Government appears to be running rudderless and is rife with indecision…

Some PLPs will show up at FNM Mass Rally this coming Tuesday just two years of Christie Governance….INDECISION ROCKS GOVERNMENT!
Nassau, Bahamas — The Free National Movement is set to hold a Mass ‘Come Back Home’ rally just outside the FNM headquarters on Mackey Street this Tuesday at 6:30pm.
According to sources connected to the Party, “These are extraordinary times in the life of the country and it is time for us to began having public conversations with the People of the Bahamas. Clearly the ‘lost’ government of the Christie administration with its inaction and do-nothing style is not the model Bahamians voted for almost two years ago. We in the FNM plan to remind Bahamians of this failed group, who to this day, cannot account for any landmark changes since being elected to office.”
Just a few weeks ago the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Hubert Minnis claimed that, “…this government is more lost than the Malaysian Airline the world is looking for.”
What is also concerning is the fact that some are wondering if the Government is “WELL” enough to govern.
Since coming to office on May 7th, 2012 a number of critical initiatives and promises by the Christie Government have sat idle with no plans as to when they will be accomplished.
According to one PLP insider reading BP, “I don’t know what the government is doing these days. It agreed to regulate gaming, but then stopped. It agreed to commit protection for lenders in the Borrower’s Protection Bill and then that died in committee. They promised to have a Referendum since last year on major constitutional changes, and today no one in the government can tell you where that is? They agreed to save homeowners and even had Hubert Ingraham agree that the plan was “DOABLE” but now even that is dead in the water and they could not even save Ishmael Lightbourne’s home from being foreclosed on.
“The Christie Government is more than lost. They have climbed into what I describe as ‘Political Quicksand’, and they are chin deep in it! They appear now as lost on plans to combat crime, lost on ideas to stimulate the economy and lost on any possibility to ‘Believe in Bahamians’ or young people for that matter.
“Christie’s ‘band of new generation dreamers’ were filled with bright ideas in 2012, but ask any of them where they are now and they cannot tell you. They are running a rudderless Government and the captain is lost!”
Just last week the Christie Cabinet confirmed plans to derail VAT implementation, which was slated for this year. When that proposal to overhaul the tax regime of the country will be introduced is still unknown and once again no one in the Christie Government can tell the country for sure when or if VAT will be implemented.
The shuffling do-nothing Christie Regime is committed to Carnival, Mardi Gras and Masquerading in the streets though – but even that event is yet to be realized.
What is clear is the fact that Christie and his band of marionettes have gone in the business of “SELLING DREAMS”; problem for them is – The Bahamian People are not buying it and are looking for Change.
Boy, I tell ya – If ya don’t laugh you will cry!
Looks like those in the Christie Regime will soon be packing their bags.