Committee Reports on Investigate Sexual Allegations at Eight Mile Rock High



Members of the House of Assembly Select Committee to Investigate the Eight Mile Rock High School Sexual Misconduct Allegations are pictured during a press briefing at the Office of The Prime Minister in Freeport on Friday. From left: Obie Wilchcombe, MP for West End and Bimini; Glenys Hanna-Martin, Chairperson and MP for Engleston; Kwasi Thompson, Deputy Speaker of the House and MP for Pineridge; and Maurice Tynes, Chief Clerk of the House of Assembly.

FREEPORT, GB — The House of Assembly Select Committee to investigate the Eight Mile Rock High School Sexual Misconduct Allegations was in Grand Bahama on Friday to meet with witnesses.

In late April of last year in wake of several allegation of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of students at the Eight Mile Rock High School, allegedly perpetrated by a teacher at that school, the House of Assembly agreed to the appointment of the Committee to investigate the allegations.

The Committee was formed to review and consider all matters pertaining to allegations of sexual abuse and sexual molestation at the Eight Mile Rock High School and all matters related thereto and an inquiry into procedures and protocols of the Ministry of Education relative to allegations of sexual abuse, sexual molestation, and any form of sexual misconduct in the Public School System with powers to send for persons and papers, with leave to sit from place to place and with leave to sit during the recess.

Committee members include Glenys Hanna-Martin, Chairperson and MP for Englerston; the Hon Loretta Butler-Turner, Minister of State for Social Services; Obie Wilchcombe, MP for West End and Bimini; Kwasi Thompson, Deputy Speaker and MP for Pineridge and Kenyatta Gibson, MP for Kennedy.

Since most of the critical witnesses reside on the island of Grand Bahama it was the Committee’s desire to travel to the island.

The Committee heard from a number of persons including the school’s former principal, teachers, Department of Social Services personnel, Ministry of Education officials, Police Officers, PTA officials, parent and students of the school on Friday.
Also travelling with the Committee was the Chief Clerk of the House of Assembly, Maurice Tynes. The Committee met with witnesses in a closed session in the Board Room at the Office of the Prime Minister.