Coca-Cola Names First Batch of Happy Pics Winners


Week One Coca-Cola HAPPY PICS Winner.

By Diane Phillips & Associates

Nassau, Bahamas – It was stiff competition during the first judging session of happy picture submissions in the Coca-Cola HAPPY PICS contest. Judges spent nearly three hours poring over 400 photos of smiling babies, happy puppies, silly expressions and other memorable moments.

“The response from the public has been overwhelming and we’re so pleased that participants are capturing their happy moments and sharing it with us,” said Michelle Lewis, marketing manager, Caribbean Bottling Company (Bahamas) Ltd. “We hope that the spirits of the persons who view and vote on the photos are also uplifted during the eight-week long campaign.”

Submissions ran the full gamut, from baby christenings, weddings to group shots of friends all with an underlying theme of happiness. Five winners were chosen. The overall champ for the first week was Leondre Pierre-Louis who won a 15” laptop for his excited pose while attending a party.

“During the remaining weeks, we will continue to look for the most creative expressions of joy and happiness in the photo submissions we receive,” Lewis added.

Prizes range from iPod Nanos to digital cameras, 15.6’ laptops, PSP 3000 Core Pack, to 32-inch LCD TV screens, dock clock radios for iPods and iPhones to PC notebooks and Coca-Cola products. HAPPY PICS is a component of Coca-Cola’s Open Happiness initiative launched in January 2009. For further information and contest rules, visit: