Christie begging for clap at the Earle’s funeral? Church fall sleep on PM – What in da hell is dis?


Christie has lost his Rock-star appeal in two short years….

PLP Leader Perry G. Christie had to beg for claps at funeral.

Why congregation fell asleep on Christie?

Nassau, Bahamas –– The lengthy home-going service for Pastor Earle Francis gathered news makers from around the country at the Enoch Beckford Auditorium  on Carmichael Road.

BP was live on location for the home-going celebration as we sent home a pastor, shepherd, hotelier, family man and warrior for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie and Leader of the Opposition Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis both joined in the service along with a host of community leaders to bid farewell to the late Earle.

It was one evening last week when the Earle slipped away into his eternal reward, leaving his family and friends behind.

During the service, the Leader of the Opposition was the first to speak, paying tribute to the man who had given so much to the country. Dr. Minnis celebrated the fact that the Earle was able to see his children blossom into their gifts and witnessed for himself the rise of a national icon through his son Percy Vola Francis, leader of the Saxons. The Opposition Leader was greeted with a thunderous applause by those attending the funeral with some clapping their hands high into the air as he made his contribution to the late Earle. One woman sitting next to the front row could be heard saying, “Das the next Prime Minister right there!”

But then coming behind was the man of the hour, one who has fought many political battles and who sits in the great seat of power of Prime Minister for a second time, the man with the gift of oratory ability like that of Sir Winston Churchill. As Christie spoke, the room got quiet. And then, while he spoke further, the auditorium got even more quiet. before we knew it people were sleeping. And there was a problem: no one was clapping for Christie; in fact, some people attending the funeral began to snore loudly!

What in the hell is dis?

Then Christie couldn’t take the silence and said, “Well, if y’all could clap for the Leader of the Opposition, then y’all could clap for me…” Tired hands began to clap in weakness trying not to embarrass the PM.

BP sat quietly and could not believe that Christie, the man with a 30-seat majority in the Parliament, was begging for applause!

It was one a dem “UNBELIEVABLE” moments. An UNTHINKABLE TIME! What has happened with the PLP’s leadership so quickly?!

BP could not believe what we were witnessing – BIG TIME PLPs are clapping for Dr. Hubert Minnis and leaving the Prime Minister begging for applause?

Dis is something else happening in this town!

Boy, I tell ya, as Winston Churchill said during a speech at the Lord Mayor’s Day Luncheon at the Manson House in London on 9th of November 1942: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

We report yinner decide!