COB students threatened by crime and injustices on campus


A Letter to the BP Editor

Dear Editor,

I hope this email finds you well. The crime situation on the Main Campus has been an issue for quite some time now. Being located in the midst of high crime areas like Bain Town, Big Pond, Rock Crusher, and Grants Town, students have been told to be on high alert and to avoid putting themselves in positions to become victims. We, the College of the Bahamas Union of Students (COBUS), have pleaded and alerted the Administration to do more to ensure that students’ safety is a priority but it is evident that we must take the matter into our own hands. In doing so, firstly, we would like to let the public know that this issue has been going on for far too long with too little urgency.

The campus is currently being renovated and the parking lot has been cut down in size to facilitate the building supplies. Students must now park in the rear of the parking lot which is far from the security booth and known for being an area where many students get robbed or are more prone to be victims of crime. The campus is not equipped with adequate lighting thus leaving many dark areas for criminals to act out. In the past week, there have been robberies on campus during the day when the campus has the most traffic. Security was not there for those students and many of them were assaulted before they were robbed. Luckily, no one was drastically injured but we should not wait until that happens.

Students should not have to worry about their safety when they are paying for a quality education and trying to better themselves. Before we can move to university status, the college needs to provide a safe and secure environment that in conducive to positive learning and student safety. It is actually really disappointing that the media has to get involved, but it is obvious that we are not being heard. If the administration won’t take this matter seriously, COBUS, the voice of the students, have no problem speaking out for them and shedding some needed light on this problem.

If you are interested in receiving more information, please reply back as soon as possible. You can contact the COBUS office at 302-4562 or you can email the President of COBUS, Mr. Alphonso Major, at

Sincerely Yours,
Yamease T. Swain
Public Relations Officer
Nominating Chairperson
Upsilon Zeta Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.