PSA 20 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

The Cabinet Office announced today that Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie has accepted the resignation of the Hon. Ryan Pinder as the Minister of Financial Services. Mr. Pinder will be taking up a senior executive position with the Deltec international banking group here in Nassau.
In accepting Mr. Pinder’s resignation as a member of his cabinet, the Prime Minister said that Mr. Pinder had proven himself to be “a public servant of extraordinary ability, energy and dedication – an outstanding minister in every way, as well as a dear colleague and valued friend. Ryan has accomplished much for the financial services industry in a comparatively short period of time and for that I commend him wholeheartedly.”
The Prime Minister went on to say that while he was sorry to be losing Mr. Pinder as a cabinet colleague, he fully understood that Mr. Pinder had been presented with a “magnificent opportunity to put his technical skills as a specialist lawyer and industry professional to excellent use, and in a way that would be in the best interests of his family and himself at this particular juncture of his life and career”.
“Ryan had apprised me some time back of his decision to return to the private sector and we had been in close contact ever since as to the timing for such a transition. We both agreed that with the year drawing to a close now would be as good a time as any to make the announcement”.
The Prime Minister also said, however, that he was gratified that Mr. Pinder would continue to serve the people of the Elizabeth Constituency as their Member of Parliament and that he would remain a fully-committed member of the Progressive Liberal Party as well. He was also gratified, he said, that the country would continue to benefit from Mr. Pinder’s expertise, this time in the private sector.
Mr. Pinder, for his part, thanked the Prime Minister for having afforded him the opportunity to serve as a minister of the government in a vitally important area of our nation’s economic life – financial services.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in cabinet”, Mr. Pinder said. “I was given a ministry that really excited me and for which I came well prepared by virtue of my professional training and experience. It really has been a ride of a lifetime. I feel particularly proud to have made some major breakthroughs in some critically important and sensitive areas of the financial services industry.”
In explaining his decision to return to the private sector at this time, Mr. Pinder indicated that the interests of his wife and children at this time were such that he could not sensibly pass up the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that Deltec had extended to him.
Mr. Pinder confirmed that he had every intention of remaining in the House of Assembly as the voice for the people of the Elizabeth Constituency and that he had assured the Prime Minister of his continued support .
The Prime Minister has advised that Mr. Pinder’s replacement as Minister of Financial Services will be announced very shortly…
PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.