Here is a perfect Picture which best describe the way Papa is breaking down the Bahamian people. File Photo
Bahamas Press confirms Cable and Wireless handover signing has stalled.
BP reports the 11AM Press Conference and signing was cancelled because as told to us by a senior high-ranking official in the OPM, final approval from the Grand Bahama Port Authority was not given. WELL MUDDO!
The source went on and told us, BTC paid a $3 million licensing fee annually to the GPA and PAPA in his haste to get rid of BTC for a fire sale price, did not take this into consideration. In fact, MR. Know IT ALL DID NOT KNOW THIS! He has rotten eggs all over his face this morning. And in Papa own words he has been MOST NEGLECTFUL; ‘Horrifiably’ so!
Another source in the Ministry of Finance said, “This what happens when you have a leader who only matriculated at night school.”
the seed of arrogance projected at best! Cry Baby Sour Laing.
Papa over the last two years have insulted the owners of the port Authority and did not renew the work permit of its Chairman, Mr. Hannes Babak. This is what ya get when ya know it all and attack private citizens as he did with the Robin Hood owner.
The PM we are told went to St. Anne’s School this morning and following his visit an update on the situation forced PAPA to cancel the press conference and signing.
WELL BLOW US DOWN! PAPA NEED THE MONEY BUT HE DIDN’T know he needed approval from the PORT! Boy Papa dumb eh?
BP, i love you all so much, i so enjoy reading your articles, they crack me up erry time. i now have a question or two. BP have you decided to venture outside of the C&W issue adn perhaps check out some of the other Govt offices? it is rumored that the Singapore Govt is now coming into our Bahama land and making it mandatory for govt. employees (different dept) to submit resumes and do a test to find out if you qualify for the job, if ya fail the test, then dog eat ya lunch….how in the hell could the Government of the Bahamas do this to us…..that is something you might consider looking into…ya could start at the Registrar’s General Office….they are the first…..
If they were’nt so busy focusing on Blue Water, they might have had some time to do their own due dilligence. I believe that this is God working in the people’s favor and maybe he needs a third blunder to realize that he needs to abandon this madness.
This can’t be the works of the man who said “if ya give BTC to Bahamian, in two years they will run it under the ground …” He been at this privatization thing for almost 10 years now and he still don’t know what the hell he is doing… Can’t get it right… Talk about cesspool of inefficiency … Let’s see how the toilet paper AKA ”Tribune” spins this one… Let me help them out … “A Government Drowning with Ineptitude”
correction: GBPA
@Elizabeth: In your opening statement you acknowledged that there is a God in Heaven. I believe that he is also here among us. While he allows us to make mistakes he also corrects us. The mere fact that Mr. Ingraham, voted NO when he wanted to vote YES was to me a sign. Could this hiccup yesterday(as it was called)with the BPPA be yet, another sign? You may be right when you stated that the deal is DONE!!! SOLD, FINISHED but, I prefer to believe in a higher power. Even you, must by now realize that a power greater than man is at work here. Do we need another sign like, hail and brimstone?
check out the link and see why c & W can’t close the deal yet. they aint gat no money
God is great!!!God is good!!!!Anytime persons pretend to be Mr Know it all missteps like this happen.All of those Govt MPs who were willing to march to the drum of the Piper must now resign along with Papa and allow the people to decide if they want them to work for them anymore.The prayers of the righteous have been answered and all must take note.The Christian Council needs to call a day of prayer so that honour can be given to our Lord who has again delivered for us his people.
Wow, dey might as well partner up with T-Mobile from the USA and call it a day! Or B-Mobile in the carribean! Dey den hav contacts with them so dey might as well expand with them
Bahamas Press, God in heaven can not be happy with you. You are such liars and will not get away with misinforming the Bahamian public in this manner. STOP IT!!! The C&W deal is DONE!!!! SOLD, FINISHED, MOVE ON!!!
Hey Lazybet, just tell papa STOP,REVIEW,and CANCEL!!!
My original position on this sale remains. If the only benefit to Bahamians is lower cellphone rates for more gossip then, we should all hang our heads in shame.
I hope ya know while Papa was talking and doing all the conversing, they never said a word. NOT ONE WORD! Boy I tell ya!
well well it seems like papa is still running around in circle i k b while he thinks the the bahamain people are giddy by watching him and his forty one horse men go round and around on the f n m merry go round i am sure the fan club of the embarrassing f n ms has all the wright to hold their head down in shame for all the failurs by this goverment please read the hand writing on the wall for god sakes you gys messed up the rides come to a stop
I feel that the sale of BTC has caused so much uproar in our country. I love the idea of BaTelCo being upgraded, but I also feel that it needs to be done in the best way possible. This decision will affect the entire country.
