lightinhg-the-wayOn Friday, May 1st, 2009, the  Carry Your Candle, Light The Bahamas committee will officially launch the Carry Your Candle, Light The Bahamas [C.Y.C.L.T.B.] Campaign.

C.Y.C.L.T.B. is a national initiative fueled by love to stir up love in action within the communities of  The Bahamas.  Arising due to, a]  the current global economic dilemma and its effects on the Bahamian people and b] the level of crime within our nation.  Carry Your Candle, Light The Bahamas Serves to unite, create awareness and promote brotherly love within the Bahamas via its [12] month focus plan.  It also serves to awaken our population to the fact that each of us can be a personal active part of a solution.

Each month there is a particular focus for the entire nation and each person existing in the Bahamas is asked to participate, when they do so, they will be carrying their candles and lighting our Bahamas with love. Carry Your Candle, Light the Bahamas will be utilizing every form of media within the Bahamas to get the word out.   Each month, there will be the same sponsored radio and television ads playing on all  17 of the stations throughout the Bahamas, printed ads in all of the newspapers, billboards  posters, e-mails etc.

Wherever and whenever, good can overcome, we are encouraging the people living in the islands of the Bahamas to carry their candles and light the Bahamas with acts of love.  We are asking you to look beyond faults and see needs and to be touched by the pain or circumstances of another soul.

Our goal is to stir up love in action in every sector of our society. Unfortunately, in our beloved country there is a shortage on love.  Love in its true essence.  When love  in its true nature is evident in our political sector, mixed with qualification and skills then there would be no room for ego, or self seeking interest, it would truly be about service above self, when love is exhibited in our judicial sector mixed with all the necessary requirements there would be justice carried out in our land,  when love is present in our business sector, it will a fair days work for a fair days pay, there will be respect for each other and then maybe we won’t  need unions, when love is the motivating factor in all of our churches & synagogues then there would be no needs and the leaders would be  about shepharding.  When we love in the homes we teach our children that love is kind and patient, love respects the other persons property.  Then in our schools and wider community we won’t have problems with our children fighting with knives and unable to resolve conflicts.  When we teach our children that love is not easily angered, or love does not keep a record of wrong doings and that love  never fails, then we build a community or society where crime is at a bare minimal.

The fist month’s focus is on the Unemployed Persons.  There are so many persons in our Bahamas, feeling helpless and hopeless and struggling with thoughts of suicide.  For the entire month of  May, the general public is encouraged to find one unemployed person and do something for them.  This will be an act of love, looking beyond faults and seeing needs.  Some persons may be able to assist with mortgages,  or rent, or a utility bill, a medical bill, grocery,  gas or any kind of help needed.

So that there is no abuse, person’s helping out are asked to perhaps write cheques to the organization that an individual  is in dept  to.

The committee of Carry Your Candle, Light The Bahamas holds fast to the belief that “if more people were for people, all people everywhere, there would be a lot less people to worry about and a lot more people who care!”

The committee will lead by example, and for the first five [5] weeks, each week, will be pairing up six [6] sponsors with six [6] persons and will be assisting  with various needs ranging from medical bills, mortgages, rent, groceries, etc

CYCLTB can only succeed when every section of the Bahamian society becomes personally involved, that includes  The politicians, this is a personal invitation, beginning with the leader of this great nation, for all politicians to  CYC and lets light this Bahamas, the judicial community, the law enforcement sector, the business , medical, church, schools, civic  & Business organizations, Social clubs, families  and individuals

We need help, volunteers, we need a website to utilize every medium possible, we need an accountant, we now need to print about  30 -50 thousand brochures for distribution in Nassau, Grand Bahamas & Abaco for now, we need donations for road signs, radio & television ads etc.  We need financial assistance to get everything done.  As a means of accountability, to our contributors, at the end of C.Y.C.L.T.B. the committee will publish a report giving an account of all the monies spent.

We request the co-operation and partnership with the media of the Bahamas to help spread the  word and encourage participation throughout the Bahamas via press releases/conferences, talk shows, publications etc. Lets be one people united in love and service.