May 16th 2011
This year, the PLP is putting forth an extraordinary group of candidates — an exciting new generation of candidates with new ideas along with some seasoned political veterans with expertise and governing experience. Each and every candidate is required to undergo a vigorous vetting process — a process that is open, fair and transparent. All voices are welcome, and the process is both balanced and inclusive.
Of course, not everyone is happy with all results. It is disappointing that the personal correspondence of some dissenting voices was leaked to the press. Disappointing — but not distracting; I remain focused on supporting the excellent candidates and hard-working activists that comprise the PLP.
Leaked letters and political games come with the territory, unfortunately, but the longer I’m in politics, the more confident I am about what really matters — putting forward the ideas and policies that can help the Bahamas in this new century. I’m looking forward to a vigorous debate this campaign — a debate about which party and policies will best support Bahamians and put their interests first.
BP I am an avid follower of this site and I analyze the comments made by supposedly sensible contributors, but the statements that come out in some of these comments are so absurd. Now, I turn to the subject of the Golden Gates M.P. (Mr. D. Shane Gibson). Mr. gibson is one of, if not the best M.P. Golden Gates has ever seen. This gentleman has all of the characteristics of a Member of Parliament. He won his seat hands down in 2002, and 2007 and will be re-nominated and will win in 2012. The name Shane Gibson is synonomous with Golden Gates He has proven himself as an exceptional representative and we support him 100%. I am one of his chief Co-ordinators and a part of his team and I have his back.
@Guy Fawkes
Your ignorance is only exceeded by the profoundness of it the next time you write. J.A. (not Junior Achiever), your stupidity is hanging like a girl’s slip (everyone can see it).
Where is the “intelligence” that you speak of in anything, anything that you have ever written on BP ??? You are just another party hack who is as stupid as the day is long. You barely form complete sentences in what you produce as responses (and all it ever amounts to is a weak attempt at defending the FNM). The last time that I took time out to address the nonsense written by you, you crawled back into your hole saying “I’m not given to debating”. Do you remember that, IDIOT!
You so called men with a man crush on Zhivargo need to reach out with more than your feminine affection to defend his poor stewardship. Are you his woman???
Storm, Storm, Storm. You call others idiot, but it is interesting that this story has nothing to do with Mr. Laing. This is a story about 3 PLPs speaking their minds about their party politics and has not a damn thing to do with the FNM. You called me stupid but your comments suggest that either you are uninformed or just ignorant (in case you didn’t know it is still the same thing), or should I say arrogant. It is people such as yourself who claim to be independent, but still can’t call a spade, a spade. As I have said in previous posts to you, I don’t need to debate you on any issue, as beating a dead horse is not worth my time. Even your attacks on me and my intelligence lacks logic. I have questioned the content of this story, and you want to debate Mr. Laing’s personal business. I wish MP Shane Gibson had produced his sweet heart list, maybe then we would understand your sensitivity to this issue.
As for Mr. Christie, should he decide to let another attack on his stewardship of the PLP go unpunished, he will find voters will not be kind to him at all. This is the second leak of private and confidential PLP communications to the press, seems awfully suspicious.
BP,For the likes of me I don’t know why it is that we (P.L.P) are wasting time on these 3 fence sitters. I say expel them from the party once and for all. Our M.P. (Mr. Gibson) won his seat hands down in 2007. He will be the candidate in 2012 and will win again. Golden Gates makes the final decision as to who its candidate will be. Furthermore Shane Gibson is the sitting M.P. for Golden Gates and there is nothing they can do about it. Whom God keep is well kept.
There’s only one leader in the PLP!! But a consultative style of governance.Speak Leader;with great authority,but also that great passion you have for the “BAHAMIAN PEOPLE”
@ TJ & Guy Fawkes
You FNMs are such sorry folks! Why does it matter IF BP publishes the letter or not at this stage (everyone knows the content). I guess the FNM needs a break from the rampant bad press over SIGNIFICANT NATIONAL ISSUES that has dogged them these 4+ years. And nothing beats a PLP negative story to allow such … right (ha, ha, ha).
