FNM party set to be dragged down into the political graveyard with scandalous Renward Wells onboard!

NASSAU| Another relative of an already scandal-embroiled Cabinet Minister has been awarded a roadside contract which never went through the country’s procurement system.
Health Minister Renward Wells has made sure his close sibling (A SISTER) benefitted handsomely from a contract in the constituency of Bamboo Town when residents and FNM supporters inside the community are still waiting on a response from the Minister four years later.
The sibling is a science teacher in the Ministry of Education who works at a local high school in New Providence.
Bahamas Press has years of information on Wells’ shady actions which have shadowed his entire political career. We can keep writing for weeks and days now we see that the Prime Minister is like the paralytic man in the Bible, unable to hand Wells his walking papers.
We can keep writing because Wells has loads of baggage, and his FNM is like home, packed with corrupt actors, bandoleros and crossbreed arrogant misfits, all that will disappoint, dismay and disgust the public when they find out the whole sordid story.
Wells, you know, is known for scandals going way back to the days when he was banned from athletics for doping. In recent times, he was kicked out of the Ministry of Works by then Philip Brave Davis after Wells could not explain his signing of a shady Letter of Intent (LOI) with crooked investors involved in the landfill scam of the Government. Journalists recorded for history those criminal events where deceit and deception sat at the table in that scandal. But Wells later found an escape passage out of the crime, fleeing like a snake to the political bosom of Minnis who nourished and welcomed the pirate who had escaped into exile.
Corrupt Minnis embraced Wells and took him on as a protege as he massacred the Free National Movement’s reputation of openness, transparency and accountability in government crafted by the late Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield.
From the moment Minnis accepted Wells, he injected a new level of sin into the party; approving his criminal, corrupt habits as he nurtured him and elevated the outcast to a sitting Cabinet Minister. And you know what is so sad? Renward Wells has never properly explained his actions in the LOI matter to the public, and nor did Minnis disclose what Wells told him.
Back then Minnis told the country he trusted Wells, who he once called Einstein. Birds of a feather do flock together!
And now here we are: another scandal has engulfed the Health Minister after he paid his cousin (his personal driver) and his personal secretary $5,000 each from a payout that was only designed for frontline healthcare workers who volunteered in the pandemic. Remember, Wells was not in Health when the honorarium was proposed by Dr. Duane Sands for frontline workers. Sands, you all recall, was fired for breaching the Emergency Orders in a serious pandemic. And now you can add Wells’ sister’s backdoor deal to this long list of public ripoffs!
PM Minnis must act on these developments with his Health Minister. His failure to come out and address the Scandals and now the growing Health Crisis will not reflect so kind to the on FNM!
We ga wait, watch and see what happens.
We report yinner decide!