Church installs two new Canons to serve in ministry – Frs. Crosley Walkine and Sebastian Campbell elevated in the Church!


With the Vicar-general Dean Patrick Adderley’s retirement eminent – will the Church now promote greater diversity and elevate a Woman into the leadership of the Bishop’s Cabinet?

Two new Canons of the Church installed into their seat in the Cathedral - Fr. Crosley Walkine -left- and Fr. Sebastian Campbell -right-.

Could Anglicans handle a Female Bishop Appointment in the Future?

Bishop Laish Zane Boyd at the service formally appointing two new Canons to his Cabinet.

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press representatives were on the ground at Christ Church Cathedral this past Tuesday to join the great cloud of witnesses to see the installation of two new Canons of the Church into their seat in the Cathedral.

Rector of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church Fr. Crosley Newton Walkine, who joined the Priesthood in 1984 was seated in the Stall of St. David of Wales.

Rector of St. Gregory the great Fr. Soloman Sebastian Campbell, who joined the Priesthood in 1982, was seated in the Stall of Augustine of Hippo, North Africa.

Both Canon posts became available following the retirement of Anglican Priests Frs. Delano Archer and Dr. Kirkley Sands.

The service, celebrated in Evening Song worship and praise to God for the ministries of the men, was packed to the seating capacity of the Cathedral and was joined by noted dignitaries: Lady Joan Foulkes, Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis. Ministers Fred Mitchell and Shane Gibson also were present. The Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis was also there.

The beautiful Ms Keva Bethel reading the second lesson.

The installation exercise was carried out by Bishop of the Bahamas Including the Turks and Cacios Islands Rt. Rev’d Laish Zane Boyd and he was assist by Retired Bishop His Grace Rt. Rev’d Drexel W. Gomez and Assistant Bishop William Thompson.

The Evening Song was sung by The Rev. Norman Lightbourne, rector of Holy Cross Parish.

What was shocking and indeed surprising was the fact that outside ZNS and BP, not one single member of the wutless media of the Bahamas was present – NOT ONE OTHER WAS THERE! Amazing INDEED! None of the misfits of media showed their ugly head – boy – The devil hate church and the people of GOD!

Meanwhile, BP’s senior man and lead Editor was on the ground in Cathedral to oversee the installation. We welcome this elevation of the two distinguished priests who are now charged to uphold the hand of the Bishop in conquering evil and promoting truth. We praise God for them, their families and their ministries.

The question now circulating throughout the Cathedral is this: Will the Anglican Church now soon install a WOMAN around that advisory table of the Bishop? The Anglican Church is now represented by a number of women priests who are active in ministry. Seeing that the Dean is set to retire – what will the upcoming Synod do to make sure that women are represented among the leadership structure of the Diocese. This is something all Anglicans should now be considering. Whispers are being to swirl that the Dean should be appointed Suffragan Bishop and afford the Diocese his gathered wisdom to assist in charting the way forward for the church. BP is in deep prayer over these transitions.

Bless the Lord!

We report yinner decide!

Vicar-general and the second most powerful man in the Diocese - Dean Patrick Adderley could be appointed Suffragan Bishop as he is set to vacate the post as Dean of the Cathedral. Who will replace the Dean?
Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie and his trusted vicroy Philip Brave Davis in the packed Cathedral just following a Cabinet Meeting Tuesday night. The Leader of the opposition was also present.
Fr. Crosley Newton Walkine being install by Bishop Boyd and the Dean.
Canon Walkine being taken to his Stall in the Cathedral.
Fr. Solomon Sebastian Campbell seated in his Stall in the Cathedral.
The Faithful singing.

The Marshall Brothers represented in the Cathedral - Vincent and Richard just had to be there to witness history...

Signing the oaths is Canon Campbell.

Dr. Hubert Minnis arriving at the Cathedral.
Mrs Iris Finlayson and Fr. Campbell before Mass.
Dean Adderley takes Canon Campbell to his Stall in the Cathedral.
Canon Walkine signing the oaths to his office.