Chinese New Year Celebrations turns deadly in the Bahamas


Asian Man Is Murder Victim #7

Nassau, Bahamas – Breaking news in the Bahamas this morning records another senseless murder, this time, at the home of Chinese workers of VIP. The blood tide is rising in the country as crime has taken a turn for the worse! Today’s incident records the 7th murder for the New Year.

The breaking information coming into our newsroom confirms a male worker from the VIP Chinese restaurant chain, was shot dead following a botch robbery over a cell phone.

BP agents at the crime scene around 3:30am reported, the victim was at a party celebrating the New Year on the Chinese calendar, when a lone gunman approached the victim as he went outside for a smoke. The attacker wrestled the victim’s Samsung 4g cell phone out of his hand, and shot him fatally in the upper body.

BP has the name of the victim to be that of WING HONG CHAN, whom we now know was born in Hong Kong. He was 45 years old.

The incident we can report took place on Village Road.

BP warns the killer to quickly turn himself in, as we know as the ‘Chinese Triad’ is said to be on the lookout for him, and shall execute ‘Chinese Justice’ in revenge for Wing-Ham’s murder. Whenever you see someone floating in Nassau’s Harbour that just may be Wing-Ham’s killer.

Chinese officials are furious over the serious developments of crime in the Bahamas. Last year a Chinese woman was shot dead just outside the Montagu Beach Inn following a botch robbery. Additionally, the Chinese Embassy on Village Road was robbed by a Defense Force Officer attached to stand guard there. The officer who is the brother of a former FNM Cabinet Minister and current candidate for a Southern island constituency, was not fired from the Force. Nothing about the robbery has been reported in the NO GOOD WUTLESS STINKING MEDIA OF THE BAHAMAS!

The FNM MP’s brother was caught on camera with his sticky fingers in the cookie jar. Papa dem did nothing to show the public or the Chinese community that crime against all residents will be severely punished. We understand the said officer was up for promotion at the Defense Force Base.