Christie’s attack on women in the Parliament – “TASTELESS”! Fifty years after Women’s Suffrage and the struggle continues in the Parliament


Someone must stop all this cussing and use of expletives by the FNM Long Island MP

Perry Christie launched the most vicious attack on women ever! PM gone mad after telling people in North Abaco to Pray to him. Christie has now turn his attack on women.

Nassau, Bahamas –Members of the PLP could soon find themselves quickly out of favour with the electorate after Prime Minister Christie’s attack on women in the Parliament descended to an all-time-low. The development left sitting PLP women mute after a vicious attack on women – on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Women Suffrage – erupted the House this week.

Parliament, many would agree, descended into its nastiest week to date when words flew across the chamber degrading women and spewing profanity in the said hallowed halls of Parliament.

Debate resumed this week on a bill to deepen democracy in the country giving wider powers to the Minister charged with responsibility to hold Referendum in the country; which will seek to involve the electorate’s views on laws.

The first test of the law will come on January 28th, when the referendum on Gaming will take place in the country.

The PLP in its Charter for Governance promised several votes will be taken to the people. During the May 7th General Elections the Christie government promised both a referendum on Gaming and oil drilling will take place.

The Opposition voted against the bill this week, arguing that the law would create constitutional issues down the road. The opposition is also seeking a further delay in holding the Gaming Referendum, as it believes wider consultation on the industry should take place.

MP for Long Island Loretta Butler-Turner became the target of attack after Prime Minister Christie in Parliamentary language scoffed and poked fun at Butler-Turner weight.

But this week it got nasty in the Parliament when Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie began using non-parliamentary language and sharp remarks against the MP for Long Island Loretta Butler-Turner as he referred to her being “heavy” and that she should walk “light”.

Christie’s uncharitable attack on the MP came after she scolded the Prime Minister for being “incompetent” when she delivered her contribution on the debate. But it got worse!

The Parliament descended to a further low when other members of the government began beating up on Loretta forcing her to begin cussing like a drunken sailor in the chamber. She was forced to stand by the deputy speaker – da biggest ‘cusser’ in the land! What in the hell is this!

Deputy Speaker Dion Smith cautioned the Long Island MP that he didn’t want to hear her from her voice from where she sat, as what was being thrown across the floor was “unparliamentary” language.

Parliament 101 should warn all MPs to respect one another and represent themselves in the place elected by the people honorably for the world to see. But these days there is a majority group in the parliament that appears to have no respect for women – and that isn’t strange! And the FNM MP appears to have no respect for the children watching.

Fifty years after Women’s Suffrage, and yet some men in the Bahamas show no class in respecting the weaker human beings! THAT IS TASTELESS!

Our solution? Have your cable company block channel 40.

We report yinner decide!