Carl Bethel, Zhivargo Laing and ‘Political Hack’ Peter Carey caught with their pants down online?

Carl Bethel soon to be FIRED as FNM CHAIRMAN.

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press reports the uncovering of a web of deceit now being spun on facebook against PLP MPs allegedly by Peter Carey, Carl Bethel and Zhivargo Laing.

Communication brought to our attention proves possible criminal actions could be brought against the men for FRAUD. We are told the men, including Minister Laing could all find themselves under investigation by the Royal Bahamas Police Force following an investigation of the plot, and here’s what we know.

According to an email viewed by us, an instruction allegedly circulated by the men, conspires to circulate online a fake email suggesting commentary by a PLP politician. The “FAKE” email was posted on facebook yesterday and widely circulated online.

The note we are told accuses a senior PLP of commentary relative to the campaign, however, according to lawyers dealing with the post online, no such information was stated by the senior PLP.

“The document posted on facebook is a fraud and from what we see, three operatives of the FNM, including a member of the Cabinet of the Bahamas foiled the fraudulent post now circulated,” a lawyer told BP.

BP has learnt a legal team has assembled over the information last evening for action to possibly file charges against the three believed to be at the centre of the fraudulent plot.

No comment has come from FNM Chairman, Carl Bethel, who is believed to be at the centre of the instruction.


  1. I find it amazing the C-Allen Johnson would go so far to create another Zhivago Laing account with the fire man profile picture on fb just to smear Laing name. C-Allen you are a wicked man and I see why Apple got rid of you and the American govt banned you from he USA.. Smart Bahamian he is but just toooo wicked! I had to say it!

  2. Well, well, well. I see that the Deputy Leader of the party admitted that the email was indeed from him and was questioning why the media would have released it! BP, good try!!! LOL!!!

  3. I have been informed that the originator of the email was sent from one Voices Bahamian.

    I can’t wait until SIB questions him/her as to why they would do such a thing.

    If they are both fake, then I would believe that Voices Bahamian initiated both.

    We will see if SIB will reveal who Voices Bahamian is.

    • @Critical Thinker, You are busted. Brave Davis has already admitted that he sent the e-mail, and finds it unethical that the paper would publish a document that he indicated was clearly an internal memo. My question to you, and even others, why the lies my brother?

  4. I just love the emergence of the superior technologists, who can’t explain BTC as anything but lower cellular phone rates are experts in forensic computing.


  5. BP. Do you still stand by this story. I would have thought that you would have retracted this by now.

    you see obviously the plp party and the operatives were not on one accord. The email concocted by C. Allen Johnson has been proven to be a forgery even by Brave Davis himself. There is an article in the newspaper this morning with his(davis’) comments regarding the story that was printed in the media. So what this does is confirm that HE DID SEND THE EMAIL TO THE PRESS in error.

    Now I agree that the police should investigate. but they should investigate the person who concoted this crap that is posted. You know, i believe the police had him in custody before for something similar.

    Either you are complicit in this or this joker has pulled one on you. Please do your own investigation.

  6. You guys are so desperate you would lie through your teeth. This has really opened my eyes to how deliberate and dangerous you all really are. If I were not in New Providence on Sunday evening at the Corner Motel sitting down with Ryan, Peter, Francis, Kelly, Colin and a few others until 2:00am I would be here believing this article. Different patrons walked in and out of the establishment and some even sat by and listened to us as we carried on a heated political discussion. You all are serious and wicked and it is shameful and awful to know that you would stoop this low. Of course, consider that the original email from PBD was miss-sent to the Press Corp with the PLP’s press statement attached. The document posted to look like something from Peter and Ryan is a miserable forgery perpetrated by the character who name is at the top of the document. Hopefully, next time when you decide to pull crap like this off you will make every effort to ensure that at the very least all of the fonts are the same size.

  7. If you don’t stop your frauddulant postings we are going to apply a complete and absolute BLOCKING OF your IP!

    Now you decide. You are NOT Lady RUSSELL and we are on to it.


