Commission of Inquiry Report on Misick Government SHOCKING!!!


Bahamas Press releases the full report of the Commission of Inquiry on the Misick Government in TCI. Report from Sir Robin Auld plus Draft Copy of Order in Council reveals shocking revelations and the direction for the country. One includes suspending the constitution.



  1. EDITORIAL – Blunder in Turks and Caicos

    Published: Wednesday | March 18, 2009

    Gordon Brown, Britain’s prime minister, even as an architect of New Labour, maintained his reputation as a bit of a ‘progressive’. Globally, he carefully nurtured that image, as sponsor and promoter of initiatives for economic development and democracy, particularly in Africa.

    Indeed, Mr Brown’s reasoned and reasonable tones, even as he inveighed against despots, never conveyed, as is too often the case with Western leaders, a sense of inherent superiority, or an assumption of incapacity in others to manage their affairs. He appeared to understand the wisdom of people-building institutions rather than others attempting to impose their own vision of the universe.

    That is why we are surprised at the decision by Gordon Brown’s government to reimpose on the Turks and Caicos Islands what, essentially, is basic Crown colony status – no matter how the act has been cloaked, or how tightly embraced by the territory’s governor, Gordon Wetherell. Such a fundamental decision would have been beyond Governor Wetherall’s unilateral authority and would, therefore, have to be sanctioned by Wetherell and, ultimately, by Mr Brown and his Cabinet.

    Full British control

    The bottom line, though, is that this action represents the most regressive constitutional action by the British in the Caribbean since their 1968 intervention in Anguilla when they guaranteed Ronald Webster’s cession from what was then St Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla and Anguilla’s return to full British control.

    At least 40 years ago, the Anguillans claimed legitimate grouses against the union’s senior partner, St Kitts, and the territory’s pre-independence premier, Robert Bradshaw. Mr Webster’s fear, too, that Mr Bradshaw would seek to “retake” Anguilla by force of arms might have been real.

    But in the four decades since the British ‘Red Devils’ landed in the shrubs of The Valley, to be greeted by nothing more hostile than grazing goats, much has happened in decolonisation and constitutional development in the Caribbean.

    Most of the former British Associated States have gained independence and Crown colonies have been elevated to that in-between status of substantial internal authority while Britain retains responsibility for foreign affairs and defence. The Turks and Caicos Islands, among those that have eschewed full independence, are among this broad category of so-called dependent territories.

    Constitution overthrown

    But this week, Gordon Brown’s government in London decided that the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands were, at least for the next two years, incapable of managing their own affairs. The existing constitution was overthrown.

    The trigger was the findings of a British inquiry into corruption against ousted premier Michael Misick and his administration. In language typical of another era, the commission’s chairman, Sir Robin Auld, found “clear signs of political amorality and immaturity and general administrative incompetence”. These shortcomings are to be fixed by giving Governor Wetherell authority to exercise, in his own discretion, the powers previously vested in ministers. The legislature and the executive branches of government were dissolved.

    It might be recalled that Mr Misick, in the face of a revolt by his party, including a confidence vote, offered to resign – the kinds of things that happen when democratic governments face such stresses. Or, that there is an opposition party waiting in the wings.

    But Gordon Brown’s government apparently does not think that these self-right aspects of democracy, with the support of the courts, can work in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Why?

    The opinions on this page, except for the above, do not necessarily reflect the views of The Gleaner. To respond to a Gleaner editorial, email us: or fax: 922-6223. Responses should be no longer than 400 words. Not all responses will be published.

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