Christie orders generals across the country to ‘Stand Ready’

PLP Leader Perry Christie alongside two young Abaco supporters. Abaco Gone PLP.

Nassau, Bahamas – Sources close to Perry Christie say he is set to change the PLP forever and will shape his Party with a new face and new look before the next general elections.

“Mr. Christie is hard at crafting the right message and is building an election blitz that will lay a toll on the FNM for years to come. We have already began the process of selecting standard bearers for the various seats and are gathering the necessary funding for the big dance,” a source in the Party told BP.

Bahamas Press has learned Christie’s silence over the past weeks is a direct result of a series of strategic meetings as he crafts of an election message. “Mr. Christie is engaged in long hours in strategy meetings and we have completed phase one of our election readiness,” the source said.

BP has learned Christie, Davis and Roberts, better known as the CDR, are all secretly flying across the country setting up meetings in communities and organizing branches. BP has also learned Christie’s election strategy has already tapped into the FNM base of affluent young white Bahamians; many of whom for years collected to the FNM.

“Mr. Christie has also already place the Party on high alert and has begun speaking directly with every captain under his command nationwide,” the source concluded.

Meanwhile Bahamas Press can confirm Party Chairman, Bradley Roberts, is in London at this hour locking down financial support for the election while he sails through Europe on holiday. ‘Big Bad Brad’ we are told is sailing around Baltic States for the next month and will lock global support to rid the country of Hubert Ingraham.

BP can also confirm high-level trips continues to be had by the Party’s Deputy Leader, Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, who has made three trips to Europe in the last month.

“We will back the PLP this time around. Hubert Ingraham’s record to the investment community is that he has forced before the courts millions of dollars worth of potential investments earmarked for Bahamians. We had hoped to long complete our own investment in the country and employ 270 workers in the northern Bahamas alone, but thanks to Hubert Ingraham and his government, they stopped, reviewed and cancelled our project. What is left we will use to get rid of him,” a major investor told BP.

There will Be NO retreat and NO Surrender!



  2. Now we agree it is spiraling let us agree on one thing. Let us agree to FIRE the current captain.

    Let US BE BRAVE to rehire CHRISTIE and CHANGE the course of this country!


  3. None of the above please.
    If HI or PC become PM again in 2012 I fear the Bahamas will just keep spiraling down into the Pits of hell as it is now. Neither of them are good for the advancement of the Bahamas, time for someone new.

  4. PC again!!! I guess he will be promising heaven on earth this time around. We’ve seen Christie before and this country sure as hell don’t need to see him again. Please spare us – this country deserves more. Hype will not do it.

  5. LOL! So all we are playing is pass the parcel! Christie again when we have already see just how weak he is! I say any party that puts forth new leadership will attract the majority. I shudder to think about another term of Christie’s incompetence!

  6. This man is worst than kadafi! He is a desperate man, and anyone who follows him will follow him to hell. Have you all forgotten how nasty and lifeless this town was when he was in power…all he did was rode around in the peoples cars, arrogant and pompous, hungry for power! If he really had your interest at heart, he would be doing great things, even if he was not in power. Real humanatarians toil long hours helping people, perry toils inciting violence and rage in people, with one goal in mind, to seize power so he and all those opportunist can get the hands back in our treasury. Heads need to roll..investigations need to be carried out, this man borders on Hate!

  7. More than two decades of Christie and Ingraham is a bit much for Bahamians to bare. Time for new blood. Regrettably, our tired Westminster system puts way too much power in the hands of party delegates who by themselves choose our leaders. And because party delegates are controlled by party leaders, ………should I explain further? If it were up to the electorate, neither Christie nor Ingraham would lead the government beyond 2012. If, however, party delegates present us with the tired and out-dated leaderships of Christie or Ingraham, the choice is clear: reject the timid leadership of Perry Christie who is plenty fluff and talk and no action; and support the leadership of Hubert Ingraham who has a proven and progressive record of solid development and getting the work done. It’s a no-brainer, really!

  8. The time has come for all who believe in progress and freedom of expression to gather behind one Leader cool PC and assist in saving our country from bankruptcy,incompeteness,nepotism,biggetness,apathy,dumbness.I could go on and on but am satisfied that the fencesitters and those who are blind get the picture.Under these louses Bahamian mothers and fathers cannot tell their children to aspire to be like … Papa is killing many dreams.

    • Way to go Perry,you were ahead of your time with a vision that would have left the Bahamas in position that the world would have envied.You can do it again.Go for it the Bahamas is now a O world Nation.We are not even in the ball park any more.My friends in Jamica and The US are now laughing at us.How low have we fallen.But this is what you get when you holla I want a KING.

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