Cabinet Ministers deliver cease and desist order!

Bahamasair new ATR aircrafts.


I want to say a BIG THANK you for posting the story I sent you last week about Immigration sending all those migrant male detainees onboard Bahamasair from Freeport to Nassau, last week Tuesday along with only 3 Immigration Officers and 2 RBDF officers.

Well, because of your team posting that story, we the flying public who loves to fly on our national flag carrier, will not have to worry about that ever happening again as I was made to understand that the good Minister of Immigration, Hon. Keith Bell and his decent Director Mrs. K Ferguson ordered that this practice cease and desist forthwith.

Further BP our decent beloved DPM Chester Cooper, who have responsibility for Bahamasair, was also made aware of this situation and was happy to see and endorsed the position Minister Bell and his Director took to ensure this gross negligence of putting the public in fear of flying because of an undermanned escort of prisoners, do not ever occurs again.

Kudos to the New Day Government for moving swiftly to stop this madness, and to you BP for publishing the voices of our people.

You see BP, when you report, everybody listens and pays close attention.

Please do not stop speaking truth to power and stay ahead and above all the rest.