  8. Why is the middle email ENLARGED? Yet the other two are smaller and the same size? This would be a simple photoshop job; I could make this in about 10 seconds. At this point, i imagine this to be the most likely circumstance.

  9. I know that Critical Thinker’s information is legit. The different email for Peter Carey doesn’t mean a thing. It shows that in the first email sent to Peter by Carl Bethel, gave Peter’s real address. In the second email, Peter then used a different email address without the T in it, since, after all, Carl Bethel said for this to not to get back to either of the willing parties in this debauchery.
    I have done some research myself on the names Peter emailed giving them the orders to post the fake email from Brave and found that it leads right back to an FNM supporter and culprit Facebook page thanks to Critical thinker’s astute investigation.
    Ranabbie (Ryan) links to FNM Videos Facebook and another culprit that I will not name at this time who all disseminated the disinformation in the fake email from Brave Davis.

    Bahamas it is time for us to move beyound the nastiness of politricks in The Bahamas elections. Our country is in dire straits and we need to move a way from this kind of unhealthy divisive actions by politicians that really don’t serve our country or the good people.

    It is really “Time for a Change” Bahamas.

  10. I know that Critical Thinker’s information is legit. The different email for Peter Carey doesn’t mean a thing. It shows that in the first email sent to Peter by Carl Bethel, gave Peter’s real address. In the second email, Peter then used a different email address without the T in it, since, after all, Carl Bethel said for this to not to get back to either of the willing parties in this debauchery.

    I have done some research myself on the names Peter emailed giving them the orders to post the fake email from Brave and found that it leads right back to the an FNM supporter and culprit Facebook page thanks to Critical thinker’s astute investigation.

    Ranabbie (Ryan)links to FNM Videos Facebook and another culprit that I will not name at this time.

    Bahamas it is time for us to remove beyound the nastiness of politricks in The Bahamas elections. Our country is in dire straits and we need to move a way from this kind of unhealthy divisive actions by politicians that really don’t serve our country or the good people.

    • There is a serious question that must be answered here. Will the Police hinder its investigation because of the men involved? We know for a fact CARL iss an expert when it comes to burying crime or hindering investigations into criminal activity [Queen’s College].


  11. Good try Gibson; you know the e-mails are legitimate and were sent by FNM bastards. Lawyers for those offended will deal with Those FNM dirty tricks bastards. We knew that the FNM has its dirty tricks department and will do anything to get an advantage. Good try though, Gibson, but not good enough. We believe the suckers sent the e-mails.

  12. Truthhurts, guess what!?! You’re right on the money. It was impossible for Peter T. Carey to have produced this email when Peter T. Carey and several of his buddies (including me) were sitting down in the restaurant of the Corner Motel having a political debate when this email was released. That is, unless of course, Peter Carey became two or has a twin like the crooked chap who made up the spoof. And guess what? In the presence of witnesses and the hotel security this group (including Peter Carey and myself) never left the hotel until 2:00am this morning. It sucks to be getting caught in blatant lie, doesn’t it? Go and invent another email because this one didn’t work.

  13. What garbage. If anyone needs to be investigated here it is obviously The person who forwarded the message.From the looks of it it was C allen johnson.

    Please note that this cannot be the trend of the email.One address is The other one is peterTcarey. One of the emails would have bounced back.

    When The technocrat realized that davis had made such a grave error they all jumped in to overdrive and damage control.

    remember the Nassau Guardian carried the story, as it was said that the message was sent along with the PLP’s press release.It came from the PLP.

    I believe This is the same C allen johnson that owns the website So obviously he probably owns this email address.This is the same man who boasts about buying domain names therefore he can concoct any website and email address.


    there is so much more but I don’t have time for that now. The poster of the emails needs to take a long hard look at the documents with a very keen eye. The trained eye can see right through it.

  14. this is not what men in high positions of should be forwarding whether they found it true or not…they should have left it alone…this is highly disappointing…

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