Nassau, Bahamas — A cabinet paper has entrenched Errol Bethel into the position as Parliamentary Commissioner for the next two years, Bahamas Press confirm.
BP has learnt the decision by the Ingraham Cabinet will reward gross neglect and “egregious failures” by the man who has headed two election flaws; which resulted in blunt rulings by the Election Court against his office.
It was in the Pinewood election case where Bethel’s department was cited for committing errors, where in one case, a Jamaican national was found with two voters cards. The Jamaican claimed he were supplied with the cards following a payment of $1,000 to an official in the Commissioner’s department.
In the most recent case during the election court following the Elizabeth by-election, Justices Anita Allen and Jon Isaacs ruled “Egregious failures” were committed on the part of the Parliamentary Commissioner and awarded cost to Leo Ryan Pinder.
In a press statement issued last week the PLP leadership pointed: “The Election Court in the Elizabeth case noted the Parliamentary Commissioner’s admission under oath that he “may have authorized the alteration of the voter’s oath” and the register. In plain words, the Parliamentary Commissioner may have caused to be changed a document that the voter swore to be true, without the knowledge or consent of the voter. This is so serious that it is of itself grounds for immediate transfer of the Parliamentary Commissioner.”
BP concludes having once botched a general election and again ruined another by-election, one would believe PLPs, FNMs and all breakaway parties would support the removal of Bethel as Commissioner before the next general elections.

One would think politicos have had enough crookedness, slackness, corruption and fraud in the registering process. One would safely conclude Bethel would not stay another day beyond his age of retirement. But that’s not so.
BP notes the extension for Bethel’s prolongued INCOMPETANCE, EGREGIOUS FAILURES, and COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE DISREGARD FOR DEMOCRACY will continue! Every member of the Ingraham Cabinet has again awarded the man an extension in the chair leading into the general election!
Readers would remember it was Hubert Ingraham who said on the steps of the Parliament to the WUTLESS MEDIA, no Court or Judge can over turn an election and that he saw nothing wrong with the registration process in the Bahamas. Once again he and his Cabinet have rewarded FAILURE! And despite Bethel attaining the age of retirement, it is clear he is not going anywhere.
BP demands Errol Bethel to be removed as Parliamentary Commissioner with immediate effect. We have plenty stories of midnight registering and ghost voters we must tell. We call on Tommy Turnquest and Hubert Ingraham to do the right thing for once, and rid the department of the Cuckoo who has made us the laughing stock of the region.
This Government is just not fear, they let poor people go in 2004 when all they had to do was approve some Cabinet paper for us to permanent and pensionable and save our jobs but no he and his government wanted to victimize the poor PLP’S so they send us home to starve this man does not have any small children but yet the cabinet sor it fit to give him two more years i say damn them all to HELL.
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