NASSAU| Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King attended the official closing out and
pinning ceremony of the Bahamas Coalition of Advocates for Disability Awareness and Services (BaCADAS) Beep Baseball Inclusion Camp.
Back on July 2 2022 Commodore King officially addressed the group where he was the keynote speaker for the inaugural opening ceremony of this prestigious event where he brought fruitful yet admirable remarks, as it is the first of its kind to have ever been established by BaCADAS. In his message, he highlighted the theme “Closer to Inclusion for all” stating how it speaks volumes about what has been accomplished by this organization and the strides that are currently in motion towards the goals set.
That inclusion is about identifying and removing barriers so that everyone can participate to the best of their ability.
Following the historic launch, the camp began its initial phase back on July 12 at the Sybil Strachan Primary School with a total of twenty-one young and vibrant individuals inclusive of those who were blind and visually impaired. From there these eager individuals took part in various program exercises which include simulation exercises, adjustment to blindness, introduction to sign language, and even motivational and inspirational presentations.
Commodore King was named the patron of the camp and was the official God-father of the Beep-Ball program which held a survival swim and hike on Saturday 13 August 2022. Commodore King has rendered selfless service to the Bahamas
The Coalition of Advocates for Disability Awareness for years is passionate about the well-being of the community and persons with disabilities. He has assisted with projects since 2018 and he was awarded the icon award for “Individual of the Year” in 2021. The RBDF fully supports the BaCADAS and has assisted on numerous occasions over the years under the leadership of Commodore King.
Camp Inclusion was designed to foster relationships between adolescents with and without disabilities in an effort to help to create advocates for disability awareness in this country. It is anticipated that the camp becomes an annual event and that the Beep Ball sport will become popular across the island of the Bahamas.
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force remains committed to assisting and supporting the community of persons with disabilities wherever possible.