Also, I find some parts of this article confusing because the grammar is a bit off. This is not the first time that I have had this problem.
We report you decide! BP
Papa needs to really understand that the Bahamas is for Bahamians to excel and be owners of businesses and stop taking us back to the early sixtys…We are feeling like (liens)in our own land wit all of the FOREIGNERS taking CONTROL
I am not against the sale of BTC but after all of the questionable conincidents surrounding C&W,I am 100% against the sale of BTC to C&W. As much of a dissappointment this is turning out to be, this is more of a reflection of the information and communication of the Min. Finance. However I beg to differ with that staff that made the comment about the PM. You may say alot of things about PAPA, College or not, outside of Ping, Papa is one of the smartest political leader we’ve ever had! He lacks deplomacy sometimes yes,he’s egotistical yes, he dictatorial yes, but inspite of all these flaws he runs circles around Perry any day and that’s a fact!!! If he had strong members of his carbinet like Perry’s MP, he wouldn’t have to work soo hard LOL!!!
This says a lot about the efforts of the privatization committee whose job it was to properly vet this company.
Its clear that C&W has not been upfront with its own financials or that the privatization committee didnt do its homework regarding C&W’s state of liquidity!
This is very embarrassing for the government and the country if this is true.
Say it aint so? How many more signs does Papa need in order to see this deal is not good?
This deal needs to be cancelled IMMEDIATLY in the interest of the Bahamian people. Papa and his minions were the greatest spokespersons for CWC. AND THEY TALKING ABOUT 4 G?
This deal needs to be cancelled IMMEDIATELY in the interest of the Bahamian people. Papa and his minions were the greatest spokespersons for CWC. AND THEY TALKING ABOUT 4 G?
I thought that the funds have been sitting in a verified escrow account for the last month. Sounds like this is more of timing issue with the GB port more than anything else, since the one of the conditions of the money transfer involves all approvals and votes to be completed.
Blog home Market hangs up on Cable & WirelessShares in Cable & Wireless were down by around 15% in early afternoon trading after the telecoms company issued a profits warning.
Share Comments (1) Shares in Cable & Wireless were down by around 15% in early afternoon trading after the telecoms company issued a profits warning.
It said it expected that underlying earnings for the next financial year, starting on April 1, would be flat.
The company is now worth a third less than it was after spinning off its Caribbean operations at the start of last year. It is forecasting a faster-than-expected decline in its traditional fixed line voice business and added it was seeing tough competition in the data services market, which is forcing prices down on contract renewal.
It would be hit by an extra £30m bill because of inflation and higher energy costs in the next financial year. This would wipe out all the forecast increase in earnings that the City had pencilled in.
Steve Malcolm, analyst at the stockbroker Evolution, summed it up succintly when he wrote in a note:
“This ends a miserable first year as a separately listed company.”
BP, i love you all so much, i so enjoy reading your articles, they crack me up erry time. i now have a question or two. BP have you decided to venture outside of the C&W issue adn perhaps check out some of the other Govt offices? it is rumored that the Singapore Govt is now coming into our Bahama land and making it mandatory for govt. employees (different dept) to submit resumes and do a test to find out if you qualify for the job, if ya fail the test, then dog eat ya lunch….how in the hell could the Government of the Bahamas do this to us…..that is something you might consider looking into…ya could start at the Registrar’s General Office….they are the first…..
If they were’nt so busy focusing on Blue Water, they might have had some time to do their own due dilligence. I believe that this is God working in the people’s favor and maybe he needs a third blunder to realize that he needs to abandon this madness.
This can’t be the works of the man who said “if ya give BTC to Bahamian, in two years they will run it under the ground …” He been at this privatization thing for almost 10 years now and he still don’t know what the hell he is doing… Can’t get it right… Talk about cesspool of inefficiency … Let’s see how the toilet paper AKA ”Tribune” spins this one… Let me help them out … “A Government Drowning with Ineptitude”
correction: GBPA
@Elizabeth: In your opening statement you acknowledged that there is a God in Heaven. I believe that he is also here among us. While he allows us to make mistakes he also corrects us. The mere fact that Mr. Ingraham, voted NO when he wanted to vote YES was to me a sign. Could this hiccup yesterday(as it was called)with the BPPA be yet, another sign? You may be right when you stated that the deal is DONE!!! SOLD, FINISHED but, I prefer to believe in a higher power. Even you, must by now realize that a power greater than man is at work here. Do we need another sign like, hail and brimstone?
check out the link and see why c & W can’t close the deal yet. they aint gat no money
God is great!!!God is good!!!!Anytime persons pretend to be Mr Know it all missteps like this happen.All of those Govt MPs who were willing to march to the drum of the Piper must now resign along with Papa and allow the people to decide if they want them to work for them anymore.The prayers of the righteous have been answered and all must take note.The Christian Council needs to call a day of prayer so that honour can be given to our Lord who has again delivered for us his people.
