Cabinet Minister who Papa took to the foodstore every week say he supports whoever Papa wants to be FNM Leader


Polls suggest the Country needs urgent DELIVERANCE from the Minnis Administration!

Former PM Hubert Ingraham

Nassau – One Cabinet Minister is overly loyal to the former Prime Minister – Papa – after he coached PM Minnis to land him his new job in the Cabinet of the Bahamas.

The longtime former public officer had fallen on tough times and couldn’t buy food. Some sources tell us the former MP had been reduced to flour pap and public running water for months after his business collapsed and went into darkness. He always was overheard pleading with BEC disconnection department representatives outside his small shop to “Please Leave the Lights on.”

Papa was his knight in shining armor and took care of him every Sunday while the Minister was in opposition. He could be overheard as he walked like a shadow behind Papa in the foodstore in Cable Beach, “Papa, could I get two eggs this week?” as he placed them into his basket, holding it gently like an Easter basket.

With his foodstore basket loyalty locked with Papa, the Cabinet Minister has vowed to Papa he will back whomever he chooses to run the FNM party. Meetings continue at the Bristol Cellars lounge regularly.

Meanwhile, PM Minnis is losing political altitude by the day. Evidence of this came to light after his junior Minister for Legal Services called Minnis – in the press – indecisive, neglectful and weak on the appointment of the Chief Justice. Elsworth Johnson also has turned on the Prime Minister, telling the public that the PM cannot even manage his constitutional responsibility of appointing the CJ. After cussing the PM in the public Johnson is reported to have went in closed doors to tell Minnis he don’t know what got in him to say those things. BP reminds Johnson of holy scriptures which reads: a double-minded man is UNSTABLE IN ALL HIS WAYS!

We report yinner decide!