Cable Bahamas must prove that it is accountable to the public first before it can be granted anything in the mobile sector…


Company says nothing to public when its systems fail!

Cable Bahamas head offices.

Nassau. Bahamas — Where do you think the public would be if Cable Bahamas Limited [CBL] is granted the second mobile license in the country?

What is interesting is that, outside the fact that the company’s present system runs on the back of BTC, CBL has failed to inform the wider customer markets when its system failures occur.

Just over a week ago, the country experienced a massive power outage by BEC. The communication systems came to a grinding stop. But while BTC and BEC proved that they were both responsible partners to the public by releasing several public notices of the shutdown, not one word came from Cable Bahamas!

In fact, what is indeed concerning is the fact that, when outages occur with line service at CBL, the public is left in the dark ages, left abandoned to rescue themselves and hope some level of service is restored.

Imagine presently someone hooking up its home security system to a REV landline and the difficulties that exist in getting a dial tone to engage the system? And while the constant problems persists with shutdown of its network – NOT ONE WORD IS EXPRESSED TO THE PUBLIC! Something must be wrong with that!

As the government deliberates on its second licensee, we hope CBL is not even in the thoughts of the government! The company should prove that it is a responsible and reliable service first, accountable to the public before it can be allowed to expand its services.

We report yinner decide!