WE HAVE BREAKING NEWS FROM THE AG OFFICE| The Bahamas Government has agreed that there are NO Bahamians qualified to be DDPP and ADPP.
The New Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions is a female from Nigeria and the new Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions is from Uganda Mr. David Baxter Bakibinga.
The new hires carry the many benefits for working inside the government like housing, transportation, phone and the list goes on and on.
Meanwhile, a Bahamian Acting Magistrate Ambrose Armbrister remains unconfirmed and was superseded as he is still attached the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Boy, we don’t know when ya’ll ga have enough a this wutless Minnis-led Government!
Bahamians yinner don’t need to apply! And we add: What in da hell is dis?!
We report yinner decide!