We were sorely disappointed to hear ‘UNDERNOURISHED’ raise his voice and talk about what his Gov’t has done for the people of the Bahamas, however, we guess the little boys in EMRH School do not matter to Carl and the FNM. He said nary a word on this matter, he has found his voice to speak on all manner of things except the little boys.
We want our readers to recall that over 4 months ago, we have been asking the Minister about this situation, we told the nation that Birbal was in New York. ACP Raymond Gibson said that the Police were pursuing the matter. The AG, another sexual predator at that time, now Sir Michael Barnett said that the Gov’t would move to have Birbal extradited back to the Bahamas. After one month of not hearing anything further, we again ask the status, we were told by the AG’s Office that they had two months to file the papers.It has now been over 4 months, we again ask the Minister, Carl Bethel and the Govt and the Police, the status of Bibal’s extradition, please hard mouth Carl, tell us the status.
We cry shame on the Wutless Media that have done nothing to pursue this matter and keep the Wutless FNM Govt’s feet to the fire. We know why, they have an incestuous relationship with each other.
We have been reliably informed that the ‘Papa Doc’ Ingraham’s Govt thought it too expensive to pursue the extradition of Birbal.
We now call on Carl Bethel and ‘Papa Doc’ Ingraham to confirm or deny this story or to provide the Bahamian people and the parents of the little boys with the status and whereabouts of Andre Birbal.
Failing to do this would be gross dereliction of duty and the Govt should collectively resign in shame and disgrace.
We remind ‘Papa Doc’ Ingraham that he is a Grand Papi now and should have feelings for the little darlings of this Nation.
We remind Carl Bethel of his responsibilities as the Min. of Education until the end of this month. The Country and those little boys demand and deserve an answer. Speak up Carl, Speak up my Brother. So mote it be.
It does not matter when it started, it needs to be dealt with.
Yes Birbal left the country while Carl was minister but on whose watch did this heinous act took place.
Remember now, there are still pedophiles today in our school system, persons who have their history of molesting children. These people and their cases are known to the ministry.
They ought to be weeded out…
The children must come first..
And this is not political, if you think it is, then lump it!!!
The future of these children lie solely on these chirren havin chirren.Ask Dread Mixshell about it. These kids are drawn in for stuff like Phone, phone cards, Ipods, designer clothing and letting them drive their car long before they can get a drivers license. I had to investigate plenty cases and all had the same syndrome. Dread Mixshell and others attack lil boys at the desire for material things and then like the Monster they are, have their way with the Boys
BP, I am shocked by the lack of concern in this country for Children. Did not Hubert Ingraham say that he is a Grand Pappy now, does he not care for these little boys. Carl said the boys were being buggered because they were hungry and we hear nothing from the Church. The Church wants to be in my bedroom concerning a wife and husband, but not in Bibal’s bedroom when he is screwing little boys. I cry shame on them, they are worst than Mugabe Ingraham.
Carl is prepared to talk about any and everything, but when it comes to Birbal he is act like cat has his tongue. This happened on his watch you know?
Bp, keep their feet to the fire.
I fear that ANDRE BIRBAL like the CLICO TIEFS will NEVER be charge in our Bahamian courts.
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