Wow, dey might as well partner up with T-Mobile from the USA and call it a day! Or B-Mobile in the carribean! Dey den hav contacts with them so dey might as well expand with them
Bahamas Press, God in heaven can not be happy with you. You are such liars and will not get away with misinforming the Bahamian public in this manner. STOP IT!!! The C&W deal is DONE!!!! SOLD, FINISHED, MOVE ON!!!
Hey Lazybet, just tell papa STOP,REVIEW,and CANCEL!!!
My original position on this sale remains. If the only benefit to Bahamians is lower cellphone rates for more gossip then, we should all hang our heads in shame.
I hope ya know while Papa was talking and doing all the conversing, they never said a word. NOT ONE WORD! Boy I tell ya!
well well it seems like papa is still running around in circle i k b while he thinks the the bahamain people are giddy by watching him and his forty one horse men go round and around on the f n m merry go round i am sure the fan club of the embarrassing f n ms has all the wright to hold their head down in shame for all the failurs by this goverment please read the hand writing on the wall for god sakes you gys messed up the rides come to a stop
I feel that the sale of BTC has caused so much uproar in our country. I love the idea of BaTelCo being upgraded, but I also feel that it needs to be done in the best way possible. This decision will affect the entire country.
Also, I find some parts of this article confusing because the grammar is a bit off. This is not the first time that I have had this problem.
We report you decide! BP
Papa needs to really understand that the Bahamas is for Bahamians to excel and be owners of businesses and stop taking us back to the early sixtys…We are feeling like (liens)in our own land wit all of the FOREIGNERS taking CONTROL
I am not against the sale of BTC but after all of the questionable conincidents surrounding C&W,I am 100% against the sale of BTC to C&W. As much of a dissappointment this is turning out to be, this is more of a reflection of the information and communication of the Min. Finance. However I beg to differ with that staff that made the comment about the PM. You may say alot of things about PAPA, College or not, outside of Ping, Papa is one of the smartest political leader we’ve ever had! He lacks deplomacy sometimes yes,he’s egotistical yes, he dictatorial yes, but inspite of all these flaws he runs circles around Perry any day and that’s a fact!!! If he had strong members of his carbinet like Perry’s MP, he wouldn’t have to work soo hard LOL!!!
This says a lot about the efforts of the privatization committee whose job it was to properly vet this company.
Its clear that C&W has not been upfront with its own financials or that the privatization committee didnt do its homework regarding C&W’s state of liquidity!
This is very embarrassing for the government and the country if this is true.
Say it aint so? How many more signs does Papa need in order to see this deal is not good?
This deal needs to be cancelled IMMEDIATLY in the interest of the Bahamian people. Papa and his minions were the greatest spokespersons for CWC. AND THEY TALKING ABOUT 4 G?
This deal needs to be cancelled IMMEDIATELY in the interest of the Bahamian people. Papa and his minions were the greatest spokespersons for CWC. AND THEY TALKING ABOUT 4 G?
I thought that the funds have been sitting in a verified escrow account for the last month. Sounds like this is more of timing issue with the GB port more than anything else, since the one of the conditions of the money transfer involves all approvals and votes to be completed.
Blog home Market hangs up on Cable & WirelessShares in Cable & Wireless were down by around 15% in early afternoon trading after the telecoms company issued a profits warning.
Share Comments (1) Shares in Cable & Wireless were down by around 15% in early afternoon trading after the telecoms company issued a profits warning.
It said it expected that underlying earnings for the next financial year, starting on April 1, would be flat.
The company is now worth a third less than it was after spinning off its Caribbean operations at the start of last year. It is forecasting a faster-than-expected decline in its traditional fixed line voice business and added it was seeing tough competition in the data services market, which is forcing prices down on contract renewal.
It would be hit by an extra £30m bill because of inflation and higher energy costs in the next financial year. This would wipe out all the forecast increase in earnings that the City had pencilled in.
Steve Malcolm, analyst at the stockbroker Evolution, summed it up succintly when he wrote in a note:
“This ends a miserable first year as a separately listed company.”
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