The Holiday season is fast approaching. It will usher in a revitalized sense of vigor and vitality as we move about to shop and attend various social and church events.

Many persons in our Bahamas have experienced hardship and financial despair due to the current economic climate. In the midst of this darkness however, the light of the human spirit shines through from acts of kindness and generosity, helping our neighbors in need.
During 2012, there has been many unfortunate and untimely deaths that occurred on our streets, bringing families to their knees, creating orphans and painful memories for loved ones to carry.
As we enter a new year, we must keep our faith that the Prince of Peace would cover our land to curb the senseless loss of cherished Bahamian lives. We must find ways to work together in love and peace for our sake and for future generations.
It is my sincere hope that we will all have a safe and Merry Christmas this year and that we go into the New Year with renewed hope, peace and love.