Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Arthur Campbell who were married this morning at St. George's Anglican Church - May God Bless Them!


  1. You know this is the same reason why I didn’t want to post this message. Some VICKED Bahamians don’t know how to behave. SMT! Leave this fine couple alone PEOPLE! SHE GAT THE MAN! DAS DAT!

    • Congratulations to you both. You had a trully wonderful wedding and Mrs Campbell, you were a beautiful bride. All the best as you journey towards “The Golden Pond” together.

  2. Gee, not a week has passed and the haters are all over them. If its love and meant to be it will work out no matter what. I wish my friend the best!!

  3. I can not ask God to bless this marriage. This woman sweet-hearted Arthur while he was married to another woman. I just do not now how this works. I will pray that God grant you both grace because what goes around, comes around it is just a matter of time.

  4. I would to like to add my congratulations to my very good friend Arthur & his beautiful wife. May God continue to bless you both

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