The “scatter brain logic” of Zhivargo Laing continues though. He asserted that opponents of the FNM’s policy-lack were entirely wrong, even though he cannot point to ONE POLICY implemented during the recession to assist small and medium sized LOCAL businesses. He projects that the LABOUR to be provided during the numerous construction phases of projects underway will ultimately benefit Bahamians WORKERS. In his twisted mind this is as much as we should expect, so ownership and its resultant benefits (i.e. profits from projects undertaken on behalf of the government of The Bahamas – just like the many foreign firms here) is beyond what WE (Bahamians) should expect.
How about asking BP to print the content of that interview? That “trash” exposes what this crop of FNM leaders really think about Bahamians and their economic aspirations.
It is interesting that your dribble was published on this site. In fact most of your comments are assine and lack clear logic. Under normal circumstances if and editor decides to publish a response by an individual to a story, somewhere in the article the orginal issue is addressed to give readers an insight into why the response was published. Furthermore, this response prompted me to go to The Nassau Guardian website to read the initial story. If you listened to Hard Copy today, you remind me of the lady named Laura, who became enflamed by the host even discussing this story, because it did not fit the PLP agenda.
GUY WE REPORT AND YINNER DECIDE! THat kind of democracy is strange in some places in this town! NAMELY INSIDE THE FNM!
Its about time Perry Christie stand up and kick those bastards out of the party. George, Raynard and Galanis have baggages. What if Sir Lynden had done to George what he is asking Perry to do to those persons? Surely George wants his son to become a politican and represent Exuma. Galanis have been accused of taking investors for a ride and he still remains within the Party. Rigby who seems to be disgruntle with everything he did not have a say in , he need to get his act together. Stop walking like a damm peacock and be what God intended you to be.
Get rid of those damm naysayers,disgruntle and disgusting son-of-a-bitches.
@ Guy Fawkes. We know why BP won’t print the original story.
BP, why haven’t you posted the original story that the PLP is responding too. We want the full story.
That was an exclusive by the Nassau Guardian. We do not have that content.
maybe bran will pick them up for the dna.lol
WHY THEY DON’t go sit down and they were the 3 worst MP AROUND
BP- This is just a correction Raynard was never an M.P. and most likely will never be.
@ Altec
Finally, there is something that we can agree on. And I add this, these “clowns” represented the worst (by far) performers in their respective offices (Chairman, Strategist, etc). They are nothing more than a distraction who find themselves in a dilemma (unwanted by the FNM /unwanted by the PLP). This “sudden” balanced thinking and “profound objectiveness” that really serves as camouflage from which they hurl insults and ridicule against the organization which they claim to love (publishing their sentiments in open letters in newspapers and during interviews on radio for THE FIRST TIME) has always struck me as “odd” (being diplomatic here). I am no PLP, but only the most naive of PLPs cannot see the deliberate attempt to undermine the party’s best interest in their conduct.
Wutless PLP representatives; just simply wutless!!! LOL, LOL!!!
Isn’t Philip Galanis the same Philip that was behind the mis-appropriation of funds that were ear-marked for Grand Bahamas, and the intentional lack of PR resulting in the land-slide victory for the FNM? And Raynard Rigby, hmph, I’ll leave him to wallow in his own vomit. Thank you, they did Mr. Christie a favor. Good riddance! Next!
BP, what I find so ironic about the letter was the men who wrote it. Former chairman Raynard Rigby, George Smith and Philip Galanis didnt have the balls to stop the nomination of these seem men in 2007 when they were in charge of the party apparatus, but now that they are on the outside looking in, they want PC to stop those nominations?
If they feel that Shane Gibson, Vincent Pete, Obie and Alfred Grey are not worthy, then they should have blocked their nominations in 2007.
And whats worst, 3 of the 4 are incumbents who have a good shot at retaining their seat. So why would Perry deny them the nomination?
What kind of thinking is that? These same men ran the party going into the 2007 general elections. Now you see why the PLP lost in 2007? When you have Larry (Raynard), Curly (Geroge) and Mo (Philip) running the party, failure was inevitable!
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