visit this year, so he could have a change of heart.

  8. Kim you are absolutely correct about the fear his ministers have of him, just ask Pierre Dupuch about how petty and spiteful the obeah man really is.

  9. Personally, I think the cross around the Archbishop’s neck scares the hell out of the obeah man. Witchcraft and God do not mix.

  10. It’s sad our Prime Minister is a very bitter man and one of his better qualities is his ability to hold a grudge. He has so much fear in those ministers, not a one of them had the courage to disobey him. They probably have seen him in action before and knew all to well what he is capable of.

  11. The Official Church Leader his grace the Lord Arch Bishop is retiring anh had a banquet in his honour and no one from the Government showed respect?
    A good number of Government MPs are Anglicans Such as tommy Turnquest, Vernae Grant, Ken Russell, branville McCartney, Phenton Neymour, Loretta Butler turner,Charles Maynard, Larry Cartwright who sits on the Anglican Diocesan Council, Carl Bethel…etc. I think this is Sad. It shows no respect and patriotism from our leaders of this country…I cry shame

  12. Am sure Mr. Ingraham promised to attend but he FAILED to show up, and if daddy’s not going then the children can’t go.

  13. How much do we know about our Prime Minister and his religious beliefs? Isn’t Minister Laing a Christian? He should have stepped up to the plate and represent the government the way he usually does.

  14. BP, there was an official church service last year put on by the Bahamas Against Crime. Representation was sent from all branches of our security forces, Opposition M.P.’s were in attendance, even the FNM Woman’s Association was in attendance, but guess what? Not one FNM Minister, M.P., or Senator. Now that’s poor!

  15. I am so sorry to read of this! Even if the Prime Minister had another commitment, there can be no excuse for him not sending another to represent him.

  16. No I am not. When this information came to us, we were SHELL SHOCKED AS WELL. Then we were supplied with the photos at the evening and it was true. We therefore were pointed to several persons to confirm this article. And the shocker came from our deep throat inside the party. WE COULD NOT BELIEVE IT OURSELVES. We wonder what will members of the international body say when they read this article on BP.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

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