City of Freeport Council Unveils Bus Stop Benches



The City of Freeport Council will install twelve bus stop benches at various locations throughout the Freeport district. At a press conference held Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at Frobisher Drive & Pioneer’s Way, members of the Council unveiled one of  the new benches. From left are Sueqette Basden, Executive Officer; Clement Campbell, Council Member; April Crowther-Gow, Deputy Chief Councillor; Administrator A.E. Williams; Chief Councillor, Anita Doherty; Melvina Albury, Council Member; Joanna Newton Russell, Councillor; Stephanie Rahming, Assistant Controller, Department of Road Traffic. (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn) 


  1. Very impressive to see that it takes 8 persons posing to take credit for 12 unimpressive, run-of-the-mill benches to be installed on our island.

    But I’m sure this is the best way to spend the funds and talents of these people. It is not like Freeport has more pressing issues to deal with…

    Now… how much money and time has been (and will be) wasted on this?

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